Billerica Minuteman Videos

Videos by Billerica Minuteman. The Billerica Minuteman is the best source for all news in and around Billerica, Massachusetts. The M

BC High's Cole Bohane is swinging for the fences in hopes of a Div. I scholarship.

Other Billerica Minuteman videos

BC High's Cole Bohane is swinging for the fences in hopes of a Div. I scholarship.

The official ribbon cutting at the Billerica Fire Station in Pinehurst. Billerica Fire | MA

Graveside service for Billerica Fire | MA Firefighter Patrick Corbett

Funeral procession for Billerica Fire | MA Patrick Corbett

Veteran’s Day in Bedford with Billerica officials:

Scar covering winner gets tattoed for free at Backdoor Ink
We have a really fun story coming next week about a free tattoo contest and one of the winners through Backdoor Ink in Billerica. Keep an eye on this page for the full article.

Shawsheen culinary/hospitality students talk about Covid and curbside pick up
Curbside pick up is back at Shawsheen Valley Regional Vocational Technical School District with a few new additions. Full story to come, but check out our video below first!

Billerica 9/11 ceremony II

After 9/11, cities and towns across the country received steel from the fallen Twin Towers. Chosen from an application process, cities and towns had to agree they would use the Ground Zero steel in memorials and public displays. Other World Trade Center steel became part of the official 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero, and 7.5 tons went to build the bow of the Navy ship USS New York. New York City sold 175,000 tons of the remaining steel scrap. Here's where a database of the pieces in New England:

Billerica School Committee meeting

Anti-mask protestors are currently outside Town of Billerica, MA Town Hall asking the school department to change their recent mask recommendations for next fall.

Aiden Fell, 16, of Billerica was nervous to get his first Pfizer dose, but powered through with the knowledge that he is helping his peers stay safe in school and the kind words of local pharmacist Admel O’Reilly.

Vaccination clinic hosted by the town of Billerica at the Council on Aging

The return of the Billerica School Committee to in-person.

Let’s make change, together! You have the ideas to improve your community. @acommunitythrives has $2 million for nonprofits to make them happen. Submit your idea.

Shawsheen Tech graduation III

Shawsheen Tech 2021 graduation

Billerica Memorial Day Parade II

Billerica Memorial Day Parade 2021

The Easter bunny makes an egg-pecially sweet delivery!