Wholehearted Healing

Wholehearted Healing

𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝
integrative bodywork
energy work

Photos from Wholehearted Healing's post 09/02/2022

Have you ever gotten to the end of your massage and wished you could stay just a little longer?

With a Radiant Rest session, receive a full body massage, followed by a massage for your nervous system (yoga nidra).

Talk about ✨ Ultimate Relaxation ✨

Click on the link in my bio to schedule a session today 🗓😴

Photos from Wholehearted Healing's post 09/01/2022


Are you ready to get out of your analytical mind and tap into the wisdom of your body?

Notice what happens when you become deeply present and release tension in your physical, emotional and energetic bodies.

Experience balance throughout your entire being when you combine Reiki and yoga nidra.

Follow the link in my bio to schedule your next session!

Balanced Bliss can be found under ‘Wellness’ sessions 🧘🏼‍♀️

Photos from Wholehearted Healing's post 08/31/2022

Just as our mind affects our body, what we do with our bodies can shift our mood.

Aches and pains in the physical body are hard to ignore. And when we’re not moving through the world with ease, it can make life feel un-enjoyable.

Receiving regular massage and bodywork is an amazing foundation for the practice of body awareness.

Massage offers an opportunity to check in with your physical body, noticing any areas of pain, tension or discomfort. Releasing tension allows us to move through life with more ease.

Receiving a massage will have you feeling as though your body has fully exhaled!

Follow the link in my bio to schedule a massage today 💆🏼‍♀️


One of the most common questions people ask is… what is your massage style? 💆🏼‍♀️

I prefer to go with the flow versus the old time motto of ‘no pain, no gain’

I use a combination of modalities that I’ve learned over the years ~ always following the path of least resistance to help your body relax and unwind 👐🏼

Photos from Wholehearted Healing's post 08/01/2022

1-1 Yoga Nidra sessions are only $50 through the month of August!

For a limited time, I am offering a live 1-1 transmission of a Yoga Nidra experience I created around the theme of rest and relaxation.


🤍 Improved sleep, health, happiness and integration of your whole being

🤍 Provides deep rest and
stress relief

🤍 Cultivates mind-body awareness

🤍 Increases health, happiness,
and life outlook

🤍 Improves memory, concentration, creativity, intuition, and spontaneity

🤍 Helps develop compassion, clarity, trust, and peace

🤍 Additionally, Yoga nidra has been used to treat insomnia, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

Book a 1-1 Yoga Nidra session at Wholehearted Healing and experience the benefits for yourself!

Link in my bio to book now 🤍


Hello friends 🤍

How is everyone’s summer going? If it's going anything like mine, it has been crazy busy!

Many of you know that in June I took some time off of work and spent it learning more about the Japanese energy healing and relaxation technique known as Reiki.

Since the beginning of May, I've also been diving deep into my studies of Yoga Nidra. If you didn't catch my post about it, Yoga Nidra is a state of deep, conscious rest. A state where we are able to heal at an energetic and mental level. A trained teacher will guide you towards this restful state through various modalities including: body scan, breath awareness and visualizations.

I really cannot say enough good things about Yoga Nidra. This practice is for anybody. If you're curious, please reach out or book a session!

⚠️ Now, for the big announcements: ⚠️

1. With the addition of Yoga Nidra to my list of services, I will no longer be offering Craniosacral Fascial Therapy. I will still be offering the services of Wellness Massage and Reiki.

2. As of August 1st, I will no longer be located inside of Inner Space. I am relocating to Serendipity Spa in Clive

If you book an appointment for August 1st or later, please come see me in my new space at Serendipity Spa

2190 NW 82nd Street, Suite 4
Clive, Iowa

I look forward to offering you the same heart centered care for your whole being in my new location.

