The Arc of Macomb County, Clinton Township, MI Videos

Videos by The Arc of Macomb County in Clinton Township. The Arc of Macomb, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership association composed of people with disa

Today is Action Alert Wednesday and Michigan's Direct Care Workers still need your help! ⬇️
✅Many individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities rely on support from Direct Care Workers for everyday activities such as: meal preparation, basic cleaning, shopping, practicing safety skills, learning coping strategies, improving communication skills, and learning universal job tasks.
✅At The Arc of Macomb, we believe that Direct Care Workers deserve a livable wage and benefits to match that.
⭐️Join us in taking action to ensure these critical support staff get the raise they deserve, so our most vulnerable can receive the services they need!

⭐️Have you been negatively impacted by the Direct Care Worker crisis? We would love to hear your story, email [email protected] to share how this crisis has impacted you or your loved one.

Other The Arc of Macomb County videos

Today is Action Alert Wednesday and Michigan's Direct Care Workers still need your help! ⬇️ ✅Many individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities rely on support from Direct Care Workers for everyday activities such as: meal preparation, basic cleaning, shopping, practicing safety skills, learning coping strategies, improving communication skills, and learning universal job tasks. ✅At The Arc of Macomb, we believe that Direct Care Workers deserve a livable wage and benefits to match that. ⭐️Join us in taking action to ensure these critical support staff get the raise they deserve, so our most vulnerable can receive the services they need! ⭐️Have you been negatively impacted by the Direct Care Worker crisis? We would love to hear your story, email [email protected] to share how this crisis has impacted you or your loved one.

Lisa Lepine at the press conference!

Great turnout for #SaturdaySeries! Thanks Lauri and Fred from @rideSMART for teaching us about SMART Bus systems!

#FreshMarketPopUps was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who bought lunch! Looking forward to next week - come join us for a yummy, affordable lunch! Fresh Market Cafe

What can YOU do?
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. #WhatCanYouDo? #NDEAM