Will Rogers Today

Will Rogers Today

"I never met a man I didn’t like" http://willrogerstoday.com


Weekly Comments: January 6, 2021 Compared to a Reimagined Fort Sumter Attack. President Biden at Valley Forge.

#1188, Jan. 7, 2024

Since yesterday was January 6, there has been a lot of attention on the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and the crime of “insurrection or rebellion.” This amendment was ratified in 1868, 3 years after the end of the Civil War in 1865.

The section of the Amendment about “insurrection” was written to prevent officers and others who fought for the South from being eligible to run for Federal office. (A few exceptions were approved individually by Congress and those men were elected and served honorably.)

Now, I know that about half the country will applaud what I have written below. And half will condemn it. That’s pretty much how the country is divided as we ramp up the 2024 election season.

On January 6, 2021, protesters supporting President Trump stormed the Capitol, starting about 12:45. The protest turned into a riot, and ended 4 hours later when 155 National Guard members arrived to clear the Capitol. During those 4 hours, one protester was shot and killed by a Capitol policeman. No other deaths occurred that day although one Capitol policeman died the next day. Four Capitol police died by su***de in the next seven months. About 175 police were injured defending the Capitol. No Congress members or Senators or their staff were harmed. Everybody condemns this protest-turned-riot that caused $1.5 million damage to the Capitol. Was it an insurrection?

Back to the source of the 14th Amendment. The Civil War began when Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina on April 12, 1861. The war lasted 4 years and the country suffered 360,222 Union deaths and 258,000 Confederate deaths. Now I would say the Civil War definitely qualifies as an “insurrection and rebellion.”

Let’s imagine for a moment that the attack on Fort Sumter had been repelled in a few hours by Union soldiers in the fort with help from reinforcements. One attacker was killed but the others accepted defeat and went home. About a thousand of the attackers who managed to enter the fort were later arrested, tried, and many were sent to prison. The rebellion would have ended and there would have been no “War between the States.”

However, slavery would have continued as a top issue, argued over for 3 more years. And in the 1864 Presidential election, incumbent President Abraham Lincoln would have been opposed by a pro-slavery Democrat from Mississippi, Jefferson Davis. A fair election is how you solve a threat to Democracy.

Let’s return to the present… President Biden delivered a 30-minute speech near Valley Forge on Friday, evoking the heroics of George Washington. He lambasted former President Trump, naming him 44 times in the speech. I think he would have been better off if he had spoken at Gettysburg and emulated Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln spoke for less than 3 minutes, used 268 words, and not one of them referred to Jefferson Davis.

With so much attention on Jan. 6, 2021, I decided to look back a year earlier, Jan. 6, 2020 (two months before COVID shut down the country). Gasoline averaged $2.57/gal. The rate on a 30-year mortgage was 3.7%. Today it’s 7.5%. The inflation rate that month was 2.5%, and the total inflation for 4 years had raised prices 8.7%. Unemployment was 3.7% (same as today). Annual real wages had increased by about $6000 under Trump. Under President Biden, because of total accumulated inflation of about 17%, real wages have decreased.

Are you excited to see what the country will be like in a year? Or worried?

A personal note: my mom, Hazel Lowther Reeder, was born on Jan. 7, 1919. And one of her nieces is celebrating a birthday. Happy birthday to my cousin Sandra.

Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“On account of us being a Democracy, and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does.” DT #1116, Feb. 21, 1930

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. I present nationally as “Will Rogers,” sharing quotes and stories (mostly non-political) from Will’s widely popular talks and newspaper columns from the 1920s and 1930s. My website includes “Quotes” in eight categories. As my business card reads: Hire me before I die… again. )
Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments: Christmas Prayers. Will Rogers on Christmas Gifts.
#1187, Dec. 24, 2023

On Christmas Eve, I’m sharing two prayers. The first is by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), the famous author from Scotland.

“Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.”

Second, is a Cherokee Prayer Blessing.
"May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Moccasins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder."