With love and gratitude,
Elizabeth Rose

Photos from Wholehearted Healing's post 06/05/2022

how does one live and heal wholeheartedly? 🤷🏼‍♀️

it begins with the commitment to show up for yourself

it begins with believing that you are worthy of your heart's deepest desires

believing that you are worthy of rest and relaxation

believing that you are worthy of love

it evolves into finding the courage to be yourself and live authentically 🦋

it evolves into compassion and connection with others 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼

it evolves into physical, emotional and spiritual healing 🧘🏼‍♀️

you may not even realize at the time that you are healing. but one day you will have an aha moment. a moment of clarity. the lightbulb inside clicks on💡

you will begin to realize that you are so much more than your physical body

you are so much more than your emotions

you are so much more than your thoughts
. . . .

I don't claim to have all of the answers. Only you know what's truly best for yourself. I'm here as a guide, offering a variety of healing modalities that will lead you on your own wholehearted healing journey. A journey back to your most authentic self, whatever that looks like for you. My one promise is to make sure that you always feel deeply, seen, heard and nourished.

with love
elizabeth rose



I have some exciting things going on in June…

After 4 years of practicing Reiki on myself, friends, family and most recently my clients I have decided to take part in a Reiki Master training. I am so excited to deepen my understanding of Reiki and continue to embody and share it with all of you. After my training, I will be taking some time off to rest and integrate.

With that being said, my availability will be limited throughout the month of June. My schedule is already starting to fill up. So if you know that you want or need to get in with me, PLEASE be sure to book any appointments in advance!

Thank you all so much for your love and support 💗

With love and gratitude,


Yoga nidra = yoga of sleep 💤

Yes, you read that right. Yoga nidra is typically practiced lying down in Savasana.

The practice of yoga nidra begins by setting an intention (sankalpa). This may be a specific goal, or a quality you would like to embody.

A teacher will then guide you to bring your attention to different parts of the body, leading you into a deep state of relaxation.

You will seemingly float between the waking and sleeping state, where you have access to the subconscious mind. It is here where you will plant your intention.

Yoga nidra is a state of consciousness. A state of conscious rest. Upon 'waking' from this state, many report:
• feeling refreshed or well rested
• increased clarity and connection to their inner knowing (intuition)
• feeling peaceful

Other benefits of yoga nidra include, but are not limited to:
• reduced stress
• calming of the nervous system
• overall better health

It is difficult to truly capture the essence of yoga nidra; it's something you must experience for yourself.

If you're interested in learning more or experiencing yoga nidra, follow along as I dive deeper into my studies! If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
. .

Timeline photos 02/08/2022

Let's talk about the word healing…

When I use the word healing in my practice, it does not refer to my ability to cure any ailment, illness or disease.
Healing is something that your body has the ability to do on it's own… we just have to provide the right conditions for it to do so.

One of these 'right conditions' that I'm referring to is deep relaxation. Stillness.

The healing modalities that I offer (massage, Reiki and craniosacral fascial therapy) all allow for deep relaxation and connection to your body's innate wisdom.

However, it's not me who is doing the healing. That's all you. I am purely here to guide your body into a state of deep relaxation. My hands bring awareness to those parts of you that you have long forgotten about.

We become so busy with our day-to-day lives and begin to neglect our physical bodies. We become less and less aware of the messages that it is constantly trying to send us. Sometimes we just ignore the messages, or write the aches and pains off as 'normal'.

It is in stillness that we are able to listen to the messages that our body is trying to send us.

When we give our body permission to rest and relax, we allow for the healing process to begin.
. .

So what is healing?

Healing is recognizing that the pain, tension, illness or disease is your body's way of dealing with imbalances or blocked energy in the body.

Healing is recognizing that our thoughts and feelings may begin to manifest as physical illness and/or pain.

Healing is taking the time for yourself to slow down and let go of all of your responsibilities. Letting go of all your limiting thoughts, ideas and beliefs that you have about yourself.
. .

What are your favorite healing modalities?


⭐️ Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) blends two established modalities of Cranial Sacral Therapy and Myofascial Release Therapy.

It is based on the theory that craniosacral and fascial systems are not separate, but ONE interconnected system! 🌌

🌀 CFT gently unwinds and releases accumulated fascial strain for optimal mobility and better brain function. It facilitates the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to help nourish and detoxify the body and brain.

