Cookin' With Carol

Delicious home-cooked meals where the secret is that all of our dishes are made with love.



The scripture that states this, is 1st Peter 1:16 (KJV).
It says, "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."

However in verse 13 of the same chapter, it says "be sober," not be ye sober. When it says to be sober, it is a command. Be ye is something different.

Many have been taught that the Word is telling us to "be holy," you know... accomplish it somehow.

However, the word "be" is a state of being verb, meaning "are." The word "for" means "because."
The word "ye" means "you."

It's saying you are holy, because I am holy.

Hebrews 10:10 (KJV) says that we are Santified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Sanctified - set apart as, declared holy

We are holy because of Him, and nothing that we can do.

The holiness that we can control, is holy character and there's a difference.

Hebrews 12:14 (KJV) says that no man shall see the Lord without holiness. But if you read the entire passage, you'll learn that it's speaking about your witness, and not "making it to heaven."

Just some food for thought. Good morning and merry Christmas eve. 😊 - Apostle Reggie



Sometimes we, as born again believers, can follow the traditions of the "church" and believe that it is biblical truth, simply because the "church" has taught it for a period of time. But upon closer examination, truly listening to God's voice and opening our eyes, for the first time (without religion) to God's Word, changes things.

When we examine marriage, in the Word of God, we start at the beginning. We learn that the first marriage (covenant) is between God and man, not Adam and Eve as many may believe.

Adam's second marriage (covenant) was with Eve. Their covenant (agreement/ contract/ stipulation/ union/consummation) was rooted in the first, between man and God (be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it).

The Catholic Church determined on 673, that a marriage was only permitted between one man and one woman. They, not the Word of God, determined that a man can only have one wife.

Yes, the two become one flesh, not multiple people. But the women are never married to each other, as the women cannot enter each other, which is how marriage is consummated.

However, the man is in more than one marriage. We know that this is permitted for a few reasons:

1. Adam's first marriage (covenant) was with God and not Eve. This means that Adam had more than one marriage.

2. If we have a husband or wife as born again believers, we have two marriages as well. The first with God and the second with our spouse.

3. God gave David multiple wives, which are multiple marriages.

Some may say that David didn't sleep with those women, and God didn't give them for that purpose. But when you further examine the scriptures, you'll find that God gave those wives "into his bosom."

In Genesis 16:5 (KJV), Sarai gave her maid into Abram's bosom and the maid conceived. This means that they had s*x/married.

Deuteronomy 13:6 ; 28:54 (KJV) also speaks of the wife of the bosom. But we know that God would give multiple wives for the purposes of literally being wives, because he said it to David.

2nd Samuel 12:11 (KJV) - Thus saith the Lord, behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and (I)will take thy WIVES before thine eyes, and GIVE them unto thy neighbor, and HE shall lie with thy WIVES in the sight of the sun.

This is another instance of God giving multiple wives.
We also mustn't overlook the scripture where God gives instructions to a man having more than one wife (Exodus 21:10 (KJV) ).

The question isn't whether or not God gave them, but what was the purpose then and what would be the purpose now?... And why did the Catholic Church prevent it and create this "tradition," if God didn't?

- Apostle Reggie


I know that there are those who may believe that when we post scripture that challenges what many have been taught, we are trying to challenge them and "prove" something. On the contrary, our page is meant to shed light on what many may not know. It is truly ministry, based solely on the Word of God. This page is for ministry purposes and for those that want the truth of God's Word, no matter what.

So when we do post scripture, please know and understand that we are not attempting to rile anyone up, nor debate the Word of God and "challenge" anyone.

What God has given us concerning sin and what He has shown us concerning marriage is for a purpose, not to prove that we're "right" and anyone else is "wrong."

What God has done, is given us a word that comes against religion and the graffiti that has been plastered on the foundation of many born again believers, for centuries.