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Reeder family (photo). I’ll be back with you January 7.

Historic quotes by Will Rogers (Christmas)
“I am too busy replacing presents to write today. I bought some mechanical and electric things for the kids and wore 'em out playing with 'em myself.” DT #120, Dec. 23, 1926

“Merry Christmas, my constant readers, both of you.... Men, act surprised this morning as if you didn't know the tie was coming.” DT #121, Dec. 24, 1926

“Well, tomorrow is “wish” day. Everybody is “wishing” somebody something, and I guess it's just as well everybody don't know what they are being “wished.” But, generally speaking, we do have good cheer in our hearts on Christmas. 'Course, we can't hardly wait till the day is over and to get back to our devilment again.” DT # 1379, Dec. 24, 1930

Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments: A 51st State with 20 Million People. Harvard Sticks with President Gay. Hold Your Breath.

#1186, Dec. 17, 2023

You probably agree with me that illegal immigration is a problem for the country. It may surprise you that, according to a recent poll, only five percent of Democrats see it as a problem. I guess that means the other 95% support President Biden’s immigration policy.

I heard Senator Kennedy of Louisiana report that 8.4 million people have arrived here illegally since Biden was elected President in 2020. Do 95% of Democrats realize that if illegal immigration continues for another Biden term, the total would be around 20 million? You may say, ‘Well, our population is over 330 million; what’s another 20 million? After all, the US Chamber of Commerce says we need more of them to fill open jobs.’

Think of 20 million in a different way. Suppose all 20 million settled in one area and formed the 51st state. Whoa. Not even liberal states want to give away enough space for 20 million. But imagine that it happened.

This new 51st state would be our 3rd largest, tied with New York. That would add two more Senators, likely Democrats, and about 25 new Representatives. Can you imagine 25 more members of Congress like Omar, Tlaib, Bowman, Pressley and Ocasio-Cortez?

We are learning more about some of our top private universities thanks to three of their presidents who did not know that “genocide” means mass-murder. One resigned, but Harvard president Claudine Gay still has her job thanks to unanimous support from the Board of Trustees and 700 professors. I guess they agree with her that whether genocide is bad depends on the context.

Who funds private universities? You might be surprised to learn that we do. Of course, we know that state-supported “public” colleges, just like public schools, receive federal and state tax dollars. But Harvard and most other private colleges depend heavily on our federal taxes. Students depend on federal grants and federal-guaranteed loans. Professors apply for federal grants for research. Income earned from investing their endowments is not taxed. Harvard has $50 Billion invested. Maybe they should pay a 10% tax on capital gains. (You and I pay 15 or 20%.)

Here's more on the Harvard President. Dr. Gay, a professor in African-American Studies, was elevated to her prestigious position 6 months ago despite writing only 11 refereed journal articles. And five were partly plagiarized. I checked out one of the eleven articles, 48 pages long. Her research, likely with a million-dollar, 3-year federal grant, concluded that legislators generally vote in agreement with their voters regardless of the racial makeup of their district. Wow, who would have guessed that!

If Dr. Gay was not president of Harvard, with an annual budget of $6 Billion, is there any other university, business, non-profit, or other entity that would hire her as their CEO? I have a friend who was president of a small public college who is better qualified to run Harvard than she is. You might say that Harvard was determined to hire a black woman as President. Did they recruit Condoleezza Rice? Was no one better qualified than Dr. Gay available?

Since President Gay and 700 professors who agree with her are still there, I suggest that Harvard students who want to escape the chaos and bigotry apply to High Point University in North Carolina. If they are lucky enough to get accepted, they can rest assured no one will be praising genocide.

To wrap up tonight, I heard of research by British scientists that is just as obvious as Dr. Gay’s that I cited above. These esteemed scientists say that global warming can be solved by reducing the CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the air. And here’s the way to do it: we have to stop breathing.