🧠 The craniosacral system includes the structures of the brain, spinal cord and sacrum that gently pump cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

💧 CSF is clear, colorless fluid found in the fascia network of the brain, spine and body. It provides shock absorption, nutrient delivery and detoxification.

🌊 Craniosacral structures experience subtle motion in response to the cycle of the brain. Decreased craniosacral motion can indicate diminished function that may cause pain and/or dysfunction anywhere in the body.

🕸Fascia is a continuous layered web of connective tissue that surrounds all structures of the body and brain. It is made of collagen tubules containing cerebrospinal fluid that provides fluidity and glide for optimal mobility and function of tissue.

🪢 Fascia thickens in response to injury and trauma, creating areas of strain. Unreleased fascial strain may result in structural distortions as well as decreased volume and quality of craniosacral motion.

⚡️Physical-emotional traumas tighten a free moving system by exerting pressure on nerves, muscles, organs, blood and lymph vessels, and bones.

✨Releasing fascia tightness allows the cranial bones and sacrum to correct, optimizing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.


✨ As promised, I have opened up my availability for 2022!

My availability is as follows:
• Monday: 10:30am - 6:30pm
• Tuesday: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
• Wednesday: 10:30am - 6:30pm
• Friday: 5:00pm-8:00pm
• Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm

✨ Please note that I am only available 2-3 Saturdays each month. So if you are a Saturday person, make sure you schedule your appointments out in advance, as these times tend to fill up the quickest!

I look forward to working with you and helping take care of your mind and body this year 🙂

✨ Services I offer:
• Therapeutic Massage
• Reiki
• Cupping
• Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

with love and gratitude,
elizabeth rose



This message has been showing up a lot for me the past few days. It started with the Flow State event I attended on Friday night, hosted by .niichel at

✨ It was a truly beautiful experience full of connection, support, breathwork, kriya and ecstatic dance. Towards the end of the evening, we gathered into two small circles and did what I would call eye-gazing. Eye-gazing is the act of looking into someone’s eyes for an extended amount of time. It’s a very powerful and a very intimate practice. And I would be lying if I said that not a single tear was shed.

✨ It is hard to express how loved and supported and seen I felt in that moment. How connected I felt to everyone in the room. Everyone instinctively placed their hands over their hearts, or brought their hands into a prayer position at heart center.

✨Fast forward to this morning. I began my morning by reading this excerpt from ‘The Secret Power of Yoga’ by Nischala Joy Devi in which she talks about the yoga sutra ‘yogah chitta vritti nirodahah’ :

“Chit is pure universal consciousness and chitta is the same consciousness individually expressed. Chit is the ocean of consciousness, vast and unlimited. At birth each of us gathers a small quantity of this vastness and encases it in the temple of our hearts as chitta, individual consciousness.

Consciousness abides in the heart, not in the mind, as many believe. 💞

Notice your hand gestures when you are speaking to someone about who you are. Gesturing to my heart when I say ‘I am (insert your name here)’ reveals the truth: I LIVE RIGHT HERE IN MY HEART.”

✨ Even my teabag had the same message for me this morning:
‘We all want to be understood, to be acknowledged, to be loved’

I’m not sure where I’m going with all of this. I just felt called to share some inspiration this morning.

Just know that I am here for you and I see you 👁

The divine light within me honors the divine light within each and every one of you 💫


Grateful for these kind words from one of my clients 💕



World Kindness Day is about recognizing that kindness and compassion for others is what binds us all together.

Being kind doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. The smallest gestures make the biggest difference!

In fact, most gestures of kindness are 💯 percent FREE:

🙂 Smiling. One smile can change someone’s entire day. Seriously, try it.

🙏🏼 Gratitude. Thank the universe for a blessing or a lesson in disguise. Tell someone “thank you for being you” or “thank you for being such a good _______ (partner, friend, coworker, etc.) Get creative. There are so many things to be grateful for.