We love you all, and only desire to do the will of the Lord. - Apostle Reggie


Facebook used to show you who shared your posts, but they don't anymore. We always like to thank the people sharing, but this "secret sharing" doesn't allow that. So if you were one of the 5 people that shared one of our posts, or one of the 7 that shared another, we thank you! We know this is some heavy stuff we're posting and it takes a lot of courage to share it, so trust us, we truly appreciate you spreading the word! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

Photos from Cookin' With Carol's post 12/03/2023

Today, I took about 5 hours to meal prep for the next couple of days. We really, really try not to buy a lot of quick or frozen foods, so we end up cooking pretty often lol...I just wanted to make sure that when someone goes to the fridge to grab something, they have some "decent" choices available, you know?
I'm very excited to share that this is a new air dryer wing recipe I tried today...they were soooooo delicious! If anyone would like the recipe, let me know and I'll put it in the comment section... but here are some of the things I spent today preparing.....

Air fryer lemon pepper- honey wings
Sauteed Red (really purple, but whatever lol) cabbage with red bell peppers and bacon
Potato salad
Asian style green beans
Asparagus (it was blanched today, but it'll be roasted fresh when we're ready for it)
Tuscan chicken with spinach, sun dried and fresh cherry tomatoes
Homemade chocolate mousse (cacao powder ,heavy cream, dark chocolate chips, vanilla, plain Greek yogurt and a tad bit of powdered sugar). This will be paired with the frozen strawberries for a semi-sweet treat

I had a lot of fun trying some of these recipes for the first time and I know we'll have fun eating them lol... good night y'all... have a wonderful evening!!❀️❀️❀️



"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24 (KJV)

However, God never forbade a man from from having more than one marriage.

God have David multiple wives. 2nd Samuel 12:8 (KJV)

Each of those wives were individual marriages.

- Apostle Reggie


Everything that I teach, in ministry, is rooted in the Word of God (KJV)

There is NOT one scripture that condemns a man having more than one wife, not in the new testament or the old.

Genesis 2:21-24 (KJV) talks about two becoming one, but it does NOT say that a man can't become one with more than one woman.

That man is also becoming one with his other wife. The two are still becoming one.

God gave absolutely NO provision for man having more than one wife, when he created Adam and Eve.

Adam, at some point had to marry (have s*x with/ become one with) one of his daughters. If God was against it, He would have created multiple people at a time, to prevent this.

If God was against it, He would have condemned it in Leviticus, when He SPECIFICALLY condemned many other s*xual acts.

God affirmed it in Exodus chapter 21 (KJV), when He LITERALLY gave instructions about it.

Paul does not condemn it either.

1st Corinthians 7:1-2 (KJV)
"Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

Paul was speaking about fornication (intertwining spirits/joining with a harlot/idolater). You can read about that in 1st Corinthians 6:16-20 (KJV).

Paul good on to say, "I speak this by permission, and not of commandment." 1st Corinthians 7:6 (KJV)

It was not a command by Paul, or by God.

The Word of God only specifies CERTAIN members in the church office, to only have one wife ( Bishops/elders/pastors, and deacons). 1st Timothy 3:1-2, 12 (KJV), and Titus 1:5-7 (KJV)

If it were a rule for all, there would be no need to specify (one), and GOD would have not only commanded it, but forbade it in the law and outside of it.

However, He didn't. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If you have issue with this, please ask yourself... why?

- Apostle Reggie


The Word of God does NOT support POLYGAMY.

POLYGAMY - the practice or custom of having more than one wife OR husband at the same time.

The Word of God supports the HUSBAND having more than one wife, ONLY!

If the wife has more than one husband, she and the other husbands, outside of the first, are ALL in adultery.

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and adulteress shall surely be put to death." Leviticus 20:10 (KJV)

If the man has more than one wife and the other wife/wives DO NOT have their own husbands, that man that marries them is NOT in adultery, but he has taken more than one wife.

Proof of this... ALL the men of God, in the Word of God, that had multiple wives. Not to mention, GOD gave David multiple wives ( 2nd Samuel 12:8 (KJV)

Not only did God NOT condemn men having multiple wives, but He gave instruction if they did. (Exodus 21:10 (KJV) ).