Their “research” kinda verifies what most of us learned in grade school. In simple terms, we breathe in air, remove oxygen, and exhale CO2. Remarkably, plants do the opposite. They absorb CO2 from the air, remove the C (which is stored in the plants and their roots), and "exhale" oxygen. Lucky for us.

Many scientists have been saying we need to plant more trees to solve the problem. These Brits take the opposite approach. Global Warming would be stopped cold if we could convince about three billion people to stop breathing. Any volunteers?

Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“A college president’s work nowadays consists of thinking up new things for the students to play with that looks like studying.” DT #798, Feb. 15, 1929

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. I also try to offer solutions and apply common sense.)
Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Facebook logarithms are weird. Maybe you saw this message over the Will Rogers photo I included with Weekly Comments:
"Violent or graphic content. This photo is covered so people can choose whether they want to see it."

What?? A man showing a hog at a State Fair, with a few people in the crowd behind them. (This is also on the cover of my book.)
Facebook says that's "violent or graphic." Here's the photo; we'll see if it shows up without a warning message.


Weekly Comments: Farmers. Global Warming. University Presidents on the Hot Seat

#1185, Dec. 10, 2023

For my family and most folks, December is a time to wind down and celebrate Christmas.

For farmers and ranchers, this month is the beginning of the “meeting season.” I participated in two of them this week: the Ohio Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and the Ohio No-till Conference.

Will Rogers joked about farm meetings in December 1925, “(President Coolidge) spoke before the (American) Farm Bureau. Farmers have more Associations, and Bureaus, and Clubs, than they have pitchforks… Farmers spend more time at Conventions than they do plowing.”

Personally, I’m in favor of them spending more time at meetings than they do plowing. At our Ohio No-till Conference, and others like it, we are helping farmers give up plowing. I wouldn’t say that farmers are hooked on plowing. But many have been plowing ever since a blacksmith in Illinois named John Deere attached a thin sheet of steel over a cast iron moldboard plow in 1837.

In the almost two hundred years since then, we have developed ways to plant seeds, and control weeds and other pests without plowing. In 1989, the company John Deere founded started selling drills to plant without plowing the ground. About the same time, Monsanto was developing Roundup to kill weeds, and then they genetically improved corn and soybeans so they would not be killed by the herbicide. Critics are trying to eliminate Roundup (glyphosate) and other chemicals over isolated health issues that modern farming depends on.

Other developments and practices have reduced soil erosion and allowed soil to store carbon that plants remove from the air. When that soil is plowed, the carbon oxidizes and returns to the air. Continuous no-till reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Therefore, the elimination of plowing and other tillage reduces global warming.

And that brings us to the annual Climate Change Convention in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It is sponsored by the United Nations. Ironically, almost 100,000 official delegates flew to the UAE, an oil producing country, to complain about fossil fuels. John Kerry, our Energy Czar, flew on a private plane. He made a speech where he said we have to stop burning coal to generate electricity because it’s killing people. Since coal is the source of 40% of the electricity in the world, Kerry’s plan would result in millions of people freezing to death. In the dark!

A panel of experts at the conference concluded that climate change is causing malnutrition and starvation. Well, these “experts” must know that the climate has been changing for thousands of years. And I bet a higher percentage of the world’s population was starving or undernourished years ago than today. And if they are referring to “global warming” as a death threat, they need to realize that “global cooling” is ten times worse for food production. It’s hard to grow crops if you get killing frosts during summer.

Speaking of heat, the presidents of three of our most elite universities, Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania, got in hot water when Congress grilled them about pro-Hamas demonstrations on their campuses. When Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York asked if students shouting support for genocide of Jews violates their policy for student behavior, they said, “it depends on context.” Perhaps the Congresswoman should have asked a follow up, “What if they called for genocide of all Black people?” Or if they demonstrated for genocide of all university presidents?

One of those presidents has resigned, and the other two should follow her lead. Other university presidents should consider how Jewish and other minority students are viewed and treated on campus.

