Fit Traveler Blog

Fit Traveler is a travel fitness blog showing life through baseball and travel.Travel guides. Workout

Photos from Fit Traveler Blog's post 07/01/2024

Hiking Challenges I’m Doing

For the past few months, I feel like I have been in this weird headspace. To get myself out of it, I signed up for a bunch of hiking challenges this summer. Both challenges are based on the honor system and tracking your own miles however you want.

I’m using a travel journal to track all my miles so everything is in one place. My Adventure Challenge does have a Hiking Journal.

Wildlife Prairie Park

For all challenges, you must let them know at check-in. They will give you the maps. All miles walked count towards each challenge. So the Bobcat 75 goes towards the Walkers 200 and Bison 300.

5-mile challenge - East side of the park around the perimeter of the park. On the map, there are 10 different places to stop and take a picture. Then go back to the ticket gate to earn a prize.

4-mile challenge - West side of the park around the perimeter of that side. On this side there 9 different places to take a picture. Then go back to the ticket gate to earn a prize.

Bobcat 75 Mile Challenge - June 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024 - walk 75 miles at WPP

Wildlife Walkers 200 miles - June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025 - walk 200 miles at WPP

Bison 300 Mile Challenge - June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025 - walk 300 miles at WPP

My Adventure Challenge

When you sign up, you’ll get a sticker and a patch and it’s recommended to take them with you on the hikes. They have different hashtags for different trail challenges.

They have year-round hiking challenges and after you complete a tree gets planted in your name.

Blazin Summer 65 mile - June 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024 - Minimum of 6 different trails at least 1 mile for the summer.

The Hiker 365 mile- June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025 (you can start anytime but this is my start time. I started mine the same as WPP.) It’s a minimum of at least 1 mile per hike. I have 365 days to hike 365 miles.

Waterfall Chaser Challenge - July 12, 2024 - October 12, 2024 (this is another start whenever. My goal is to see all 10 in Michigan.) 10 waterfalls in 90 days - each waterfall has to be at least 2 miles from each other

Photos from Fit Traveler Blog's post 06/30/2024
Four Friday Favorites - Latest Obsessions - May 2023 - Fit Traveler Blog 06/25/2024

ICYMI - My Four Latest Obsessions - Trip Planning is SO HIGH on that list. I love planning trips!!

Four Friday Favorites - Latest Obsessions - May 2023 - Fit Traveler Blog Spread the loveAnother month. Another 4th Friday. So, another round of 4 Friday Favorites. This month it’s all about my latest obsessions. For the past few months I have been in a rut, I haven’t wanted to read. My writing hasn’t been as active as I wanted it to be. It has felt like IRead More

Why I'm Becoming A Minimalist? - Fit Traveler Blog 06/22/2024

I want to live a minimalistic lifestyle. The biggest struggle is impulse buying. Here's the reasons I want to become a minimalist.

Why I'm Becoming A Minimalist? - Fit Traveler Blog Spread the loveBecoming a minimalist is a work in process. It has been something that I have been on and off again several times, but I am fully committed. Minimalism is about being intentional, living on less, and being more simplistic. Minimalism has become a mindset or a filter on how I live my l...

Four Friday Favorites - Latest Obsessions - May 2023 - Fit Traveler Blog 06/21/2024

I wish I never purchased anything off Tiktok because now I see all the deals and want it all! I have gotten some really great things off TikTok, but my favorite has to be my 4D camera.

Four Friday Favorites - Latest Obsessions - May 2023 - Fit Traveler Blog Spread the loveAnother month. Another 4th Friday. So, another round of 4 Friday Favorites. This month it’s all about my latest obsessions. For the past few months I have been in a rut, I haven’t wanted to read. My writing hasn’t been as active as I wanted it to be. It has felt like IRead More


Starting next week, I am going to do a Throwback Thursday of a place I have been - it could be a place I have lived, sports-related, or a place I have been.

I was recently going through my Dropbox and reminiscing about all the places I have been. I can't wait to share with yall.
Pic: Wildlife Prairie Park - Peoria, IL

Positive Affirmations - Fit Traveler Blog 06/19/2024

I can do hard things! This is a mantra I use when hiking.

Positive Affirmations are now one of my favorite things to do in my morning routine and life in general. It helps me to stay focused in the moment.

Positive Affirmations - Fit Traveler Blog Positive Affirmations are phrases repeated to change negative thoughts and habits. Affirmations can be written, said outloud, or to yourself.

Photos from Fit Traveler Blog's post 06/18/2024

💪 Workout Plan 💪

My brain CAN NOT workout with an app! I need to have pen & paper. It might be extra work writing my workouts out but it will be worth it.

I also went on Precision Nutrition to get an idea on how much I should be eating everyday! I love how PN does measurements because it’s a rough estimate using your hand. Protein in the palm of your hand. Carbs is cupped hand. Fat is size of the thumb.

I love that this planner has a spot for everything health based. I can track my cardio, strength, stretching/mobility/somatic, nutrition, water, and sleep. Everything to track to help me hit my goals.

Hopefully this will help from scrolling or playing on my phone instead of working out. Anyone else have this problem?

Favorite Travel Apps - Fit Traveler Blog 06/18/2024

My favorite travel apps are constantly changing because I learn something new on every trip. My go-to travel app right now is Google Maps. I love that I can add things to the map and during the trip i will get directions to each place in order.

What is your favorite app to use when traveling?

Favorite Travel Apps - Fit Traveler Blog Favorite Travel Apps has all of the apps or websites that I use to plan a majority of my trips. Includes: things to do, where to eat, & more.


This weekend has been all about social media. I just hope I implement everything I just worked on. Fingers crossed. Imposter Syndrome is REAL



If you want to declutter or clean out your place, I recommend knowing your why or purpose. Why do you want to declutter or clean out your place? My next recommendation would be to start small. Start with a drawer, a cabinet, a certain number, etc.




It's interesting the things we put off because we think they will be hard or challenging but then turns out to be the complete opposite. I have been putting off this project for 3 years. I got a cross-stitch streetcar in New Orleans, but it has been a long time since I have cross-stitched.

What project have you been putting off?


Sunday Night Spa Night is BACK!!! It has been too long, but I know it's exactly what I need. I have my extensions out for a little bit, so I'm doing a head to toe treatment. And finishing the night with a spray tan.


One of my favorite features on the booking app is pay later. I plan a lot of trips and some come to fruition and some don't, so it's nice to have that flexibility with canceling reservations. Also the customer service is amazing! They have helped me out a jam more than once.

Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's Amazon Page - -Book Wish List- 05/02/2024

My list of places I want to visit never decreased, and the number of books I want to read doesn't either. Weird.

Here's a list of books on my wish list. Have you ready any? Any I should add?

Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's Amazon Page - -Book Wish List- Shop recommended products from Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog on Learn more about Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's favorite products.



I didn’t know this until a few weeks ago, and that’s probably been as long as I have been thinking about it I want to post this!! Over the past few years I have shared more of my struggles than in my whole life.

In MY head, I always thought I had to have it together. I never tried to understand why I do things but always tried to change it. Last year, I was on a mission to really understand the root & why I do the things that I do. I was trying to heal myself and rebuild my own foundation!

Then in August/September 2023 happened, my body shut down. I had the worst panic/anxiety attack. I couldn’t get out of bed for 2 days before I went to the doctor. She put me on a week of rest. I wasn’t allowed to do anything that made me think. I was told to rest & only for things that I enjoy.

It was the best and worst week. It was the worst only because I had to rest. I didn’t do anything and for so long I thought if I rested I was lazy, unproductive and useless. But rest was what I needed & all the things planned for me will still happen.

Since then I have been talking with a therapist and learning a lot about myself. She has been awesome with reminding me things when I forget. (Especially about rest & amount of things I get done in a day)

I have been working with my doctor on finding the right balance for my anxiety, depression, neurodivergence and ADHD. I feel like I finally have a good combination.

Things are really good now. I am able to see things I need and want to work on without thinking the worst. My mindset has changed. I am speaking up more on what I want. Doing more things that genuinely make me happy.


The #1 things on my bucket list right now is SEDONA! I want to go to Sedona so bad! All the hiking and relaxing sounds amazing!

Photos from Fit Traveler Blog's post 04/23/2024


I would have never thought I would love hiking and being outdoors. I have explored a lot of trails in Peoria and Illinois. I’m so excited that weather is getting warmer and longer daylight. This year I am about doing things outside my comfort zone. I have hiked in the cold, in snow, and hopefully soon in the rain.

Some of my favorite trails in Peoria:
🥾 Forest Park Nature Center

👟 Trail to the Glen - my first hike in Peoria

💧 Kinsey Park - all the trails are named after things in The Wizard of Oz

🥾 Grand View Drive

👟 Pimiteoui Drive

There are some longer trails that I haven’t done yet. My goal is to one day to Detweiller Park to Illinois River Bluff Trail which is about 17 miles.

