Three Cranes Grove, ADF, Columbus, OH Videos

Videos by Three Cranes Grove, ADF in Columbus. Three Cranes Grove, ADF, is a chartered Grove of ADF. We are polytheistic, hold public rituals many t

A rite to Epona, our Equos Druid Moon, for those who cannot be here. This will be short, but we invite you to join us. (It’s a bit windy, so hopefully the microphones cooperate).

A good fire kindled at our center, and the gates opened before the live video started. This is the Earth Mother Shrine at the UUCE. We will paint a horse, as is our tradition for this rite, and speak to the Spirits. There will be a moment for you to reflect during the rite, and to speak praise to Epona, the horse goddess who carries us through difficult times.

An omen will be taken by stones cast.

Other Three Cranes Grove, ADF videos

A rite to Epona, our Equos Druid Moon, for those who cannot be here. This will be short, but we invite you to join us. (It’s a bit windy, so hopefully the microphones cooperate). A good fire kindled at our center, and the gates opened before the live video started. This is the Earth Mother Shrine at the UUCE. We will paint a horse, as is our tradition for this rite, and speak to the Spirits. There will be a moment for you to reflect during the rite, and to speak praise to Epona, the horse goddess who carries us through difficult times. An omen will be taken by stones cast.

Herb Day and World Naked Gardening Day: A Druid Prayer
What's better than a prayer for the herbs in our life, planted and maintained by us, nourishing us, healing us? Let's remember those things that give growth...and also remember that today is World Naked Gardening Day —because dirty Druidry is the best kind of Druidry). Rev. Dangler composed this prayer this morning, but we were a little slothly getting it up on socials; maybe you can squeeze in a bit of twilight herb tending, however garbed you see fit 😉

Today is Garden Meditation Day, so today we offer a simple meditation that you can do wherever you are to connect with the space where you plant, where you nurture, where you grow. Breathe with us for a moment in this space.

As we prepare to plant a tree this Arbor Day, Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler speak a prayer to the tree, an Irish Yew (Taxus baccata) in hopes that it will grow tall and strong in the space we have prepared for it. Are you planting today, or this weekend? Find a way to give back to your local ecosystem, and join us in planting.

Today is Earth Day, and we invite you to take a moment, wherever you are, and feel the Earth Mother beneath you. Feel her support you, hold you, and cradle your weight. To her you are not heavy, you are just right. Seek out a way to stand with others upon the earth this weekend. Honor her, as she holds you.

Weed Appreciation Day Prayer
Today is Weed Appreciation Day, and today I’d like to invite you to meditate for a moment on what weediness can bring to your life: the strength of resilience, the open door of uninvited being, the crafty depths of hidden roots ready to burst into flower. A Weed Appreciation Prayer: A guest undesired, uninvited, Standing defiantly tall in the garden, You bring us what we need in hard times: The strength to flower through adversity. Growing where unwanted, Thriving in the unexpected, Rooted deep in strange soil, Seeking the sun in strength. Your lessons of resilience and will, Drawn from darkness, seeking the light, Open a path for us in our lives: Weeds, we appreciate you! Notice a weed today, and identify it; find out what makes it special.

Today is World Water Day, and on this somewhat rainy day, and Rev. Dangler is recognizing how water and sanitation impact our lives. It may seem odd to pray to a goddess of the sewers, but today Rev. Dangler speaks his prayer to the Roman goddess Cloacina, whose name comes from a root meaning "clean" and "cleansed." Prayers are good, but offerings of work are needed to help make the sacred a reality in our modern world. Water, and clean access to it, is one of those things that really does begin at home. Rev. Dangler offers his plans in the video — what can you do? It can be as simple as finding out where your water comes from, fixing a leaky pipe, or just committing to not flush things down the toilet that shouldn't go into our septic system. Let us know in the comments! Learn more at

Join us this morning as 3GG presents the Sunday Morning Druid Service at the Dublin Irish Festival 2022. We’ll start with the Bards of Three Cranes Grove, ADF, providing some music, and then we’ll start our rite at about 10AM Eastern. Today, we honor Tailtiu, foster mother of the Irish god Lugh, who gave of herself that the folk might have food to eat after the First Battle of Magh Tuireadh, when the Tuatha Dé Danann defeated the Fir Bolg and claimed the island as their own. We’ll tell her story and remember why it is we gather the tribes in fellowship each August. This rite is a bit different than other rites we do: it’s on a stage and we have to limit the number of participants, and in-person participation is different. But we’ll still have a good time, and send our blessing out to the folk. If you’d like to donate to the Dublin Food Pantry, you can do so at Make it a “regular donation” and type “DIF” into the memo field so we know to send it along to the food pantry. Looking for a festival? We’re hosting Summerland August 18-21, and pre-registration is still open: find it more at Our next rite is our 20th anniversary of doing ritual in central Ohio: Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. Find more info at Please consider joining us as we walk these Old Ways!

We are here at ComFest, a local community festival built on equality, justice, and connection. In light of news today, we wish to speak to everyone: Today, we recognize the inherent right of sovereignty of every person: the ability of each of us to determine our path and our own needs. We recognize that as Priests, as a Grove, and as humans, it is incumbent on us to hold our fellows when they are hurting, and to be there for those who need us. We commit to doing the work to be a space that is safe for those who need it, and to help our members, friends, and extended community through these coming days. We will be here, holding our light, when you need us, and we are on your side. Let’s do the work we need to do to make this right. #threecranesgroveadf #ADFDruidry

2021 Summerland Unity Rite Setup
Preparing for a Unity Rite is always a big deal; preparing for a hybrid in-person/remote rite is more complicated! So, for the Summerland Unity Rite this year, we captured it in a time lapse so folk could see a bit of the “behind-the-scenes” for our setup. Thanks to all who (virtually) came out and made this year’s Summerland Gathering pretty amazing.

