Church of the Angels, 501c3 Non-Profit

Church of the Angels, 501c3 Non-Profit

We are currently working to help animals (and their people). Please join with us in this effort.

Church Of The Angels is a Non-Profit organization that ministers to many- our focus is on animals and their people-


i go to fb a few times a day- i make myself like at least ten posts- it matters- animals in desperate need, people in desperate need, issues that are critical- all deserve a like / comment - please understand the info people post is not on everyone's feed- it is based on how many others interact with the post- so if you see something, Say something as the saying goes- get those posts circulating- clickbait posts are fun to answer, but they get thousands and thousands of shares when a stray dog with a bad leg goes ignored- so, it is up to us little guys to make the posts that need shared put out there for a lot more folks to see- so, take a minute and like at least ten posts before moving on to the rest of your day-
thanks for helping to spread the word- animals lives literally depend on you for this-


SUE M sent some tp- it goes out today with the two urgent need bags of cat food!!!!


LIKE- SHARE- COMMENT it gets posts shared with others- it saves lives!!!!!


if you rescue a stray dog or cat- vaccinate- i do not care where you are on the political spectrum, dogs and cats do not deserve to suffer and die because parvo and fel leuk and distemper are preventable - if you do not believe in basic vaccinations for dogs and cats, you have probably never watched a kitten or puppy die from preventable disease-
please, you can decide for yourself- but we must together decide to do the kind act of vaccinations for the dogs and cats we rescue-


well dang- i was on the couch, kasha curled up in my arms after she got under the covers- i was hoping to snap a picture -it is as if she heard me thinking- she jumped off the couch like she was spring loaded- so, no picture of kasha with me as her pillow- i will attempt to get more photographs, as was suggested, and i will keep trying- but i do not think kasha was down with that plan!


I have a soul

help us help others


someone asked for dry kitten- that costs 10.40 a pound- uhhuh- one pound is that much- a bag is 2.5 lbs and is 25 dollars- i about choked- and i did look, and this is an accurate price- it was vet recommended- ok then- i have one bag of purina kitten here right now- i offered that- they got angry- really really angry that i am trying to poison their kitten with crap food- no, i was trying to feed a hungry kitten, that is all-
ah, saturday is return phone calls day- gonna be interesting if i can maintain a cheerful attitude for the entire day- i have been overly cranky the past few weeks- and it was suggested to stuff all my stress down deep and try cheerful when helping and asking for help- a good suggestion for sure- does anyone who knows me think i wlll make it through this entire day?


I have a soul

[email protected]


someone posted that kids would not hurt animals- uh- no- the worst cruelty case i ever did involved two kids, twelve and eleven- white if it matters which is doesn't but i can hear wheels turning so am stopping that thought process- it was in delaware county ohio and franklin county ohio one kid from each county- one kid got probation and one kid got juvi till at Least 18 ( i said it was a really really bad case) the grandma of the kid sent to corrections begged me to make sure that happened- so did the social worker on the case- cruelty is cruelty and it knows no age, color, economic, or other barriers-
i will not post the particulars of that case- i will say the vet who did the necropsy was beyond help and left early that day-


listening to the soft tears- i helped him decide it was time to say goodbye to his dog. This is one of the most traumatic, difficult, painfilled experiences that having a dog presents. We want to be kind, but we are so selfish wanting them just one more day. I told him he would know- I have a rule here in sanctuary- all must have a happy happy joy joy day, or at least one happy or one joy- meaning a day can be difficult, but there must be some small joy in dinner, or going out , or getting pats, or being brushed , or-when all joy and happiness is gone you will know the day. Wait a day, and if things have not improved it is time to offer up the greatest gift we can give. the gift of a peaceful passage. Remember we believe that the soul (energy print) goes on. The dog just leaves behind a very tired and pain racked body. But, there is part of me that wants to touch them one more time. There is always that. I pass along prayers of strength to anyone who has ever had this decision to make. It is not easy.And many times we are told by our dog or cat that it is time, but we refuse to listen to their message- Please listen- it is a difficult decision to make- the old saying, better a day too early than a week too late- difficult very very difficult decision- But, i am glad we can make it.

Check out my list on Amazon 29/08/2024

we really need the dry cat food And the tp- thanks for looking!