If you believe those men of God were in adultery, then you are also accusing GOD of perpetuating adultery. - Apostle Reggie



John 3:5 (KJV) says, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

John 4:14 says, "The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Jesus is the water that He's speaking about. He's speaking spiritually, when He says "Except a man be born of water." We know this, because Jesus said in John 3:6 (KJV) "That which is both of flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

You cannot be born again spiritually, by natural means.
The natural baptism is a representation of the spiritual cleansing and circumcision/ death and resurrection.

1st John 3:9 (KJV) says, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him: and he CANNOT sin, because he is born of God."

Cannot - unable
Unable - lacking the skill, means or opportunity to do something

1st Peter 1:23 (KJV) - "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

Incorruptible - not susceptible to corruption
Corrupt - wicked
Sin - Transgression of the law; unrighteousness; evil; wicked; corruption

Matthew 7:18 (KJV) says that a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Verse 17 says that a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.

The born again believer IS the good tree, because of the seed. Likewise, the unbeliever is the corrupt tree, because of their seed.

The good tree is the tree that has the seed of God. It is impossible for that tree, in and of itself to produce corruption, because the seed is incorruptible.

However, corruption can befall the tree, if the seed is changed.

Someone who is born of God has an incorruptible seed, because of the root of righteousness given at salvation.

Whomever is born of God is a believer. However, not everyone that believes is born of God.

"Thou believest that there is one good; thou doest well; the devils also believe and tremble." James 2:19 (KJV)

When it says that the born of God can't sin, it explains why. It says His seed remains in us.

It says "Whosoever is"

Is - a state of being

It's saying that as long as you are in the state of incorruption/ possessing an incorruptible seed, you cannot be corrupted/ in a state of corruption/ possessing a corruptible seed/seed of sin/wicked.

This state of being can only be changed, when the root is changed. When the root is changed, the seed is corrupted.

Righteousness becomes unrighteousness through idolatry. This is how the "state of being" is changed.

Satan said, in his heart, that he will exalt his throne above the stars of God. Isaiah 14:13-24 (KJV)

This is where sin began, with idolatry.

"The devil sinneth from the beginning." 1st John 3:8 (KJV)

Outside of idolatry/a corruptible seed, you cannot sin/ be wicked/ possess the seed of corruption.

The act of doing something immoral/ wrong is not sin for the born again believer, because the seed from within is a righteous one.

Yes, there are consequences to immoral actions, but separation from God isn't one, unless the seed becomes corrupt through idolatry/ fornication.

Fornication - Idolatry; Forsaking of the true God and worshiping of idols.

This is also unfaithfulness to God.

The only way that we,as born again believers, can be unfaithful to God, is by having another god.

The difference between the sinner and the born again, is the seed/ having different gods, not outward actions of right and wrong.

Sin is also the transgression of the law, but the law is not made for a righteous man ( 1st Timothy 1:9 (KJV) ). - Apostle Reggie



When it come to the world, they may feel offended when first presented with the truth of the gospel. They may feel as though they are being condemned, by the one who's presenting the gospel. This can be true in many cases, as some born again believers are self-righteous and condemning. They only truly want to believe that they are fine, just the way they are.

But what about the born again believer? We sometimes don't want to hear the truth of The Word of God, even when it's plain to see in front of us, because it can be uncomfortable. It can sometimes change the foundation of how we've been taught. It can even shed light and expose some things about ourselves, that we're just not yet ready to face.

So, we may desire our ears tickled with the "safe gospel"... you know... the one that teaches all we have to do is "make sure" we're not "sinning," by trying to uphold a law that was never meant for us, in the first place.

But when we learn that something is more spiritual than natural, like fornication, this becomes uncomfortable because we no longer have "control," like trying to uphold a tangible law.

We now have to examine the spiritual and who we've been with s*xulally, and whether or not we have been in fornication (idolatry). It causes us to examine who we've married/become one with.

If you are a born again believer, who is really looking for the truth, don't shut out the Word of God, because of being uncomfortable. Please let the Word of God renew your mind, and seek the healing and deliverance that you need.

You may be going through something, and the understanding about fornication has really shed light. You may have even asked God for the answers, and have been searching for years.