🤗 Give someone a hug. The longer, the better. (Always ask permission before giving someone a hug! )

🚙 Wave someone in front of you in traffic. Both cars and pedestrians. I don’t know about you, but I feel instant gratitude when someone does this for me.

🧾 Write a note on the receipt at a restaurant for your server. Maybe it hasn’t been their day, their week, their month, or even their year (see what I did there?) Coming from a former service industry worker, a simple “thank you” or “have a great day” will go a long way!

Let’s make every day World Kindness Day. You don’t have to save your kindness for this one day every year.

Your one act of kindness creates a ripple effect. Inspire gratitude in everyone who’s path you cross. Be the change.

Drop your ideas for other acts of kindness in the comments ⬇️


💕 Some kind words from one of my amazing clients 💕


💫 Hours and Availability 💫

My current hours are:
• Monday 10:30a-6:30p
• Tuesday 5p-8p
• Wednesday 10:30a-6:30p

💫 Online booking available via the link in my bio
➡️ www.MassageBook.com/biz/wholeheartedhealing

💫 My hours are currently somewhat limited. This is because I also work at Ames Spine & Sport three days a week and have a booked schedule through the end of the year.

💫 Stay tuned for extended hours and availability in 2022!

⬇️ Tell me in the comments below what your ideal time for a massage would be ⬇️


💫 Self care is all about prioritizing things that are important to you and doing things that make your soul happy. It’s the ability to put yourself first… even if it’s only for a few minutes.

💫 What are you doing today to take care of your mind, body and soul?


⚡️Have you taken the time to listen to your body lately? What is it telling you?

⚡️Aches and pains are often your body’s way of telling you that something is off balance. Receiving a massage is a great way to slow down and listen to what your body has to say.


Hello! For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Elizabeth 🙂 I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist and the Creatrix of Wholehearted Healing.

🌀 Wholehearted Healing was created to provide a safe and relaxing space to encourage deep healing. Our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves, and by cultivating a quiet and calm space we can begin to connect to our body, mind and spirit. 🌀

👐🏼 A session with me typically includes a blend of gentle assisted stretches, flowing relaxation work and deep tissue techniques. I let my intuition guide me to create a massage session that is personally tailored for you and your needs. 💆🏼‍♀️

💕 I’m looking forward to working with you, wherever you are on your own healing journey. I am here to connect with you and nurture you; and I am completely and sincerely devoted to reminding you of your wholeness 💕


✨ Welcome to my treatment room! I offer 60, 90, and 120 minute therapeutic massages. ✨

To book a session visit: www.MassageBook.com/biz/WholeheartedHealing


💫 If you have time before or after your session, feel free to have a seat and relax in the lobby. Refreshments are available for purchase in the cooler 💫


✨Welcome to the lobby of Inner Space! This is the first thing you’ll see when you come in ✨

There is usually someone at the front desk. However, sometimes your appointment may fall outside of their hours and the front door may be locked.

I will do my best to meet you at the front door. You are also welcome to wait in your car and send me a text to let me know you have arrived 💕


Starting November 1st, I will be taking clients in my new space! I am located inside Inner Space Des Moines ✨

To book online, visit:

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116 5th Street
West Des Moines, IA

Opening Hours

Monday 2:30pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday 11:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 2:30pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 11:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 11:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday 10:30am - 3:30pm

Other Massage Therapists in West des Moines (show all)
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815 Office Park Road #2
West Des Moines, 50265

Redefine & Reveal Massage Therapy & Bodywork, LLC Redefine & Reveal Massage Therapy & Bodywork, LLC
950 Office Park Road, Suite #221
West Des Moines, 50265

Redefine & Reveal Massage Therapy and Bodywork- changing the narrative, one massage at a time!

Renew Massage Studio Renew Massage Studio
1308 8th Street, Suite 3
West Des Moines, 50265

Specializing in custom massages, cupping, deep tissue, therapeutic & prenatal massage.

Mallory's Massage Studio Mallory's Massage Studio
1308 8th Street Suite 3
West Des Moines, 50265