A Celebration of Beltaine: A Socially Distant Rite of Fellowship
Three Cranes Grove, ADF, is pleased to provide a ritual of Bletaine, a blessing on the folk. This rite is designed for you to watch and participate in remotely, whether you are solitary or a member of a Grove. Our aim is to reach out and provide space during this stay-at-home period. We will be honoring the Spirits of Place, those of our homes, lands, and hearths, in this rite. Ohio's Stay-At-Home order has ended today, which allows Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler to be physically present together, but we're still maintaining our social distancing where possible. We'll ask you wash your hands as part of the purification, so have some hand sanitizer or soap and water handy. We'll also direct you to bless your own cup of blessings, so have something handy to drink from, filled with a liquid of your choice. You may also wish to have your own personal Hallows set up, with a fire, a vessel of water, and a pillar or tree, if you wish to open your own altar during the rite. We hope, as well, that you will consider joining us at 2:30 Eastern on Sunday, May 3, 2020, for our Grove's main rite on Zoom. (Virtual Beltaine Ritual, Honoring Gobnait and the Bees).

Pagan Fire Seminars: From Inspiration to Practice
Pagan Fire Seminars: From Inspiration to Practice is the fourth edition of our day-long set of workshops, this year centered around the arts. Join us in-person on April 6, or — new this year — join us virtually. For information, and to register, visit

Kids and Fairies
What do kids know about fairies? More than some adults! We ask them where fairies are found, what to do when you catch a fairy, and even what you do if something that isn't supposed to talk asks for your Real Name! We didn't prep the kids for these questions: what you see are their extemporaneous thoughts on the subject at hand! Learn more about Druidry at the Three Cranes Grove, ADF page, at, or at the Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship page.

Rev. Missy Ashton is defending her ADF Initiatory work to her initiators tonight. Join us to watch the first of three tests (the other two tests are also tonight, but we will not be broadcasting them). This particular work will, we think, be very educational for the broader folk. Rev. Ashton is formerly of our Grove, and currently part of Mountain Ancestors Grove, ADF (though, of course, once a Crane, always a Crane).

Join us for the Druid Sunday Service at the Dublin Irish Festival, celebrating Lughnasadh and the goddess Tailtiu! The video was recorded live on August 5, 2018, at the Dublin Irish Festival's Celtic Music House. We started with 30 minutes of live music, and then did our ritual. We had abuot 260 people in attenance, and collected $580 for the local food bank.

Our Bards are here, playing live!

Live from the Wellspring Gathering at Tredara!

An Evening With the 3CG Bards - Vol. 3!
The Bards of 3CG - March 31 Concert! Join us as our bards present a number of songs, both original and traditional, on a general Pagan theme. Here’s this concert’s setlist: 1 - Come Pray With Me (Jan Avende) 2 - Blossom Lifter (chorus trad. Romuva via JD Labash; verses Mike Bierschenk) 2a - Earth Mother, Velociraptor (let’s call this neo-traditional...) 3 - Hallows Chant (Kathleen Pezza) 4 - Let the World Tree Grow (Meghan Western, Jan Avende, Mike Bierschenk) 5 - Bless Our Groves (Mike Bierschenk) 6 - Swimming to the Other Side (Pat Humphries) 7 - California Stars (Woody Guthrie) 8 - Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell via Counting Crows) 9 - Spirits, We Invite You (Kathleen Pezza) 10 - Winds of Freedom (Jan Avende) 11 - Sounds of Earth (Jim Moray) 12 - Song of Awen (Damh the Bard) 13 - Storm (S.J. Tucker) 14 - Holder, Healer (Mike Bierschenk) 15 - Peace Is In My Heart (unknown) 16 - Astral Plane (Valerie June) 17 - Guiding Me Home (Dara nic Dahna and Melissa Ashton) 18 - Go With The Fire (Mike Bierschenk) Thanks so much for joining us: we love to know you’re watching, so feel free to use the reaction buttons and let us know how things are going. We’ll be monitoring comments throughout, as well. May you all pray with a good fire!

A Simple Imbolc Blessing Rite
A blessing rite can be quite simple: here, our Grove Priests provide a bare-bones blessing with a simple altar, ideal for anyone just starting out, or an old hand looking to reach out to the Spirits. The rite uses a fire, a well, and a cup for blessing, and nine tealight candles, and asks the Spirits to instill the Nine Pagan Virtues within us. The patron of the rite (since we recorded/released this around Imbolc) is Brigando, the Gaulish variant of the more commonly recognized Irish goddess, Brigid. Join Revs. Avende and Dangler for this simple, 15 minute rite, and let us know how you do your own devotionals!

"Brigantia: Dea Nymphae Brigantiae – The Triple Muse" - 3CG Imbolc 2018 Praise Offering
We'd like to invite you to join us in one of our favorite Imbolc traditions, no matter where you might be just this moment. Each year, we read Colin Murray's "Brigantia: Dea Nymphae Brigantiae – The Triple Muse" as part of our Imbolc rite. This is the 2018 reading of the rite. (You can find the full rite at