Davidformyrealestate, Corona, CA Videos

Videos by Davidformyrealestate in Corona. Real Estate services at the highest level of knowledge and experience. Sell, Buy or invest with conf

Estan Invitados! Vengan a esta clase gratis el 16 de Agosto a ls 6 p.m. de la tarde. No esperes un dia mas de entender el mundo de credito y los beneficios.


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Estan Invitados! Vengan a esta clase gratis el 16 de Agosto a ls 6 p.m. de la tarde. No esperes un dia mas de entender el mundo de credito y los beneficios. https://bit.ly/Viajealmundodecredito

Custom homes are very special. Do you want to see yourself in a special home, come and find out. Saturday April 15th 1 - 4

This is your opportunity to preview a one of a kind estate in Alessandro Heights. Come join us Saturday, April 15th from 1 pm- 5pm.

There are 4 types of legal structures of ownership for business to consider when investing. Finding what works best for you is vital. Replexx.com Schedule your compliementary consultation today. MJ Porchas #multifamilyproperties #createcashflow #multifamilyinvestor #realestateinvestingmentor #investinmultifamily #investinrealestatedoors #investinmultifamilyunits #multifamilysidehustle #returnoninvestment #parttimeincome #becomeaninvestor

Breaking down the 1% Rule ~It's a guideline for investors to choose a viable investment. And while it's always important to take into consideration the current real estate market and fluctuate this rule when necessary. The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule the monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price. Replexx.com Schedule your complimentary consultation today. #multifamilyproperties #createcashflow #multifamilyinvestor #realestateinvestingmentor #investinmultifamily #investinrealestatedoors #investinmultifamilyunits #multifamilysidehustle #returnoninvestment #parttimeincome #becomeaninvestor

Timing is everything and watching for the signs to act appropriately is the name of the game. The time is now, don't wait for others to capitalize on it, be smart and let us help you today. Replexx.com #multifamilyproperties #createcashflow #multifamilyinvestor #realestateinvestingmentor #investinmultifamily #investinrealestatedoors #investinmultifamilyunits #multifamilysidehustle #returnoninvestment #parttimeincome #becomeaninvestor

Investing is NOT only for the Wealthy
Increasing wealth through real estate is a common lucrative path for many. And it all starts with one and/or multi unit. Let us show you how to get started today. Replexx.com. MJ Porchas #multifamilyproperties #multifamilyinvestor #realestateinvestingmentor #investinmultifamily #investinrealestatedoors #investinmultifamilyunits #multifamilysidehustle #returnoninvestment #parttimeincome

Owning a duplex is relatively low risk and has great BENEFITS.👍 While there is no standard layout for a duplex, however on first thought, you may think of a townhouse-style row home. Duplexes can be configured with two separate entrances while others have one unit on top of each other. Replexx.com ~Your Multi-Family Specialists

Labor Day. A day to enjoy time with loved ones and friends. A day to relax and be thankful for all we have. A day for the beach, park or back yard BBQ. A day for YOU

We Honor and Celebrate all those who have fought for our Freedom.

Our Moms always have the toughest Jobs. This is why we separate only one day to Celebrate them for all to know, Our moms are the greatest Moms.

We only have at birth one mom, for some of us a long time and for some not too long. Moms are special and always no matter what love us unconditionaly.

Easter is a time of a special kind of celebrating. Our Salvation and the greatest gift God gave to Man.

To all of our Friends and their Families

No Matter What the Groundhog Says, You Should Sell Before the Spring
No Matter What the Groundhog Says, You Should Sell Before the Spring #groundhogday #realestate #sellyourhouse

What Are the Best Tips if You're Planning To Sell Your House?
What Are the Best Tips if You're Planning To Sell Your House? #sellyourhouse #REagent #realestatetips

Home Equity Is a Seed That Can Grow Your Wealth
Home Equity Is a Seed That Can Grow Your Wealth #homeequity #growyourwealth #realestatetips

What's Your New Year's Resolution?
What's Your New Year's Resolution? #NewYearsResolution #DreamHome #RealEstate

2022 is here now. Make the changes that will make this year a great one for you.

Why You Shouldn't Sell Your House on Your Own
Why You Shouldn't Sell Your House on Your Own #FSBO #sellyourhouse.realestatepro