A main source of this hatred of Jews are a few liberal-leaning faculty. It seems that several universities have policies that are liberal (generous) toward everyone except Jews and conservatives. If university departments dominated by left-leaning faculty who seem to worship DEI want to support Diversity, then no liberal professors should be hired until half of the faculty are moderate or conservative.

And it wouldn’t hurt if a few of the new faculty grew up in rural areas or at least understand that farmers and ranchers around the world are growing crops and livestock more efficiently and economically than ever before. A key to increasing food production through mechanization and technology is the use of abundant, affordable fuel. Including coal.

Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“You know it’s been said that when you graduate from Harvard or Yale it takes the next 10 years to live it down, and the next 40 to try to forget it.” WA #160, Jan. 3, 1926

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. As an agricultural engineer, and retired university faculty, I also try to offer solutions and apply common sense.)
Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments: Costly Immigrants, Perplexing Protesters, and Losing Our Heroes.

#1184, Dec. 3, 2023

Congress reported last week that the cost to taxpayers is $451,000,000,000 per year to provide housing, food, and health services for illegal immigrants. No wonder the mayors of New York, Chicago and other cities are complaining about having to layoff police, teachers, and other providers of essential services to balance their budgets.

Think about that number for a while: $451 Billion. Do you remember when Congress refused to provide President Trump $25 Billion to “build a wall?” He somehow scrounged $15 Billion and built about 450 miles of a 30-foot wall.

Today, based on the cost of the completed portion, the total cost to finish the 1954 miles along the border with Mexico, where feasible, would be at least $100 Billion. If taxpayers were allowed to vote on this issue, they would surely favor finishing a secure border wall over spending almost half a Trillion a year to deal with illegal immigrants.

The stupidity of the rabid pro-Palestine protesters is baffling. And perplexing. Are they demanding that Hamas release the remaining 150 hostages? Are they demanding that Hamas terrorists surrender so the citizens of Gaza can live in peace with their neighbors? No. In fact, they never mention the hostages. Instead, they demand the elimination of Israel as they shout, “From the river to the sea.” (That means Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.)

How did young people in America get through school without learning about Hi**er, the N***s, and the Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews? Don’t they know that the United Nations, in 1948, carved out a small slice of the Middle East to restore the ancient homeland of the Jews? The Land of Israel has been their home for 4000 years.

We keep losing our American heroes. Henry Kissinger died at 100. He was the Secretary of State for President Nixon and advised every president since. I bet the protestors don’t know that he was born in Germany, and came to the United States in 1938 as a Jewish refugee fleeing N**i persecution.

The first woman on the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor, died this week at 93. She was a real cowgirl, growing up on an isolated ranch in Arizona. When she graduated from Stanford University with a Law degree in 1952, no law firm would hire her because she was a woman. Twenty-nine years later, she was a Supreme Court Justice.

Another prominent person who died last week was Charlie Munger, at 99. He was Warren Buffett’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway as they built the company to one of the largest in the world. Did he and Warren make brilliant investment decisions? Suppose you had bought one share of Berkshire Hathaway stock in 1973 for $80. Fifty years later, your one share is worth $540,000.

To show how smart I was, about that time I bought stock in Sears.

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. I present nationally as “Will Rogers,” sharing quotes and stories, mostly non-political, from Will’s widely popular talks and newspaper columns.)
Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments: Freeing Kidnapped Hostages. Protests for Hamas. Millennials Want How Much??
#1183, Nov. 26, 2023

Columbus: President Biden is happy that the Hamas terrorists are releasing 50 hostages, traded for 150 Palestinian prisoners who attempted to murder Israelis. One American, 4-year-old Abigail Idan, was released today and the President was pleased she could be reunited with her family. It’s sad that he didn’t remember Hamas murdered her Mom and Dad on October 7.

Does Thailand have more clout than the United States? While we seem to be negotiating through Qatar, a key ally and financial supporter of Hamas, the Thai government went directly to Iran and demanded all of their citizens be released. Why doesn’t President Biden demand that Iran order Hamas to immediately deliver ALL kidnapped hostages? We have enough military within easy striking distance of Iran; just let the Ayatollah ponder his future.

