Coralville FD Winter Waterfights, Coralville, IA Videos

Videos by Coralville FD Winter Waterfights in Coralville. Fire Dept Water Fights in Janurary!

Everybody just chillin’ and waitin’ for Coralville’s 2024 Waterfights like…

(It’s *THIS* SATURDAY you guys!!! 😎)

Other Coralville FD Winter Waterfights videos

Everybody just chillin’ and waitin’ for Coralville’s 2024 Waterfights like… (It’s *THIS* SATURDAY you guys!!! 😎)

Some local boys doing well from back in 2020.:. One of these guys is wearing a yellow (Captain) helmet now. Feel free to swing by and knock that chip off his shoulder! 😏

Here’s a fantastic match, from January 2020, for your viewing enjoyment as this cold weather rolls in and beckons us yet closer to January 27, 2024, for the 48th annual Coralville Water Ball Fights!

The weather’s getting cooler…. But we still have a long way to go before it’s cold enough for Waterfights in Coralville! Here’s an icy victory from Waterfights 2023 while we wait: