Witnessing of Jesus Christ as YHWH

Witnessing of Jesus Christ as YHWH

It's just that Satan is disguised to be also witnessing his Jesus, per 2 Cor 11:13-15.

Acts 1:8
Jesus did not send His Apostles to Jerusalem and to the world to be witnesses of Jehovah or of the Holy Spirit or of God Father, but to be His own witnesses.


If you follow the Pope, Russel, E G White, Joseph Smith, or any other evangelist instead of following Jesus, His holy Prophets, and His holy Apostles, Apostle Paul got news for you in 1 Corinthians 2:5:

"that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God". 1 Corinthians 2:5 ASV

YOUR BELIEF (FAITH) SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT STAND ON THE LEADERS of Christianity, of Seventh Day Adventism, Jehovah's witnesses, et cetera, but in the Bible and in its religion, 100% Judaism!


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Only 2 guiding requirements for true salvation: belief and confession that Jesus is Jehovah God, and daily holiness to die holy.


If we (believers and nonbelievers) do not believe that Jesus is I AM (YaHWeH), we will die in our sins.

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We're studying WORD FOR WORD 1 Corinthians every Saturday 12 PM (EST, DST). We're still in chapter 1. You are invited to hear what Paul had to tell the Corinthians.
It's a letter.

In other words, no one can hear or understand something different in a letter.

IF YOU HAVE A HEART THAT CAN UNDERSTAND (Mathew 13:15) ANDA HEART THAT HAS EYES (Ephesians 1:18), You can trade your Church hour for this hour because the Holy Spirit offers more at this hour.

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Jean 18 :36 enseigne que Jésus est Jéhovah!

Jean 18 :36 est une autre déclaration de Jésus de sa propre bouche, déclarant qu'il est l'Éternel Dieu parce qu'il parle de ses serviteurs dans le ciel. Lorsque nous considérons le concept du Ciel dans la Bible juive (Ancien Testament), nous trouvons 4 êtres célestes connus et nommés qui, en plus du Saint-Esprit, servaient l'humanité : Jéhovah, l'Ange de Jéhovah, Gabriel et Micaël.

Maintenant, qui percevons-nous comme étant responsable dans le récit de la Bible juive ? Qui percevons-nous comme des serviteurs ?
C'est Jéhovah Dieu qui a fait les choix. Le Saint-Esprit et les anges connus ont accompli la mission qui leur avait été confiée par Jéhovah Dieu.

Quand Jésus a parlé dans Jean 18 :36 de Ses serviteurs qui auraient pu combattre pour Lui si Son Royaume était de ce monde, les Juifs ont très bien compris ce qu'Il voulait dire.

Nous voyons même le Saint-Esprit au service de Jésus dans ses déclarations promettant la prise de possession du Saint-Esprit une fois qu'il sera parti.

De plus, rappelez-vous toujours que la traduction du nom de Jésus de l'hébreu à l'anglais ou vice versa prouve que Jésus est Jéhovah : Messie (Christ) YE[HO]SHUA (Jésus) YAHWEH (le SEIGNEUR, le Seigneur).

En fin de compte, nous ne pouvons jamais oublier que notre salut dépend UNIQUEMENT de la croyance et de la confession de notre propre bouche que Jésus est Jéhovah afin de ne pas mourir dans nos péchés, selon les déclarations de Jésus dans Jean 8 :24 et de Paul dans Romains 10 :9-11.

En fait, nous devons être saints, mais notre sainteté n'a aucune valeur si nous ne croyons pas en Celui qui rend notre sainteté et notre divinité possibles (nous sommes des dieux, et Jésus dit que les Écritures ne peuvent pas mentir sur les affirmations selon lesquelles les hommes sont des dieux).

Par conséquent, le christianisme et le protestantisme conduisent tous deux à la mort éternelle parce qu'ils ne croient pas que Jésus est Jéhovah, parce qu'ils rejettent les divers commandements de sainteté selon le judaïsme, et parce que leur foi est basée sur le mauvais jour de résurrection qui a eu lieu un sabbat, après l'accomplissement du signe et de la prophétie des 3 jours et 3 nuits dans le cœur du cœur que Jésus a donné à ses détracteurs et détracteurs. selon le texte grec de Matthieu 28 :1. Nous ne pouvons parler que du Mercredi Saint et du Samedi de Pâques.

Le salut vient des Juifs (Jean 4 :22, Marc 7 :7-8), de la sainteté selon le judaïsme, et non selon le christianisme et le protestantisme pécheurs, et de la croyance et de la confession que Jésus est Jéhovah.


Juan 18:36 enseña que Jesús es Jehová!

Juan 18:36 es otra declaración de Jesús con Su propia boca declarando que Él es Jehová Dios porque Él habla de Sus siervos en el Cielo. Cuando consideramos el concepto del Cielo en la Biblia judía (Antiguo Testamento), nos encontramos con 4 seres celestiales conocidos y nombrados que, además del Espíritu Santo, estaban ministrando a la humanidad: Jehová, Ángel de Jehová, Gabriel y Miguel.

Ahora bien, ¿quién percibimos que está a cargo en la narrativa de la Biblia judía? ¿Quiénes percibimos como los siervos?

Jehová Dios tomó las decisiones. El Espíritu Santo y los ángeles conocidos llevaron a cabo la misión que Jehová Dios les asignó.
Cuando Jesús habló en Juan 18:36 de Sus siervos que podrían haber luchado por Él si Su Reino fuera de este mundo, los judíos entendieron muy bien lo que Él insinuó.

Incluso vemos al Espíritu Santo al servicio de Jesús en Sus declaraciones prometiendo la toma de posesión del Espíritu Santo una vez que Él se haya ido.

Además, recuerde siempre que traducir el nombre de Jesús del hebreo al español o viceversa prueba que Jesús es Jehová: MESÍAS (Cristo) YE[HO]SHUA (Jesús) YAHWEH (el SEÑOR, el Señor).

En última instancia, nunca podemos olvidar que nuestra salvación depende SOLO de la creencia y confesión con nuestra propia boca de que Jesús es Jehová para no morir en nuestros pecados, de acuerdo con las declaraciones de Jesús en Juan 8:24 y las de Pablo en Romanos 10:9-11.

De hecho, debemos ser santos, pero nuestra santidad no tiene valor si no creemos en Aquel que hace posible nuestra santidad y divinidad (somos dioses, y Jesús dice que las Escrituras no pueden mentir sobre las declaraciones de que los hombres son dioses).

Por lo tanto, tanto el cristianismo como el protestantismo conducen a la muerte eterna porque no creen que Jesús es Jehová, porque rechazan los diversos mandamientos de santidad según el judaísmo, y porque su fe se basa en el día de resurrección equivocado que tuvo lugar un sábado, después del cumplimiento de la señal y profecía de los 3 días y 3 noches en el corazón del corazón que Jesús dio a sus detractores y según al texto griego de Mateo 28:1. Solo podemos hablar del Miércoles Santo y del Sábado de Pascua.

La salvación es de los judíos (Juan 4:22, Marcos 7:7-8), de la santidad según el judaísmo, no según el cristianismo pecaminoso y el protestantismo, y de la creencia y confesión de que Jesús es Jehová.


John 18:36 teaches that Jesus is Jehovah. Why?

John 18:36 is another declaration of Jesus with His own mouth declaring that He is Jehovah God because He speaks of His servants in Heaven. When we consider the concept of Heaven in the Jewish Bible (Old Testament), we encounter 4 known and named heavenly beings who, besides the Holy Spirit, were ministering to mankind: Jehovah, Angel of Jehovah, Gabriel, and Michael.

Now, who do we perceive is in charge in the narrative of the Jewish Bible? Who do we perceive to be the servants?

Jehovah God called the shots. The Holy Spirit and the known Angels carried their mission which Jehovah God assigned to them.

When Jesus spoke in John 18:36 of His servants who could have fought for Him if His Kingdom were of this world, the Jews understood very well what He insinuated.

We even see the Holy Spirit at the service of Jesus in His declarations promising the taking over of the Holy Spirit once He was gone.

Also, always remember that translating the name of Jesus from Hebrew into English or vice versa proves that Jesus is Jehovah: MESSIAH (Christ) YE[HO]SHUA (Jesus) YAHWEH (the LORD, the Lord).

Ultimately, we can never forget that our salvation hangs ONLY on the belief and confession with our own mouth that Jesus is Jehovah to not die in our sins, according to the declarations of Jesus in John 8:24 and those of Paul in Romans 10:9-11.

Indeed, we must be holy, but our holiness is worthless if we do not believe the One who makes our holiness and divinity (we are Gods, and Jesus says that the Scriptures cannot lie on the declarations that men are Gods) a possibility.