Is the Hamas terrorist organization winning the propaganda war? Ignorant protesters continue to rally support for Hamas and hatred for Israel and Jews everywhere. Protesters may think they are generating good will for Palestinians. But they won’t sway anyone with common sense. The young American women protesting have no idea how they would be treated in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Who is paying all these young protesters and their leaders? Paying their transportation and providing their disgusting signs? George Soros has given these groups millions of dollars. Does Iran also contribute millions? I’m sure the protesters are not donating their time.

We just finished a week in America wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. For a lot of young folks, it’s going to take a lot more than “wishing” to make them happy. According to a recent survey by The Harris Poll, our Millennials (age 27-42) claim they need a $525,000 salary to be happy. Yes, a half a million a year.

Do they realize how hard most people in that salary range work? Definitely not 9 to 5, for 4 days a week, with 2 months’ vacation. Most millennials say they are glad to spend $7 for a cup of coffee every morning ‘because of the joy it brings.’

In the same Harris Poll, old folks said $124,000 a year is plenty. Perhaps because we know how to brew our own coffee from a can of Maxwell House.

Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“In the days of [our] founders they were willing to give thanks for mighty little, for mighty little was all they expected. But now neither government or nature can give enough but what we think it’s too little. Those old boys in the Fall of the year, if they could gather in a few pumpkins, potatoes and some corn for the winter, they was in a thanking mood. But if we can’t gather in a new Buick, a new radio, a tuxedo and some government relief, why we feel like the world is agin’ us.” DT #2594, Nov. 28, 1934

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. I also try to apply common sense. And I present nationally as “Will Rogers.”)

Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments: Thanks!
#1182, Nov. 19, 2023

Let’s spend this week, or at least one day, concentrating on gratitude; being thankful.

The first Thanksgiving was a celebration by the Puritans and the Wampanoag. The surviving Puritans (Pilgrims) had grown enough corn and other crops, with advice and help from the native “Indians,” to get them through another year in Massachusetts. The main course for their celebration was deer meat (venison), not turkey.

So, Thanksgiving is based on agriculture. Thanksgiving is a time for us to celebrate a bountiful harvest. We are so efficient in this country that 2 percent of us on farms and ranches produce enough food for the other 98 percent.

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for our blessings, and look ahead to a brighter future.

Be thankful that we have a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that has allowed this country to endure more than 200 years. We’re thankful, most of us, for the Ten Commandments, even if we don’t follow all of them all the time.

We’re thankful that President Biden will celebrate his 81st birthday tomorrow. As Neil Cavuto, Fox Business News, joked, “81 is the new 80.”

We’re thankful for President Jimmy Carter who is grieving tonight. Rosalynn Carter, his wife of 77 years, passed away today at age 96. They were an amazing couple, almost their entire lives, starting and ending in Plains, Georgia. “Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished.” From a man who is acknowledged as the best former president this country ever had, that is high praise.

I’m thankful for my faithful readers and a country where I can write opinions with no concern of being thrown in jail. Will Rogers wrote syndicated newspaper columns from 1922 to 1935, and I’ve written my Weekly Comments since 1997. I’m thankful to have good health and energy to continue speaking and writing, playing a small role in keeping alive the legend of Will Rogers.

Historic quotes by Will Rogers:
“Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. The more turkey you eat at dinner the less hash you will be bothered with the rest of the month.” DT #92, Nov. 24, 1926
“Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. [President] Coolidge asked us to thank the Lord, but to kinder hint to Him also that we are aware that a Republican Administration had assisted Him in providing this plentiful bounty.” DT #729, Nov. 27, 1928
“If I run for something, this would be my platform: No part of any turkey served later than Sunday night after Thanksgiving.” DT #1972, Nov. 29, 1932

(I attempt to write with Will Rogers’ style, poking fun and reflecting on current issues. As an agricultural engineer I also try to offer solutions and apply common sense. And I present nationally as “Will Rogers.” My website includes “Quotes” in 9 categories. As my business card reads: Hire me before I die… again. )

Randall Reeder
WillRogersToday (dot) com


Weekly Comments (Part 2): Is San Francisco Cleaned Up? Is Senator Manchin Washed Up?