Check out my list on Amazon


zen state- most of us go there when Really stressed- waiting in a hospital for word, we sit quietly, sipping coffee, and we stay aware, extra aware- I have seen dogs and cats do this exact thing in shelters- first you think they are obviously content- no, they are not- they are so uptight they are not moving. Please, consider adoption , and don't overlook the ones who are so uptight they sit and wait instead of purring and wagging.



Check out my list on Amazon 28/08/2024

Check out my list on Amazon


I woke to silence- we have no more days- such is hospice for elderly animals, or people- this is not an insult to people- some of you may react badly, wondering how i can compare the loss- It is the same, loss is loss, and if you have a beloved dog or cat friend dying, the pain is simply that- pain. It means no less that it is not a person. this IS the reason for this church. All have souls, and who is to put one soul above another? she is an angel today.


super thanks for the Three cases of babyfood- this note comes from yellowbird and friends!!!!!!


may this week treat you well, and may i curb my acid tongue long enough to get some donations- that last part, well that is a dream moment i guess- but sorry to everyone i hurt inadvertantly last week, your comments and suggestions are always meant well with kindness and love and i sometimes just react like a broken dog, barking witn a mean loud bark, hoping to scare you away and wishing you would give me a treat- i dunno folks- i am just tired of the sadness i guess-
so, make this week a good one, and thank you for continuing to put up with me-


weather- stay dry, stay cool, stay warm, just stay safe!mother nature is on a roll!!


International Dog Day/Date (2024)
Mon, Aug 26, 2024


the cats are Loving the heat- me, not so much-

Jennie A. Fischer (1882-1969) - Find a Grave... 25/08/2024
story time- it was after my freshman year in college- my father and mother and myself were in Columbus for the day, and my father decided he wanted to see his parent's grave - so, off we went to a very very large cemetery- he was just sure he could remember the way- i had never been there before- he drove around and around and i was getting carsick in the back seat- he finally gave up- ok folks- here it comes from the psychic person who has Many Many stories- i felt, well i did not just feel but knew where the stone was- Jennie reached out to me somehow- don't ask, i don't know- i told my father to drive down a certain road- ever been in a large cemetery you know there are lots of roads- dirt sorta- he was cranky, but i insisted- he went about a city block- i then told him to turn, and shortly after i told him to stop- he did- and he sorta looked back at me with irritation- i told them both to get out of the car- they did- i followed- i then pointed to the row of stones- they all looked alike in the section- flat to the ground- i told them his parents were down that row, some stones in- they looked at me, but did not argue- there the stone was- do not ask folks how some of us can do this- we just can- we just do- and some of us communicate with animals, too- it is what it is-

Jennie A. Fischer (1882-1969) - Find a Grave... As manager of this memorial you can add or update the memorial using the Edit button below. Learn more about managing a memorial .


for Trotter-
The boxes went in the truck. I saw my carrier stuffed with things going on top of the boxes so I hopped in. Quickly I heard his voice, and I ran to see what was the matter. He swatted my butt. I waited till the truck left, then they piled in the car. I waited. They would come back, they always did.
The lady was standing next to a garden hose. Her neighbor was watering the flowers and turned the hose toward me. The lady shouted. The person with the hose looked startled (the gardener explained to the lady that I had been left in the move, and I was a pest- but no one had bothered to take me to the humane society, they all figured I would just head for the woods. I was going up to houses making noise, and everyone was whapping me with brooms, turning the hose on me, and making me leave) .The lady opened her arms. For Me? I wasn't waiting to find out, I just rushed over and literally jumped into her arms. Oh my, I was thirsty- puddles are dirty, I have never had dirty water, I was so hungry but thirst oh please lady, get me a drink of water. The lady closed her arms around me and I started to purr. I wonder if she is taking me back home. No, she is headed to that wild yard where the cats live. Please don't dump me out with those cats, they are mean. She took me straight into the house and the next thing I knew there was a dish of water just for me. I had a drink. and another- and another- then food!!!!!!!!
Please, don't ever leave me outside again. Please?
▫️▫️▫️written by phyllis fischer