If this is for you, please receive and don't close yourself off from getting what you need, and what you've been searching for.

God loves you, and He wants to see you set free. - Apostle Reggie


For centuries, religious organizations have condemned people for having babies out of wedlock...but the word wedlock is not even in the bible!!! It's just something man made up to condemn something they don't even have full understanding about and to act superior if they had a baby within so called "wedlock" lol....anybody that had s*x to produce a baby, was married the moment they had s*x, so there IS no "baby out of wedlock"!! When a man goes in unto a woman (in*******se), they are becoming one flesh. THAT is how the bible defines marriage!! The thing is, you shouldn't just marry and have babies with any old body. But those babies were ABSOLUTELY not conceived "outside of wedlock". Believe the bible and not what people say, think, feel or believe. Receive true fellowship with God, to stop walking in condemnation, guilt and shame. He is the one who created you! He is the one who died for you! He is the one who loves you unconditionally! Learn His true heart by accepting Him, turning away from any and all idols, and studying and knowing His word for yourself! He loves you enough to want you to know the truth....but, if you just listen to hearsay, form a belief based on that hearsay, because you haven't studied it for yourself, you won't KNOW for yourself! It will always be based on what "somebody" said. Don't even listen to ME right now, because I could have a diabolical plan to "trick you into a loving relationship with your creator"🀣🀣🀣🀣....but find out of its a trick or not, by reading the word for yourself!!!

Happy Wednesday y'all!! I love you more than you may ever know!πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž



Many believers say that they've never heard the voice of God. This is true.

They go on to say, "God speaks to people in different ways. He shows me different scriptures, or He may give me a feeling down in my spirit."

This is NOT true.

Yes, God may COMMUNICATE in different ways, but speaking involves an actual voice. "... let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4 (KJV)

Speak - utter
Utter - to give voice to something

The Word of God remains true, no matter what.

Just because you haven't heard, or don't know God's voice, doesn't mean He isn't speaking. Perhaps the reason He may communicate through other means, is because you may not have learned His voice, just yet.

"Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV) - Apostle Reggie



Well, most people may say "the times have simply changed." πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ But have you ever asked why?

The answer is simple. The enemy's (devil's) job is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10 (KJV) ). God's original plan for man has NEVER changed, not due to culture, ethnicity, "religion," or any of men's plan or design.

God's original decree after making man in His image, was for the man and woman to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it. He then gave dominion (Genesis 1:28 (KJV) ).

After God made man, He made woman from the rib of man (Genesis 2:21-22 (KJV) ).

God's purpose for the woman, was LITERALLY for the man ( "And the Lord God said, It is not good the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him. (Genesis 2:18 (KJV) / Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man (1st Corinthians 11:9 (KJV) ).

The world has gotten so far out of reach, of God's original design, that we believe the way things are set up, IS the way that God designed.

But take a look at the "independence" that's going on in the world. Women (as a whole) don't truly respect men as the head and, sadly, it's even presented this way in some churches. However, the Word of God says different (... the head of the woman is man... (1st Corinthians 11:3 (KJV) ).

The original plan by God (for His people) was to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it.

It began that way with Adam and Eve, but then they committed idolatry and thus the fall of man began.

Once Adam and Eve began to have children, some, like Able, followed after God... but others didn't.

Everyone started having children, whether they served God or not. But God's people are supposed to subdue the earth and have dominion. But how do they do that, when most people aren't serving God?

Men of God, in the Bible, had multiple wives. Remember, God said multiply... not add. For some (like David (2nd Samuel 12:7-8 (KJV) ), God gave multiple wives.

God has never changed His mandate, nor has He ever spoken in the Word of God, against a man having more than one wife.

The enemy has presented the idea of one man and one woman, to the people of God, to stop the process of multiplication. God said "multiply," so man multiplied wives in order to multiply God's people, replenish the earth and subdue it.

When multiple women had to submit themselves to one man, the roles were clear (Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22 (KJV) ). The man was the head.

Now that "independence" has come about, many women don't believe in submitting to men, many women claim they don't need men, and many men are even submitting to women.