What’s the longest hike you have done?



This is your go to guide for the best apps for traveling. I use all of these regularly to help me stay organized AND get some great deals.

States I Lived, and Places I Never Visited - Fit Traveler Blog 04/20/2024

I have been really lucky to live in a lot of different states. I try to do as much as possible in each state, but I never know when I am going to leave AND if I will ever come back. There are places in each state that I wish I could have gone to.

States I Lived, and Places I Never Visited - Fit Traveler Blog States I Have Lived, and Places I Never Visited is sharing each state I have lived but the places and things I never got visit.

Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's Amazon Page - Car Organization Loves 04/20/2024

One of my goals for this summer is to get my car organized. I have lots of trips planned - some day trips, some overnight, and some gone for weeks. I want to make sure I have everything organized and in its correct place.

My favorite is the 3 in 1 food tray. I got as a Christmas gift and I use it all the time. I highly recommend it. My next favorite is the screen cleaner. When I am traveling I have most places saved in my favorites in google map.

Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's Amazon Page - Car Organization Loves Shop recommended products from Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog on Learn more about Jessa - Fit Traveler Blog's favorite products.

Giants Race Review - Fit Traveler Blog 04/17/2024

I have always loved to run. I would prefer running over lifting weights. The Giants Race was the perfect motivator during that season of life. The medals were probably the best it's ever been.

Giants Race Review - Fit Traveler Blog Giants Race Review for 2020 - Scottsdale, San Jose, Sacramento, and San Francisco. Ranges from 5k to half marathon.


One of my favorite things about Modesto is the murals. They are so amazing!!


You’re not supposed to get far on a path that was never yours to walk.

I love this because recently I have been so discouraged about things. I want to get angry or upset, but this has almost become an affirmation for me. I am not supposed to get far on a path that's not mine. This is NOT my path to walk.

Celebrate Everything - Fit Traveler Blog 04/11/2024

Celebrate Everything

I wrote this post a few years ago, but it's still relevant. Celebrate everything - it doesn't matter how big or small it might feel like to you. Celebrate it!!

You worked out everyday this week - CELEBRATE! Treat yourself!

I use the reward system with myself all the time. When I write out my big goals and all the steps or habits I need to accomplish that. Then I reward myself based on that goal.

Celebrate Everything - Fit Traveler Blog celebrate everything. it doesn't matter what you have done it needs to be celebrated but it was important to you.

Confusing Gym Lingo - Fit Traveler Blog 04/10/2024

When I was a personal trainer, I wanted to provide as much education to my clients. My goal was always for them NOT to need me anymore. I wanted to be able to give them the tools and the resources.

I feel like sometimes people try to gate keep information. OR make it harder than it really is. I know I do the latter A LOT!!

Confusing Gym Lingo - Fit Traveler Blog Confusing Gym Lingo. AMRAP. Reps. Set. Barbell. Dumbbell. Freeweights. EMOM. HIIT. LIIT. DOMS. Tabata. Plyo. Supersets


If I could only do one thing on my next trip to Washington, it would be Olympic Pennisula.


I am almost gave up!

I started blogging way back in the day like 2009. When it was cool to have blogspot acct. With each move, I said I would take a 2 week break to get settled in the new town, and then I would just stop because starting a new job, training, etc became too much. But I would never stop thinking about it. I love to write. I feel like it was something I was meant to do.

As much I know that I meant to write, my self doubt was bigger. I could never be a content creator/influencer/travel blogger.

-I never had a fancy camera
-I don't know how to edit photos or videos. (I'm not very good but I am getting better)
-I am not trendy or fashionable nor will I ever be
-I will mostly likely be always wearing a sports team (even if I don't like them)
-I don't like taking pictures of myself
-I usually travel solo & usually in my car

I am slowly getting better on my self doubt. It's not always easy, but I am taking it one day at a time. I have dedicated time in my schedule to work on things I don't know how to do or don't do well.

Over the past year, I have spent so much more time writing. I love how creative I am, and the ideas that are coming to me. I wish I had more time to write, and I wish I didn't want to remember every idea. But this space is just the beginning.


Did you know?! Today is National No Housework Day!

I usually don't do much housework on Sunday anyway, but it did get me thinking about spring cleaning. I do need to deep clean the house sometime soon! When it gets a little nicer when I can open all the windows.

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Forest Park Nature Reserve This is becoming one of my places to hike in Peoria. I have seen deer each time and they are ...


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