our prayer



the folks we assist in an unhoused situation need to get basic shots for their critters- a muzzle for the dogs has been acquired- it will be used by more than one dog- a vet tech under a vet's supervision has offered to do it- the vet has offered the shots at cost- we need 200 dollars- we are talking several critters in a situation/area that is not served by any other charity program- we help with food and seasonal supplies like battery powered fans for summer and lampoil lamps for winter- blankets , tp, soap, etc are assisted with on occasion- peanut butter, etc provided as well - there are underserved areas, and there are folks who are way way too paranoid to sign up for programs that may help them- they have found their way to our door due to the quiet messages passed between folks-
so, if you are able we are asking for a 200 dollar donation- now don't freak out- if you can spare a few bucks toward the total that would be fantastic
pp is [email protected]
if we raise more than the 200 dollars the rest will go toward their necessaries- this is a very small group of folks, in vehicles (no tents) and in a parking lot situation , the owner of the lot is aware of them and ok with it- all screening already done, they have been helped for awhile, and sometimes it is what it is- there are folks , mostly to severe mental issues, that are unable to come inside- and sometimes it is due to the dog's mental issues and they are unwilling to pts their dogs. So, we do what we do- we cannot solve world peace issues- but we can bring a little kindness to a small corner of the world- that is all-edit- so far we have received $136 and are very grateful for the help- the shots will be given when the 200 is raised- and yes, to the question, that is a really low price- for all the cats and dogs (who are all fixed) it will be a help- and super thanks to the donors-


saw an ad- asking for donations and saying that a warm meal is the first step in transformation- and i got a little , uh, testy- for many unhoused folks, a warm meal is just that- simple enough, it is a warm meal- Period- do not expect them to jump up and find salvation a job a house a car etc etc etc- expect them to be fed- and be glad in that- there are no easy answers-


Sharon Paul- thank you for the torti kitten- who is now 11- and has the greatest purr motor ever- some days that has to be enough- and we are blessed with this gift because Sharon Paul knew to add the torti kitten who was seriously ill - a great add- the best add- couldn't be better-


people- gah- if you know a dog is freaking out, do NOT try and pat that dog! you could get bitten and the dog could get dead if it does not have a current rabies- people- gah-


oh what a week- told people no way last weekend- looked at zero in pp- looked at my personal debt load and i did have a strict budget that was blown all to hell with several hundred bucks going to get 4 fallen trees off the power line- thank goodness the person doing this job does not charge much- 4 freaking trees, roots all together, fell- but so far power is still on meaning the line is connected with super glue- must be- but that means i cannot cover my own basics right now- (basics being minimum pays on cc folks- and a few groceries sorta thing, not a trip to disney world or even the thrift store) and many of the calls were from others facing this crisis-
i still need to find a printer that does not rob me on ink- hp is out- they robbed me- said it would be free for a year, and when i asked they sent a huge bill- cancelled the order- the printer sucked anyway- so, if you have any advice on a good functional printer With ink that works and scans and copies- that would be fantastic- i can't afford it this week, but need to start saving- and that puts my paperwork sort behind schedule- gah-
cancelled stupid medical tests that would show nothing i don't already know and that means skipping the copays- do not anyone ask why i don't have glasses or hearing aids- i can hear and see well enough and f off- the same goes for all the folks we assist- and do not ask why we don't do the fancy stuff with our beloved friends- those blood tests ongoing, those meds, those surgeries that cost literally several thousand are just not happening- just Not- if you don't get this, the again, f off-
have one new unhoused person i agreed to assist- he is with his friends, he is paranoid, he is sad, his dog is not a good dog but good for him- so will be asking for a walmart gc and a hundred bucks for vaccinations to get the dog current just in case some chucklehead gets too close and gets nailed- if a dog is saying go away, please listen to the dog-
so it goes- will be offline rest of today- phone calls to do- and many forms to do, paperwork stuff, but that rolls back to the printer issue- so if you have a suggestion, please leave a link- i prefer amazon as their returns are easier- and again, no magic reorder auto ink plans- they suck imho- at least for me-
thanks for reading this far, i have a house that i can no longer pay taxes on, i have a friend with a car he can no longer make payments on, and i basically want to tell everyone to fo so i wlll close and try and count my blessings- i am trying- we are trying- but it gets hard some days-


so- it is freezing freezing in the house- just ask the cats- it is down to 65- omg- now, in winter that would be extra toasty, as the heat is set about 60 (funds for elec don't allow it higher) but, kasha is all fluffed out, and the others are crowded on blankets and in snuggle spots- really guys? really ?

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