Cryonics Institute, Clinton Township, MI Videos

Videos by Cryonics Institute in Clinton Township. We specialize in the cryo-preservation of humans and pets, DNA & tissue storage as well as cryonics

The Cryonics Institute offers the public cryonic suspensions of the highest quality at the lowest reasonable cost. This has been our mission since 1976, when CI was founded by Robert C.W. Ettinger, the scientist who founded the cryonics movement. Our goal is to preserve life at liquid nitrogen temperatures until the day when medical technologies mature to the point where our patients can be successfully revived to new life, health and even renewed youth.

Cryonics offers a second chance at life. Not surprisingly, the Cryonics Institute is not the sole organization advancing this revolutionary concept.

However, as the stewards of Robert Ettinger’s legacy, we believe the Cryonics Institute is the organization most vested in advancing cryonics, and as such, offers significant advantages over other cryonic suspension providers. For more information visit our website at

Other Cryonics Institute videos

WHY CHOOSE CI? The Cryonics Institute offers the public cryonic suspensions of the highest quality at the lowest reasonable cost. This has been our mission since 1976, when CI was founded by Robert C.W. Ettinger, the scientist who founded the cryonics movement. Our goal is to preserve life at liquid nitrogen temperatures until the day when medical technologies mature to the point where our patients can be successfully revived to new life, health and even renewed youth. Cryonics offers a second chance at life. Not surprisingly, the Cryonics Institute is not the sole organization advancing this revolutionary concept. However, as the stewards of Robert Ettinger’s legacy, we believe the Cryonics Institute is the organization most vested in advancing cryonics, and as such, offers significant advantages over other cryonic suspension providers. For more information visit our website at

The Cryonics Institute Annual General Meeting recorded Sunday, September 11, 2022 in Clinton Township, MI.

Cryonics Institute Interview with David Ettinger

Interview with David Ettinger

Cryonics Institute