Therefore, both Christianity and Protestantism lead to eternal death because they do not believe that Jesus is Jehovah, because they reject the various commandments of Holiness according to Judaism, and because their faith is based on the wrong resurrection day that took place on a Saturday, after the fulfillment of the sign and prophecy of the 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the heart that Jesus gave to His detractors and according to the Greek text of Matthew 28:1. We may only speak of Good Wednesday and Easter Saturday.

Salvation is from the Jews (John 4:22, Mark 7:7-8), from holiness according to Judaism not according to sinful Christianity and Protestantism, and from the belief and confession that Jesus is Jehovah.


Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee. Ephesians 5:14 ASV


NINGUNO DE NOSOTROS SABE ORAR (Romanos 8:26) PERO el Espíritu Santo trabaja con las oraciones del creyente que es santo no con las oraciones del creyente que es pecador, no con las oraciones de los pecadores y el Espíritu Santo traduce las oraciones del creyente santo al lenguaje de Dios (Romanos 8:26-27).

Porque leemos en Luc 5:32 que Jesús murió y resucitó para traer a los pecadores al arrepentimiento a la santidad (1 Pedro 1:15-16), a una nueva criatura santa (2 Corintios 5:17; Gálatas 6:15), según la religión de los Judíos (Judaísmo) como está escrito en Juan 4:22.

Una y otra y otra vez, Juan 4:22 implica que no hay salvación en el Cristianismo, el Catolicismo y el Protestantismo, porque el Cristianismo apóstata moderno y el Protestantismo están en desacuerdo (pecan en contra) con el Judaísmo en una o más doctrinas o creencias.

Marcos 7:7-8 dice que la adoración de los cristianos y de los protestantes es vana o sin valor porque esas religiones "cristianas" son dirigidas por mensajeros disfrazados de luz de Satanás (2 Corintios 11:13-15) y por sus enseñanzas que contradicen las doctrinas o creencias del judaísmo, la religión verdadera y perfeccionada de Jesús, Sus santos Profetas y Sus santos Apóstoles (Juan 5:39).

El Espíritu Santo fue dado a los creyentes del tiempo de los Apóstoles que eran judaizados y que se convirtieron al judaísmo (mesiánico, cristiano) (Hechos 15, Gálatas 2:14) y que ya guardaban el sábado como el séptimo día sabático (descanso), según Hechos 15:21.
Por lo tanto, debido a que el Cristianismo, Catolicismo y Protestantismo, no copian ni siguen el Judaísmo al 100%, constituyen madre e hijos, la Babilonia del Apocalipsis.
Salid de Babilonia (Apocalipsis 18:4).


NONE OF US KNOWS HOW TO PRAY (Romans 8:26) BUT the Holy Spirit works with the prayers of the believer who is holy not with the prayers of the believer who is a sinner, not with the prayers of the sinners and the Holy Spirit translates the prayers of the holy believer to the language of God (Romans 8:26-27).

Because we read in Luke 5:32 that Jesus died and was risen to bring sinners to repentance unto holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16), unto a new holy creature (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15), according to the religion of the Jews (Judaism) as it is written in John 4:22.

Again and again and again, John 4:22 implies that there is no salvation in Christianity, Catholicism and Protestantism, because modern apostate Christianity and Protestantism disagree (sin against) with Judaism in one or more doctrines or beliefs.

Mark 7:7-8 says that the worship of Christians and of Protestants are vain or worthless because those “Christian” religions are led by disguised messengers of light of Satan (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) and by their teachings which contradict the doctrines or beliefs of Judaism, the true and perfected religion of Jesus, His holy Prophets and His holy Apostles (John 5:39).

The Holy Spirit was given to the believers of the time of the Apostles who were judaized and who converted to (Messianic, Christian) Judaism (Acts 15, Galatians 2:14) and who were already keeping Saturday as the seventh day sabbath (rest), according to Acts 15:21.

Therefore, because Christianity and Protestantism do not copy or follow Judaism 100%, they constitute mother and children, the Babylon of the Apocalypse.

Come out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4).


Grab your copy to learn what it actually takes to step into the holy kingdom of God here on earth before we die, according the prayer of Jehovah (the LORD, Lord) that He teaches in Mathew 6. God is not the God of the dead. If we die dead, His blood cannot and will not save us.