China’s Chairman, Xi Jinping, is coming to San Francisco on Wednesday to meet President Biden. I guess Xi chose San Francisco because Governor Newsom was so complimentary of him during a recent visit to China. Because of this high-level international meeting, the governor is clearing out the thousands of homeless people living in squalor on downtown sidewalks. (I guess he is busing them to Oakland.) All of the ramshackle tents, drug paraphernalia and human waste are being cleaned out to make the city look spotless.

Residents of the San Francisco Bay area wonder why it takes a visit from a Chinese Communist Dictator to knock some common sense into Governor Newsom’s head. They are hoping against hope that the spotless downtown area is not allowed to get messed up again.

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced he will not run for reelection next year. He didn’t admit it, but the real reason is because he would be soundly defeated by Governor Jim Justice. Pundits are speculating he will run for President as a third-party candidate. Several years ago, when Manchin was more popular nationally, I suggested he could be elected President, but only if he became a Republican.

Manchin is 76 years old so his political career is probably ending. Biden and most other Democrats do not like him. Oddly, his only hope is for former President Trump to win next year and name him Secretary of Energy.

By the way, I had a great weekend celebrating Will Rogers’ birthday in Claremore. Enjoyed Will’s favorite dessert at Hammett House, cherry pie with ice cream.

Historic quote by Will Rogers:

“When a Los Angeles guy comes up here to San Francisco, it’s just a country boy going to town. You have to take your spurs off here. You can’t explain Frisco.” DT #1827, June 1, 1932


Weekly Comments (Part 1): What if Israel Disappeared?
#1181, Nov. 12, 2023
Is it possible for students to get “dumber” after entering college? Everybody knows that a high school student has to be super smart to get accepted to Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, MIT and many other elite universities. So, after 2 or 3 years of paying up to $75,000 a year for a superb education on a prestigious campus, how could their brains disintegrate so far they could not qualify for a local Junior College?

Millions of students and other people worldwide support Hamas and keep chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Let’s suppose they got their wish. Israel is forced to accept defeat because Iran keeps sending billions of oil dollars to fund Hamas and Hezbollah. Every Jew in the new country of Palestine moves out.
Of course, that won’t happen. But if it did, what would be the result? First, they would destroy every Israeli-built factory, business, and farm. And every synagogue and historic location connected to Jesus and Christians.

With that destruction finished and 90 percent of Palestinians living a 7th Century lifestyle, how long do you think they would live in peace? You don’t have to be a foreign affairs expert to know that within months in their new, free, independent country, the surviving Hamas fighters would find a reason to attack somebody. For practice, they might fire rockets into Jordan and Egypt.

But the real target of these radical Palestinians would be the United States and Europe. The millions of pro-Palestinian protesters should not assume that only Jews would be hunted down. No, as demonstrated on October 7, anyone of any religion or race would be slaughtered.

For the safety of all college students (and the rest of us), any student siding with Hamas should be expelled from college. And if they are a foreign student, they need to be deported. Many student protesters are so stupid they could be duped into carrying a bomb into a classroom or dorm and blowing up the building.

As I said above, Israel will not disappear as a country. Despite widespread demands for a one-sided “ceasefire,” they will not give up the battle to wipe out Hamas. Even if the protesters and several world leaders have forgotten, Hamas killed about 1400 civilians in Israel and are holding over 200 hostages in Gaza.

Historic quotes by Will Rogers:
“Everybody is ignorant only on different subjects.” WA #90, Aug. 31, 1924
“They are pretty bad, these big wars over Commerce… But one over religion is really the most bitter.” WA #350, Sept. 8, 1929

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