Chelmsford Independent, Concord, MA Videos

Videos by Chelmsford Independent in Concord. The Chelmsford Independent is the local newspaper for Chelmsford, Mass., a town of 35,000 northwest o

BC High's Cole Bohane is swinging for the fences in hopes of a Div. I scholarship.

Other Chelmsford Independent videos

BC High's Cole Bohane is swinging for the fences in hopes of a Div. I scholarship.

Inner Strength Gospel Choir

Black History Month celebration Chelmsford Center for the Arts

Sept 11 ceremony

Car into building at Fletcher Street, more info when available

Wire down, partial lane closings

More from the Fourth of July parade!

The Fourth of July parade has begun!

Let’s make change, together! You have the ideas to improve your community. @acommunitythrives has $2 million for nonprofits to make them happen. Submit your idea.

The Sept 11 ceremony

Stone Castle at The Happy Room!

The buzz at the Chelmsford Farm Fair!