If we are members of the body of Jesus, spirits with Jesus, imitators of Jesus, was it proper for a member of the body of Jesus, a spirit with Him, to participate in that 21 days fast and to say specific prayers during the fast?
If we really understand what the will of God is, to not be tossed around with every wind of doctrines or Christian events that God does not pay attention to because He does not listen to sinners, we may not participate in those events because they are not reaching God.
There is precedence in the Bible when a king (2 Chronicles 20) called for a national past for the purpose of the whole nation to fast to petition Jesus to prevent the invasion of the land by the surrounding nations. The fast was successful but the Israelites did not have to lift a finger.
The fast included everyone in the same belief system as a single Church not like the past 21 days fast. What was the purpose of that fast?
Jesus encourages individual fasting. A holy church of God (Jesus has one Church) can call for a fast also but to what goal, for what purpose?
Should the purpose be to for a specific country, every single person and animal must fast for the fast to receive answers from God. We learned that in the case of Nineveh.
The fast mimics the 3 weeks fasting of Daniel. Understanding that Daniel was a holy Prophet who did not disagree with God as Christians and Protestants do today.
Understand there are both successful and successful fasts in the Bible. The successful ones are the ones where people sanctify themselves or made themselves holy to lift holy hands to God not sinful ones.
As it stands today, people who reject the Jewish sabbath, eat pork and other forbidden things, do not believe that Jesus is Jehovah, who disagree with God in anything in the Bible, or are engaged in anything that is not sound doctrines, they are all sinful.
To call for a godly fast like the fast of Daniel, people must be holy like Daniel or in perfect agreement with Judaism. Holiness was sought first before calling for a fast.

"Isaiah 58:1-2 ASV
(1) Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and declare unto my people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob their sins.
(2) Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near unto God."

People who do not believe in the doctrines that Prophet Daniel believed should not fool themselves. They must do the will of God first and then fast, according to Ephesians 5:14-17 and the precedence of the successful fasts in the Bible.
Read Isaiah 58 that speaks of true and false fasting.
The past 21 days fast was a false one if you understand the theology of Isaiah 58.
Isaiah 58 includes the observance of the sabbath as part of a godly fast.
Did those who call the fast support the migrants at the border? It is even illegal in Florida to help a migrant. Study Isaiah 58 to get an idea if the past 21 days was not a waste of time or vain.
We read that Apostle Paul say that we may not be dumb or without understanding but to understand what His will really is to awake from the dead (Ephesians 5:14-17).
Only holy people may fast to ask for a special favor from God.

"Isaiah 58:6 ASV
(6) Is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"

For example, Sunday keeping and sabbath rejection is wickedness, among other wickednesses like making Jesus an Angel instead of I AM, YAHWEH God in flesh (John 8:24).


Mocking God and immediate (coincidental) punishments


However, we must be careful not to associate coincidences with instant punishments of Jesus God on those who mock Him. He lets these mockers be, hoping that they would turn around (repent) before they die.

There are so many God mockers in the world!

There are the ones who come out to mock Jesus and there others who do it in a disguised manner, according to 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 which speaks of the disguised messenger of light and his disguised ministers of light.
Satan has a strategy for every social status and for every mind.

A disguised minister of Satan is the one who teaches anything against the belief (faith) of Jesus, that is, against His religion that leads to eternal life, Judaism.

For example, a disguised minister of light is plainly the one who mocks God by rejecting the Mosaic sabbath for any reason, or the commandments of holiness, or the doctrine that Jesus is Jehovah in flesh, et cetera.

Anyone who teaches and preaches against the Bible using the Bible mocks God.

Jesus was also mocked when He was alive. He prophesied it.

"and shall deliver him unto the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify: and the third day he shall be raised up." Matthew 20:19 ASV
"and they shall mock him, and shall spit upon him, and shall scourge him, and shall kill him; and after three days he shall rise again." Mark 10:34 ASV

The Magi also mocked Herod, according to the Greek word used for ‘to mock’. They went another way.

The disguised ministers of light also mock God by leading their audience to another way that is not fully in accord with Judaism, another way that does not lead to eternal life because of the disobedience that the disguised ministers of light are spreading.

For example, the Sunday keepers are mockers of God, but they do their mockery with class, being disguised as ministers of light. Those who teach Christian freedom to eat whatever that Moses forbids are mockers of God, but they do it with class, being disguised as ministers of light. And so forth.

I mean, if those punishments for mockery were not coincidental, we would have been walking on pile and piles of dead mockers on the streets all over the world; the Sunday churches would all burn.

Remember that we will be judged by the speech that comes out of our mouth.

So, the Sunday preacher will be judged and condemned, unless he repents, because of the mocking words that came out of his mouth to spread false doctrines to lead many to eternal perdition and torment.

In general, according to Matthew 12:36-37, the speech of anyone who, openly or as a disguised minister of light, mocks God by speaking against His word in Judaism, will condemn them, no matter how eloquent the disguised minister may appear to be in spreading false doctrines (Mark 7:7-8).

