Natural Health Improvement Center of Cortland, Cortland, NY Videos

Videos by Natural Health Improvement Center of Cortland in Cortland. Natural Health Improvement Center is located at 95 Groton ave, formally known as Kay’s Styling Center

What is the best thing that happened in 2023?

Other Natural Health Improvement Center of Cortland videos

What is the best thing that happened in 2023?

Finishing a long overdue project before the end of the year feels so good! It's never too late to check a project off your to-do list. Whether it's work related or a personal goal, kick up your activity level and get that thing done before 2023 is over. Remember, progress is progress! What’s the goal or project you’re trying to complete?

It’s so easy to get caught up in the commercialization of the holiday season. So instead, be mindful of every moment and remember that giving a gentle nod, a warm smile, or a heartfelt thank you can make someone else’s day just a little brighter! 🌟

Winter can take a toll on your skin, leaving you feeling dry and flaky. But there are some great moisturizers available that will actually nourish your skin without all the toxic chemicals. And one of our favorites is shea butter. An extract from shea tree nuts, this rich and luscious “butter” contains an array of important fatty acids and beneficial vitamins that are not only incredibly healing but are anti-inflammatory and have anti-aging effects on your skin. But before you decide to take a bath in it, you might try combining other skin-nourishing ingredients with your shea butter to keep it from feeling heavy on your skin. You can even mix up your own soothing facial mask, like this one: 1 Tbsp of raw honey 3-4 drops of grapeseed oil 1 Tbsp of pure shea butter Mix well and apply to the entire face. Leave the moisturizing mask on for 10-12 minutes then gently remove with warm water and a soft washcloth. Recipe from:

Your liver ALWAYS needs a little love! These three food groups will naturally cleanse and detoxify your liver: * Leafy greens * Citrus fruits * Cruciferous veggies Which one of these is your favorite?

Want to tune into nature's concert? Listen to 432Hz music, often referred to as “the heartbeat of the Earth.” 🌎 Music that is tuned to 432Hz has a completely different sound than the music we’re used to listening to. It actually mimics the harmonic intonation of nature, connecting your body and mind with the energy of the natural world! Sound a little woo-woo? Well, keep reading to learn how this music can benefit you! Here are some benefits of tuning in at 432Hz: * Releases stress and tension from the body and mind * Can assist in lowering blood pressure * Heightens your intuition and calms the soul * Triggers the release of serotonin and endorphins * Helps release negative energy * Acts as a sound healing tool to release toxins and promote healing Are you ready to take a listen? Here’s just one of many options:

Instead of beating yourself up for all the things you didn’t do right, what if you started to focus on the things that you are awesome at? This allows your brain to bring more of that goodness your way! Because where your focus goes, energy flows! 😊

Start this anti-aging hack right away! When it comes to aging gracefully, staying physically active is one of the best ways to ward off age-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes, cancer, depression, and dementia. A sedentary lifestyle has been shown to initiate inflammatory hormones in the body that you definitely don’t want! The best practice is to incorporate some kind of exercise into your daily routine to keep the inflammatory process in check and keep you looking young and beautiful! Read more from the study here:

Want to find an anti-aging therapy that doesn’t require injections, surgery, medication, or prescriptions? Well, you might want to consider Celluma light therapy to increase your elastin and collagen production, helping slow, stop, or even reverse the signs of aging skin. Celluma’s LED light therapy has been clinically proven to help restore and heal damaged or aging skin. Here’s where you can read more:

Did you know that washing your face at night is an anti-aging hack? 🧼 Here are 4 great reasons to wash your face every night! 1. Your face is exposed all… day… long… to dirt, debris, the oils from your hands, and so on. So don’t take that dirty skin to bed – wash your face every night! 2. Eliminating the daily build-up of oil and other contaminants means you will be less prone to acne breakouts. When you wash your face before bed, this will help to unclog your pores and allow your skin to breathe throughout the night. 3. Not washing your face means your skin has to fight a bit harder against the topical toxins and debris that can accumulate. These free radicals can break down healthy collagen, leading to fine lines and wrinkles. No thanks! 4. While you sleep, your skin is hard at work doing loads of repair overnight. Washing your face before bed and using a quality moisturizer will provide a nourishing barrier, keeping your skin protected all night long. When selecting facial care products, be sure to find ones with clean ingredients. Check out Kari Gran if you’re looking for something new!

Isn’t sweater weather the best?! Once the cooler weather comes around, pulling out those cozy sweaters is a must. When you can, look for sweaters made from all cotton or wool to allow your body room to breathe. I’m curious – what’s your favorite sweater style? Long, short, high neck, cable knit? Snap a pix and share! 📸

It’s Fall Refresh Time! We love the idea of adding autumn-inspired colors and textures to transform your bedroom into a cozy and inviting fall retreat space. Cozy up with fuzzy blankets and lush pillows; there’s no need for a full bedding overhaul when you keep it simple - just swap out your throw pillows and blankets for a fresh fall look. What’s your favorite fall color to add to your bedroom? 🍂

What’s your best tip for managing stress? What do you do to bring your stress level down?

In today's busy world, it's important to find ways to manage stress. Luckily, adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola can help your body adapt to stress, increase your energy, and help you be more productive during the day. If you want the good stuff that really works, let us know. We’ll get you hooked up!

Did you know enzymes are the MVP of digestion? Digestive enzymes help break down the food in your digestive system, making it easier to absorb all the important nutrients. Without enzymes, we wouldn't be able to process our food efficiently, and we'd be in a world of hurt (or at the very least, some serious tummy trouble).

Tummy troubles? We’ve got simple remedies for better digestion. Bitter herbs and apple cider vinegar can help alleviate digestive discomfort and promote a healthier gut. Plus, they're easy to incorporate into your daily routine. So, sip on some ACV mixed with water, gobble up some bitter greens, or take bitter herbs before a meal to help your digestive system work better!

Take time to smell the roses and be present. Time goes by way too fast. Every moment you spend with someone is one you won’t get back. So be sure to take a breath, slow down, and be fully present in whatever you’re doing. Whether it’s taking a walk, getting ready for the day, or enjoying time with your spouse or children. These moments are precious so be present and enjoy every single one!

Your faith can increase longevity, but we just didn’t know how until now... According to the researcher and author Dan Buettner, “People who pay attention to their spiritual side have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, depression, stress, and suicide, and their immune systems seem to work better… To a certain extent, adherence to a religion allows them to relinquish the stresses of everyday life to a higher power.” - Dan Buettner, Blue Zones

Did you know that kids raised on farms have a lower risk of developing eczema, allergies, asthma, and infections? In 1989, Dr. Strachan proposed a novel theory: Children who were raised on farms or lived in rural areas were less likely to have allergies or skin conditions such as eczema. He believed that having exposure to a wider and more diverse variety of microbes from farm animals, playing outdoors, getting dirty, gardening, etc. would result in healthier children overall. And he was right! Children who lived in urban areas and did not have the same microbial exposures were more likely to have allergies, eczema, and weakened immune function. Fascinating, right? I’m curious... were you a ‘farm’ kind of child or did you live in a more urban environment? Here’s where you can read more about it:

Want better looking skin? Meet the beauty mushroom, Tremella. You’ve probably never even heard of tremella but if aging gracefully and having beautiful looking skin is super important to you, then you definitely need to be using this amazing mushroom! Tremella has been shown to improve skin tone, enhance elasticity, and soften fine lines and wrinkles. It can be especially beneficial for eczema and psoriasis as it reduces inflammation in the skin. Want to know which brand is best? Shoot us a quick message or call and we’ll tell you where to find the good stuff!