As a result of this, children are now out of control, because the natural role and order of things are out of whack.Children are deciding what gender they want to become, and adults are allowing it. Not to mention, everything else that's going on in the world.

The world no longer acknowledges the original plan and mandate of God.

"Times have changed." Yeah, buy God hasn't. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8 (KJV) ). - Apostle Reggie.


Yesterday we were talking with a sister in Christ about a number of things that religious organizations have taught for many, many years. She asked why people have just believed it, quoted it and patterned their lives after it, when there's nothing in the word of God to support it or it doesn't actually say what they are saying it says? We said, "It's simple sister...people just do not read and know the word for themselves!"

We can't say this enough, to those who believe in the word of God: Read it for yourself! It's not just a regular old book that you can read on some "read the entire Bible in a year" challenge. This "book" requires God given revelation, to be most effective in your life!! You must ask the Holy Spirit for understanding, because we mustn't lean to our own understanding, (which is finite) Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV. The Holy Spirit will lead you into ALL truth (John 16:13 KJV)! First, His spirit must be invited to live in you. After that, His spirit inside of you will guide you into all truth. His spirit won't lead you to anything that His word is against or that's contrary to His word. The longer you allow yourself to be led by His spirit, the more willing you'll be to believe the word more than what you've heard, formerly believed, or thought you knew! Let the word of God renew your mind, so you can fulfill the will of God (Roman's 12:2 KJV). Just believe the word!!

Happy Tuesday y'all! May something beautiful happen in your lives today!πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž


This morning I woke up very, very, early. I suddenly remembered when I was pregnant with all 4 of our children. When I first got pregnant, one of the things I most looked forward to was feeling the baby move inside of me. The baby moves very early on in your pregnancy, you just don't feel it straight away. But, even before you experience vigorous and obvious kicking, punching, backflips, etc., you feel what I'd describe as "flutters"... it's almost like a gentle gurgling inside your belly lol...after years of being a mother, it can become kind of "buried", in the archives of your core memories, just how exciting that initial "fluttering" was. But this morning I woke up and vividly remembered the feeling. Today, in honor of that memory, I'll thank God a few times more for those tiny flutters, who now tower over me lol... I'll also hold them in a longer embrace then usual today, as I reminisce on the very, very beginning of our babies.πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

Happy Monday everybody! May something phenomenal happen in your lives today! Please be kind to each other. πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž



This scripture is found in 1st Corinthians 7:2 (KJV), however it's often misquoted. Other versions say, "because of the temptation of s*xual immorality/ because s*xual immorality is occurring, each man should have his own wife and each woman should have her own husband. However, this is NOT what the King James Bible says.

The initial quote is what is stated, but not in its entirety.

Paul begins by saying in 1st Corinthians 7:1 (KJV), "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote into me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
Vs 2. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

When Paul says fornication, he is speaking about idolatry, not casual s*x.

We know this, because Paul is speaking about this in 1st Corinthians 6 (KJV), just before he advises them.

Ch 6:16 (KJV) What? Know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

Harlot - One who forsakes the true God and worships idols.

A harlot is an idolater.

Paul's not speaking about a man that has casual s*x with a woman outside of marriage, because it is the s*x that will make them married.

He said, "for two, saith he, shall be one flesh."

Paul's talking about idolatry/intertwining spirits.

S*x is spiritual. If a man has the Spirit of God and has s*x with/marries a woman who does not have the Spirit of God, but of the devil, he is joining his spirit with the spirit of the devil.

This is why, in vs 17 (KJV), Paul goes on to say "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit."

If a man and a woman both know the Lord and has s*x/becomes married, they are joined together by the Spirit of God.

Paul goes on to say in vs 18 (KJV), "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."

Paul's saying flee idolatry. Sin begins with idolatry. 1st John 3:8 (KJV) says, "Whosoever committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning..."
The devil is where sin started. That's why it says, "the devil sinneth from the beginning." He was the first to do it. His sin was idolatry.

When Paul says that every sin that a man does is without the body, he's saying that every form of idolatry is an outward action.