Matthew 12:36-37 ASV
(36) And I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
(37) For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The pastor in the video misspoke by saying that it is God Father who gives eternal life. This is something that I know that Jehovah’s witnesses will falsely teach because they do not believe in Jesus or that Jesus can be given so much credit, as a passive doer of the will of God. Not that he is a JW.

It is Jesus who gives eternal life because eternal life is only in Jesus, because it is Jesus who is charged with the task to reconcile us with God Father. God Father accepts whoever His Faithful God presents to Him because His Son will never cross Him, even when He gives Him the option to choose.

John 3:14-15 ASV
(14) And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up;
(15) that whosoever believeth may in him have eternal life.

John 10:27-28 ASV
(27) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
(28) and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and no one shall sn**ch them out of my hand.


John 12:41 witnesses that Jesus is Jehovah

Apostle John teaches, confesses, in John 12:41, that it was Jesus whom Prophet Isaiah saw when he saw with his own eyes Jehovah in His glory and was afraid for his life.

Read the experience of Isaiah 6:1-7.

John 12:41 is another verse that proves that Jesus is Jehovah God.
Jehovah's witnesses claim that Isaiah did not see Jehovah because the introduction of the book of Prophet Isaiah speaks of his visions not of reality, because they (and also the Seventh Day Adventists and others) do not believe that Jesus is not Jehovah God but believe that Jesus is a former Angel, Archangel Michael, or Angel of Jehovah.

It is important to always believe and confess that Jesus is Jehovah because the belief and the confession is one other commandment (John 8:24) to keep just like 'be ye holy' (1 Peter 1:15-16).

They believe and confess that Jesus is the Son of God. But they reject the confession and witnessing of Nathanael that the Son of God is the very King of Israel and that of Pontius Pilate who made it known publicly on his epitaph of Jesus that He is the King of Jews, which the Jews protested saying that Jesus says that He is King of the Jews not that He is. In Judaism, the King of the Jews is Jehovah God (1 Samuel 8).

However, the Jehovah’s witnesses make the false argument against the fact that Jesus is Jehovah claiming that if the witnessing of Nathanael and Pontius Pilate that Jesus is the King of the Jews makes Him Jehovah, then all the dead kings of the Israelites are also Jehovahs.

Jesus alluded to the prophecy of being the King of Israel when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey (ass).

But, again, the Jehovah’s witnesses make the false argument that if the fact that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey makes Him Jehovah, then, all the other folks who go to Jerusalem on donkeys are also other Jehovahs.

Remember that Ephesians 5:17 calls on us not to be dumb (unwise, without intelligence), not to be without understanding, but to be understanding to know exactly what the will of God is.

As you might realize, the arguments against Jesus being Jehovah God are very dumb, showing gross lack of understanding and the abject level of crap that people can utter and believe when they do not practice the love of the true.

Ephesians 5:17 ASV
(17) Wherefore be ye not foolish [dumb, unwise, without intelligence], but understand what the will of the Lord is.


I am not calling anyone dumb. I am just the messenger or the witness of Jesus telling you what your churches and your assemblies will not teach you..

If you believe that your Jesus is not Jehovah God, according to the commandment of Jesus in John 8:24, but believe and claim that Jesus is Angel of Jehovah or Archangel Michael, you will die in your sins.

Note that the required belief and confession that Jesus is Jehovah is independent of the commandments of perfection and holiness to become holy YEHOSHUA (Jesus) MESSIAH (Christ) YAHWEH (the Lord).

Also, look at the name of Jesus in English and its translation into Hebrew, as I have noted it in parenthesis.



All those who reject the true light of 100% Judaism (because salvation is from the Jews) are foolish, according to Ephesians 5:17, including seventh day adventists and jehovah's witnesses BECAUSE their jesus is not YAHWEH but Angels and BECAUSE they reject the commandment of holiness (sanctification) of Judaism.

James 2:10, from Ezekiel 33:13, says that WHOEVER does not keep all the commandments of Judaism but dismisses one of them, we are guilty of all of them.

Both adventists and jehovah's witnesses (and the other religions) reject the 2 main commandments of salvation which are the commandment of belief that Jesus is Jehovah and the commandment of holiness (sanctification). I already posted the verses for those 2 commandments.

I was a blind seventh day adventist who have always been looking for the true light that has been finally revealed to me because I have been using the eyes of my heart (Ephesians 1:18) not the eyes of my face and I have blind jw cousins.

