Livingston Church, Columbus, OH Videos

Videos by Livingston Church in Columbus. Livingston United Methodist Church is a small church that shows God's love by serving the South Side

LUMC is proud to host a special concert event: Double Trouble featuring Tim Goss & Liz de Roche September 11 at 7:00 pm. These award-winning musicians blend their sounds, and perspectives, to create a new supergroup, and a powerful, queer storytelling experience.

VIP tickets include: advance entry, meet and greet, mini-performance of songs not in the full show, and exclusive merchandise!

6-6:30pm - VIP Doors/Meet & Greet
6:45 pm - GA Doors

To order tickets, visit:

Tim Goss will also be performing during worship at 10:30 am. Admission is free!

To learn more about LUMC, please visit:

#thingstodoincolumbus #columbustours, #columbusmusic #music #queer #queer_artists #transgender_friendly #Livingstonchurch

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Other Livingston Church videos

LUMC is proud to host a special concert event: Double Trouble featuring Tim Goss & Liz de Roche September 11 at 7:00 pm. These award-winning musicians blend their sounds, and perspectives, to create a new supergroup, and a powerful, queer storytelling experience. VIP tickets include: advance entry, meet and greet, mini-performance of songs not in the full show, and exclusive merchandise! 6-6:30pm - VIP Doors/Meet & Greet 6:45 pm - GA Doors To order tickets, visit: Tim Goss will also be performing during worship at 10:30 am. Admission is free! To learn more about LUMC, please visit: #thingstodoincolumbus #columbustours, #columbusmusic #music #queer #queer_artists #transgender_friendly #Livingstonchurch

Merry Christmas Friends, Unfortunately, we've had to make a last second decision to cancel our in-person services for tomorrow morning. Please see the attached message from Pastor Angie and the new link for a reprise of our December 12th service (complete with an Easter egg or two just in time for Christmas). We have set the video to premiere at 10:30. While we can't safely congregate in person this Sunday morning, we hope to chat with you then in the YouTube chat room! God bless and be safe!

Friends, Please enjoy this clip of our Virtual Choir singing 'Mercy' by Craig Courtney. We invite you to tune in to our 2021 Good Friday Online Worship Service premiering on YouTube at 7:00 pm tonight to see this piece and the rest of our service in it's entirety. Direct Link to the service: Also, 'Sunday's Coming' so we hope you'll make plans to join us this Easter Sunday for our first Drive-in Service of the year. If you're are unable to join us in person, we will also be Livestreaming the service on our YouTube channel for you to view real-time or 'On-Demand'. Don't forget to share!!

Ash Wednesday Service Tonight!! Don't Miss It!!!
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, a “marker” of the beginning of a journey of self-reflection, prayer and fasting. Join us for a special online service as we reflect on the journey ahead. Direct link to the service, available for streaming at 7:00 Wednesday: Download the bulletin here: We encourage you to post pics of yourself with the ash on your forehead using the hashtag #LivingstonUMC

PJ's Notes: How To Be Emmanuel To Others In This Season

God is the Anxiety Breaker