Pray Believe Love

Pray Believe Love

Our items promote a positive message that can spark conversation that can impact a person's day or life. Will partner to positively impact your community.

Providing resources to youth & adults to prevent addictions, assist in recovery, & impact community.


The last post/ verse was on hate and the need to stop…

Our next verse will actually border more on a message

Well, of course we can’t leave it there so look forward to at least one more after revenge!

In all things and for all people
Pray Believe Love.



Why is it we, hate?
Why can’t we. to love, gravitate?
God sadly knew the world we’d create…
Too many of us instead of conversing, berate…
By hating others, does our esteem earn a higher rate…?
Think these words n more, can you an I relate?
It takes a Godly village to undo this terrible trait!
Through accepting Christ from the negative we can begin to separate…from hate.
Change n pack the old and get to the lake n toss the
hate crate.
Let’s try for loving spates…
Convo n attitude can be focused being lovingly great
People people people, why against love why do we
procrastinate ?
Why can’t we promote a God first, family centered
and contributing society unified slate?
We’re so damn scared we can’t wish another, have
a great day mate…?!?!
I pray it’s not too late,
To encourage hate,
Be America’s, final, fate
©️07/14/24 Will Smith


This came to mind at church when I overheard a conversation between some of the more elderly folks.
Not judging just let my mind process their convo…

Let’s not kid ourselves.
Life, it’s getting late…
You, me n others have never said, yet wondered.
At what age, is it, when too old to date?
For some, there were love blunders.
Small romance didn’t turn into loves lightening n
For others, no love here, there or even down under.
Factor ones timing, circumstance, n choices.
At what point is no love, simply fate?
Those who believe n pray…
As Paul once wrote for some tis better
to be single as part of God’s grace.
For those fortunate to finally win the love race…
North, south, east or west just where is your joint
home base or place?
Or does the couple ponder two in one or
exclusively date while each keeps their private
Yet for each in home they reserve a common space.
Each still active so there will be at least two
activities slates.
But always reserve that Friday or Saturday date.
Regardless of earthly love, stay true to the Savior
because it is for Him your running the race…
Whether or not you find an earthly love, remember
your faithful to Christ as He is your life’s best help
©️06/30/2024. Will Smith

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 06/06/2024

A MI state of mind...!

What is the STATE of your faith?

Doe your mug runneth over?


Warm up your knowledge now,
so you don't go brrrrrr in November!

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 21/05/2024

Remember, the significance of Memorial Day extends beyond a single day...
It's a reminder of the sacrifices of the lives of Americans, who across all socio-economic and cultural histories who served our country so that we may be free.
Let us unite in gratitude and remembrance of these fine men and women across many decades who made the greatest sacrifice, life, for you, and me....


Do. You. See. It...

Kind of funny don't you think?
I was at a meeting and asked some of the folks around me to look around at the doors...and asked them what they saw.
The ones that saw, enlightened those that didn't...we are the only Bible some will read and we are the only Christ some will see...
Are we living up to being saints or merely hanging around...

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 15/05/2024

When doubt knocks, wear this shirt like armor... Let it remind you that you, are, not alone! Others have walked this path—their footprints mingling with yours. The saints, the seekers, the dreamers—they all wore their faith like a second skin. Faith as sweet as a Georgia peach!
t-shirts, mugs, stickers @


November is coming soon.
Read, question, and educate yourself.

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 07/05/2024

November soon:
Educate yourself and ask questions, responsibly...

Notice the "..." behind WASH???!!

Same for your local and state elections.

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 30/04/2024

Jesus died for the broken, their pieces scattered like shards of glass, and the whole, who still hungered for more. For the lost, stumbling through wilderness, and the found, their eyes lifted to heaven.

Jesus, the embodiment of love, stretched His arms wide on that rugged cross. The blood that flowed was not reserved for a select few—it was a crimson river for all. For you, for me, for the ones who dance under moonlight and the ones who weep in solitude.

So let us remember: His sacrifice transcends borders, defies labels, and whispers, “You are seen. You are loved.” May our lives echo this truth, reaching out to touch others with the same grace that touched us.


Christian or not yet Christian…

Things in your life won’t change until you change;
When will changes begin, when you start…

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 25/04/2024

PRAYBELIEVELOVE.COM knows that every sip is a prayer, every handle a lifeline, and every design a testament to the human spirit.

🌟 Sip from your mug, dear friend, and know that you are seen, cherished, and part of a greater story.

3 sizes available at PRAYBELIEVELOVE.COM

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 23/04/2024

Raise your glass to the heartland, where the seasons change with grace, and the people carry stories etched in their smiles. Ohio, where the sunsets paint the sky in hues of amber and the fireflies dance on summer nights. It’s more than a place—it’s a feeling, a sense of belonging, and a reminder that home is where the heart is. ❤️🌟🌳


Apologies for formatting.