If you are serious about the real salvation of the real Jehovah Jesus, which requires self-holiness and belief and confession that Jesus is Jehovah, YAHWEH, not an Angel, you must come out of Babylon as I did.

Babylon is populated by all the churches or religions that do not embrace 100% Judaism and do not believe that Jesus is Jehovah God the Creator in flesh.

Understand that holiness (sanctification) from keeping 100% of the oracles Jews for behavior and belief is also another commandment to keep.

Leviticus 20:7-8 ASV
(7) Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy; for I am Jehovah your God.
(8) And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am Jehovah who sanctifieth you.

So, if you are zealous to keep the commandment of the sabbath but reject the commandment of holiness (sanctification) because Satan makes you believe that men cannot be holy even though Leviticus 20:7 and other verses command us to be holy, your sabbath keeping is worthless because James 2:10 and Ezekiel 33:13 teach that if you dismiss one commandment you are guilty of all of them.

Now, if you keep 100% of the commandments of the Bible but reject the 2 commandments to believe and to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Jehovah God the Creator in flesh, your proud and zealous sabbath observance is vain, worthless, according to the theology of James 2:10, Ezekiel 33:13 and Mark 7:7-8.

There are only 2 religions out of there not more, one that leads to salvation, Judaism, the religion of Jehovah Jesus, and the other one religion that drops at least one commandment or one belief of Judaism.

You know more than 2 religions because Satan divides to conquer.

Understand that when we repent to believe in the Jehovah Jesus not the Angel Jesus, we choose one religion, Judaism, the religion of Jesus, of the Prophets, and of the Apostles, to be judaized (live as Jews), according to Galatians 2:14, because Jesus says in John 4:22 that salvation is from the Jews not from the imperfect copycat of Christianity and Protestantism.

There is a saying that religion does not save anyone.

I have just realized and learned that the saying is a lie because there there is a religion that leads to salvation, which is Judaism because Jesus says that salvation is from the Jews (Judaism).

Satan makes you believe that religion does not save because he knows that the religion of Jesus, Judaism, leads to salvation, so that you do not care to adopt only Judaism as the only foundation of your belief (faith) for real salvation, and not its imperfect or apostate copycats which IS Christianity and Protestantism (Babylon).

I invite you to join the Witnesses of Jesus of Nazareth holy movement to revive the Holy Church of the New Testament, founded on 100% Judaism (John 4:22), the belief that Jesus is Jehovah to not die in our sins (John 8:24, Romans 10:9), and holiness (sanctification) because God does not listen to sinners (John 9:31), because without holiness we will not see Jesus (we will not be saved), and because only the holy ones (saints) will be saved, according to Revelation 11:18, which teaches that the dead or the sinners will be judged.

There is no condemnation for those who are in the real Jesus because they practice holiness and, as such, are holy like God.

Holiness is being with zero sin because Jesus is ready to forgive any sin that we do not sin anymore.

Join us if you want to be saved because Jesus will not save us inside Babylon but outside of Babylon since He calls on us to come out of Babylon, which Christianity and Protestantism.


Ephesians 5:14-17 ASV
(14) Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee.
(15) Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise;
(16) redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
(17) Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

The blinded believers of Satan DON'T CARE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WILL OF Yehoshua Messiah YHWH is in the Bible. They are satisfied with the imperfect, non-Jewish beliefs of their Babylonian churches because they are made blind by the false light of their disguised ministers of light of Satan, according to 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.


The poster reveals (makes known) what has been revealed to me or what it takes for real salvation in the real Jesus who is not Archangel Michael or Angel of Jehovah, but Messiah (Christ) YAHWEH (the LORD, Lord), the I AM of Exodus 3:13-15 and of John 8:24.

If you really care about your salvation, join the revival of the true Apostolic Evangel which was witnessed to the world by the holy Apostles.

What do we teach and preach?

1. According to John 8:24 and Romans 10:9, we must believe and confess publicly, with our mouth that Jesus is Jehovah God in flesh.
2. According to Hebrews 12:14, we must be holy (Leviticus 20:7-8), live holy (1 Peter 1:15-16) and die holy (Revelation 11:18) to see Jesus, that is, to be saved.
3. According to John 4:19-22, salvation is only from the Jews, that is, from Judaism, their religion. In other words, if your religion does not copy Judaism 100% to pursue holiness (sanctification), your religion leads you to burn in the lake of fire with Satan. Indeed, torments in fire is real because it is written in the Apocalypse.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. Revelation 3:22 ASV