Fornication is a sin against your own body, because that is (for the believer) allowing an unclean spirit to inhabit your body, by becoming one with someone who doesn't have the Spirit of God.

This is why Paul goes on to say in vs 19 (KJV), "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own."

The believer has the Spirit of God. Paul is speaking about idolatry through the intertwining of spirits.

In 1st Corinthians 7:2 (KJV), when Paul says to avoid fornication, he was speaking about what he had just stated in chapter 6, which was idolatry.

The word "let" means allow.

Paul was saying, to avoid fornication (idolatry/intertwining spirits), allow yourselves to have your own spouse. Men, allow yourselves to have your own wife. Women, allow yourselves to have your own husband.

This was good advice and even wisdom, but it was not a command from God.

We know this, because in 1st Corinthians 7:6 (KJV), Paul says, "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment."

Permission - Someone has the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it will be allowed or permitted.

As an Apostle, Paul had authority given by God, over the people.

Paul was saying that he had the authority, given by God, to allow them to do what he had spoken about, pertaining to having one spouse. However, it was not a commandment.

In other words, you are allowed to have one spouse to avoid fornication (idolatry/intertwining spirits), but it's not a command by God to do so.

This was Paul's opinion. We know this as well, because Paul said that it is good for a man not to touch a woman. But God said in Genesis 2:18 (KJV) "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him."

Paul was simply teaching them how to avoid intertwining and having s*x with/marrying those that served another god.

The fornication that he spoke about was idolatry.

To get a clearer understanding, please watch our live video in its entirety.

The comments will be turned off. If you have any questions, please feel free to inbox. - Apostle Reggie



We have been taught, for a very long time, that adultery is when someone steps outside of their marriage and has s*xual relations with someone else. We have also been taught that adultery is something that is for the married person, and fornication is for the unmarried person.

If this is true, then Matthew 5:28 (KJV) would only be addressing the married man ( But I sat unto you, that Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath c committed adultery with her already in his heart.); and Matthew 19:9 would be addressed to the unmarried (And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.).

In the first scripture, Jesus is addressing everyone when He says Whosoever, yet He's speaking on adultery. In the second scripture, He's addressing the husband when He's says except it be for fornication.

Fornication is Idolatry (Forsaking of the true God and worshiping of idols).

Adultery has several meanings:
1. Idolatry
2. Apostasy - Forsake and falling away
3. All manner of lewdness and unchastity

Lewdness - Behavior that is s*xual in an obvious and offensive way

Unchastity - Unlawful indulgence of the s*xual appetite

If adultery is when someone steps outside of their marriage (a man having s*x with someone who's not his wife), then we are saying that everyone I throughout the Word of God who had multiple wives were guilty of adultery, including God.

In 2nd Samuel 12:8 (KJV) we learn that David not only had multiple wives, but God Himself gave them to him.

We learn in Leviticus 20:10 (KJV) that the punishment for adultery was to be put to death. It says, "And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife shall surely be put to death."

Another man's wife means that particular woman has a covenant through s*x (marriage) with another man.

This means that the "other man" has already become one with that woman.

For a man to commit adultery, that woman has to already be joined with/in covenant with "the other man."

Otherwise, if a man that already has a wife joins himself to an unmarried woman, he has not committed adultery, but taken on another wife.

Proof of this, is every man throughout the Word of God that had multiple wives (Abraham, Esau, Jacob, Elkanah, Samuel, Solomon). They were not adulterers.

However, for the woman it's different.

1st Corinthians 11:3 (KJV) says that the head of the woman is man. This means that if a married woman has s*x with any man, whether he be married or not, she is committing adultery. Why?

A woman cannot have two heads/coverings. If both men are men of God, but has two separate callings, who does she follow?

This is why the men were able to have multiple wives, but the woman could only have one husband. She can only be led by one man, but one man can cover many.

Not only does God not condemn having more than one wife, but He gave instructions if you did (Exodus 21:10 KJV).

Please watch our video in its entirety, in order to get further clarity.

The comments will be turned off, but feel free it inbox if you have questions. - Apostle Reggie

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Conway, AR

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm

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