Without verse we mentioned prayers for the Jews.
Did you think we would forget about the non-Jew ?
Israelite, Gentle, or non-Jew, these are people too.
In this conflict/war don’t dismiss any life with a mere achoo…
I would rather for them pray than come a day to rue.
They are people too…
This conflict has many folk feeling beaten n bruised.
And am sure many on all sides are singing the blues…
I see you, but don’t know you, so I no right to accuse.
Violence here without facts doesn’t your
actions excuse…
Only God knows motives and holds all the clues.
We are people too…
Let’s break bread n converse to understand, me n
From he without sin let the first stone be threw…
From appearance don’t judge for the real me,
without speaking with, you never knew.
I am people too…
Though interacting to understand n resolve you and
I both grew…
You are a person too…
We must discuss n resolve what we can for we each
this earthly life we want to get through…
Not too late of me n others to change our mind or
After all…
Regardless of nation, are we not all, people too…?
©️04/20/2024 Will Smith
Note: this doesn’t solve world problems but perhaps
has us stop and consider others differently and act


In a state of Pray Believe Love for New York...


People speak of prayer for Israel…
What exactly to pray for or about?
Not complete list:
Israeli leadership
Military leadership
Civilians and families
Defense systems
God’s protection n deliverance
Long suffering
For allies support
For American leadership to seek God before speaking or acting for Israel
Jewish families USA
Lack of hostile environment for Jews across world

Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 15/04/2024

Every morning, as the sun stretches its golden fingers across the horizon, wrap yourself in the armor of God. It’s not a physical armor, but a spiritual one—a shield of faith, a breastplate of righteousness, a helmet of salvation. Each piece forged in the fires of devotion and prayer.

And don’t forget the great state of Kentucky—its rolling hills, its bluegrass melodies, and its people who live for God. They gather in churches, their voices rising in hymns that echo through the valleys. They extend hands of kindness, share meals, and pray for one another. In the quiet moments, they seek God’s presence, finding solace in the rustling leaves and the distant call of a cardinal.



Have I told you lately, in my eyes, oh you’re looking fine!
And I appreciate you never putting me a bind.
Funny thing, I know your with others, I’m not blind..
But everyone knows I’m not of the jealous kind.
Eager for our evening, after the daily grind.
Even on my cloudy days, know I’ll find you like a thin dime!
Of warm weekends together, people think I’m out of my mind.
Of course after a life storm it’s with you I want to pass my time
My friends know I’ve seen you cuz you’ve given me tan lines…
Your nature so loving n kind, ahh so heavenly divine!
Yes, your special but not 24 7 for you do I pine…
From you I’ll never hide, I see you from shade were I lazily recline…
I know I know, our time today short but I must get ready to dine..
Thank you for your brilliance, beauty and growing fine wine…
Glad your mine and we are part of God’s loving design.
©️04/14/24 Will Smith


Available at:


This came to mind in light of all the recent rain in the Midwest.


Ahhh, life, and its ebbs n flows…
Just as the tide comes in and then…goes.
So too, do our life experiences many a flow.
Some days, weeks, months easy to set sail and forward ho!
Oh , but other times, your life boat is tossed to and fro.
Rocky highs and drenching wretched lows..
Yet it’s not always about the highs n lows…
But rather, with who, do we decide to row…?
That will determine how far our life boat will go…
Whether high tide or low we make the choice to survive and grow.
Been there done that, so trust me, I know.
At your back may trusted friends advice always positively flow.
And sure sometimes it’s okay to pause and say, man this blows!
But never the towel of quit will I ever throw!
To another rower, I will the lessons learned share n bestow.
Think of a man, who after three crows…
Ahhh, life, and its ebbs n flows.
Just as the tide comes in and then…goes.
So too, do ours experiences flow.
Some days weeks months easy to set sail and forward ho!
Oh but other times, your life boat is tossed to and fro.
Rocky highs and drenching lows…
Ahhh, life, and its ebbs n flows.
Yet it’s not always about the highs n lows.
But rather, with whom do we decide to row…?
That can determine how far our life boat will go…
Whether high tide or low we make the choice to survive and grow.
Ahhh, life, and its ebbs n flows…
Been there done that, so trust me, I know.
At your back may trusted friends advice always positively flow.
To another rower I will, lessons learned share n bestow.
Remember we are like a man who after three crows…
Did a man named Peter, onto to water to Jesus go…
A disciple of faith yet his belief went sinking
and probably uttered, uh Oh No!
Yet Christ reached to the water down below…
To raise him and us, all sinners you and I know.
To have our lives changed from inward out…
While others note the Holy Sporits glow!
A saint who can still sin, I’ll take a heaven home but never claiming being worthy of a perfect, halo…
©️04/05/24 Will Smith


At some point in time, may we all have the nerve,.
To take a moment of all those in need and observe,
And our personal judgement reserve...
To give everyone the respect they deserve,
Regardless our walk, to all others let's all protect and serve...


If you are not going to give me your best when we work, play, engage, converse, etc.. don't waste my time, money, resources or effort as someone else will engage and WE WILL SUCCEED!

Timeline photos 03/04/2024
Photos from Pray Believe Love's post 02/04/2024

Don't fight, exercise your right...
A favorite saying I use when coaching, training, mentoring, learning, etc...

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