New Springs Church, Coral Springs, FL Videos

Videos by New Springs Church in Coral Springs. Demonstrating the goodness of God in our city as it is in Heaven 🩵

Political engagement is important and so is how we talk about it. These conversations don't have to be contentious and argumentative. We believe we can have edifying, honest, and productive conversations about politics, even if we differ in opinion, and have it all be glorifying to God. If you're interested in hearing how we do that from a biblical foundation, join us!

The sermon series begins Sunday 9/8 at 10:30am

Additionally, we will gather on Wednesday nights at 7pm for discussion from @andcampaign 's book "Compassion & Conviction" beginning Wednesday 9/11.

We hope to see you there!

Other New Springs Church videos

Political engagement is important and so is how we talk about it. These conversations don't have to be contentious and argumentative. We believe we can have edifying, honest, and productive conversations about politics, even if we differ in opinion, and have it all be glorifying to God. If you're interested in hearing how we do that from a biblical foundation, join us! The sermon series begins Sunday 9/8 at 10:30am Additionally, we will gather on Wednesday nights at 7pm for discussion from @andcampaign 's book "Compassion & Conviction" beginning Wednesday 9/11. We hope to see you there!

Fearing God produces the kind of authenticity the watching world both wants and needs. King Solomon said it best: "Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

It's a tremendous blessing to live where we have freedom of speech. However, we should never use our freedom to insult, belittle, and defame. The way God speaks to us is both and example and the fuel we need to do this well. Think of someone in your life you haven't encouraged in awhile and take some time today to do it!

Opposition to your faith can be an opportunity to grow closer with those who have gone through similar struggles. See God's grace even in the difficulty!

We serve a greater King 🙌🏾 Let's allow his character to shape how we approach all things political.

For each of the ultimate questions and longings within you, have you considered that Jesus may be the answer? This is the promise we're believing today! 🙌🏾

Jesus came, in part, to proclaim and to usher in a kingdom characterized by perfect justice in His name. Let's be about proclaiming the same thing 🙌🏾

We all desire truth. We don't like to be lied to and we demand people and institutions around us to be authentic. Yet, we all have a tendency to look for truth in the wrong places. Look no further than Scripture and a local church that that teaches and trusts it faithfully. It's the objective truth you both need and desire!

The only way to find eternal freedom from guilt, the freedom to be loved, and the freedom to worship is to turn away from your sin and turn toward JESUS. And the beauty is that no matter who you are, where you're from, or what you've done... he's ready for YOU!

Join us each and every SUNDAY at 10:30am! 🙌🏽 Who are you inviting this weekend!? 11464 W. Sample Rd. Coral Springs, FL 33065

This Friday be reminded that the cross of Good Friday is the only way your guilt can be covered and forgiveness can be had. #JesusPaidItAll

The Gospel is for EVERYONE. No exceptions. For the full message, visit us at our website or our YouTube page!

The New Testament was written by eye-witnesses to Jesus' Resurrection who were guided by the Holy Spirit to write exactly what God wanted to communicate. You can be confident that in the Bible you have the very words of God! Read it and watch how it impacts your life 👊🏾

Jesus went up into heaven after rising from the dead. His acceptance into the presence of God the Father means that all of his work on the cross was also accepted. Guess what that means for you... ...You are also accepted forever and always in God's presence if your faith is in Jesus! No matter who you are or what you've done. God accepts YOU because Jesus already paid the price for you 🙏🏾

Shoutout to all the praying moms out there! Keep praying. Keep trusting. God hears you and he is with you 🙏🏾

Revelation 21:3-4 - "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

Praise God for the miraculous ways he preserves and multiplies his people! 🙌🏾 Do you remember how you first heard about Jesus? Share your story below! 👇🏾

SAVE THE DATE 📅 Thursday, May 16th | 10am-12pm A Community Job Fair is coming to Coral Springs! New Springs Church is partnering with @btogetherorg to host a local job fair for our community. As a part of our mission to represent Jesus’ kingdom by witnessing to our city and beyond, we feel called to aid our community in finding sustainable jobs to support them! This job fair will be unique and embodies a culture of celebration! We will have various resources and services onsite, in addition to on-the-spot interviews! Text “JOBS” to 844-987-3949 or visit:

When we say that the Bible is "God's Word" we mean that it is literally God who speaks to us through it. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Bible that you can download on your phone or purchase on Amazon is God's special revelation to the world. Let today be the day you start reading it!

Just doesn't need you to tidy up before you come to Him. How clean is clean enough anyway? Come as you are. weakness or strength 💪🏾 poverty or wealth 💰 guilt or innocence 👼🏽 There are no prerequisites to come to Jesus. Just come!