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Ask residents of gated communities why they live there, and security will invariably be one of the top answers. These exclusive communities have been proven themselves to be safer precisely because they are closed off to outsiders. However, enforcing this rule isn’t always easy — which is why you need a trusted gated community visitor tracking system.


5 Facts You Should Know About Community Access Control Systems

Protecting safety and privacy is one of the essential parts of managing a community, whether residential or commercial. Community access control systems make this possible by controlling who can access the community, how, and when. In the process, not only do access control systems make residents and visitors feel secure, but they can also help reduce crime rates at the same time.


How HOA Access Control Systems Help Manage Gated Communities

Everyone knows that a built-in sense of security is one of the most valuable benefits of living in a gated community. In fact, a 2013 study found that being in a gated community decreases the likelihood of burglaries by 33 percent. But how can HOA access control systems help a gated community manage its property?

How Does Gated Community Visitor Tracking Benefit Your Residents? 12/03/2021

How Gated Community Visitor Tracking Benefits Your Residents

Learn about the benefits of gated community visitor tracking systems, so your residents have peace of mind when they sleep at night.

How Does Gated Community Visitor Tracking Benefit Your Residents? Learn about the benefits of gated community visitor tracking systems, so your residents have peace of mind when they sleep at night.

Keep Unwanted Visitors Out with Community Access Control Systems 12/03/2021

How to Keep Unwanted Visitors Out Using Community Access Control Systems

Through tools like community access control systems, gated communities afford homeowners another layer of protection from unwanted visitors.

Keep Unwanted Visitors Out with Community Access Control Systems Through tools like community access control systems, gated communities afford homeowners another layer of protection from unwanted visitors.


How an HOA Access Control Solution Enhances the Security of Your Gated Community

Gated communities in the United States have risen in popularity in the last decades, and it’s not hard to see why. Gated residential developments offer a sense of community, security, and exclusivity that many people look for in a home.

How License Plate Recognition Resolves a Community’s Tailgating Issue 09/30/2021

3 Ways License Plate Recognition Can Help with Your Gated Community’s Tailgating Problem

Tailgating weakens your community’s security. Fortunately, license plate recognition can help you tighten security.

How License Plate Recognition Resolves a Community’s Tailgating Issue Tailgating weakens your community’s security. Fortunately, license plate recognition can help you tighten security.

Are Residential Access Control Systems and Visitor Management Similar? 09/30/2021

Residential Access Control Systems vs Visitor Management: What Is the Difference?

Technologies such as residential access control systems and visitor management systems can help with boosting the security of your property.

Are Residential Access Control Systems and Visitor Management Similar? Technologies such as residential access control systems and visitor management systems can help with boosting the security of your property.

Top Factors To Consider When Evaluating HOA Access Control Systems 09/30/2021

What You Should Consider When Evaluating HOA Access Control Systems

Having a reliable HOA access control is just one of the many measures to ensure the security of each and every resident in a gated community.

Top Factors To Consider When Evaluating HOA Access Control Systems Having a reliable HOA access control is just one of the many measures to ensure the security of each and every resident in a gated community.



Technology is on your side when it comes to stopping property crime around your gated community. Having a license plate recognition system installed will make it easier to track down criminals because you will have evidence of their license plate or vehicle description. Because this evidence will be on video, there is no question surrounding what happened, or who did it. While there are privacy concerns, the other side of the argument is that you can keep your community safer. Learn more about automated license plate recognition to decide whether installing these systems is the right choice for your community.

An automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system captures license plate images using high-resolution, high-speed cameras with infrared (IR) filters and sophisticated optical character recognition (OCR). The license plate recognition software also records the times and dates when the images are taken. The software then stores all the information on the cloud.

ALPR technology gives gated communities confidence and peace of mind that they will always be protected. Physical barriers like gates and fences usually don’t deter criminals, and hired security personnel don’t have enough eyes to ensure the safety of community residents. ALPRs are the eyes and ears of your neighborhood, discouraging criminals from committing crimes. They are also cost-effective since they are self-sufficient and require little to no human intervention to function properly.

Besides these, ALPRs will also automatically keep an electronic database that contains lists of vehicles allowed entry into, or exit from, the community. The system can also track vehicles that have been reported stolen, vehicles that have been reported abandoned, vehicles used in criminal activities, or any vehicle that has violated any posted community parking or speed law at the gated community.

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Some people worry that ALPRs violate their privacy because it keeps track of your activities. However, it’s important to remember that gated communities own the data, so you have to decide if the benefits of the technology outweigh your concerns. If privacy is an issue, you can take it up as an HOA board and decide on specific guidelines on what to do with the data to ease the worries of your residents.

If you’re looking for assurances that your data will be safe, consider going for a trusted license plate recognition provider, like Proptia, that will guarantee they will not share or sell your data to third parties. Contact Proptia today and learn how ALPRs can help secure your gated community.


Can Residential Access Control Systems Maximize Property Values?

When you choose to install residential access control systems for your gated community, you usually do this to keep your residents, staff, and visitors safe. But have you considered what featuring a top-of-the-line security system as part of your amenities can do for your market value?

Think about it – many homebuyers consider safety and security as a major factor when they are deciding to purchase a property. Having a residential gate access control only shows potential homeowners that your community is taking security seriously, which means the making the use of a residential access control system makes the properties within your gated community much more appealing.

Residential security solutions add value to your community
According to research by the American Real Estate Society (ARES), homes in gated communities commanded a price premium of about $30,000 on average, stemming from factors like privacy, maintenance, home design and–most importantly–the additional assurances that security is taken seriously. In fact, there was a 2013 research study that showed that gated communities with gate access systems reported less crime compared to non-gated communities.

Paying a premium for peace of mind
Making sure that a gated community has the proper security is no easy feat. Depending on the property’s scope and size, a gated community can have multiple passageways where anybody can come and go as they please. For the most part, HOAs build fences, install gates, and hire security personnel to deter unwanted guests from entering. Unfortunately, physical barriers are not enough to discourage criminals and security personnel cannot see everything all at once.

How residential estate access control systems improve security
Residential access control has long evolved since 2013. Today’s access control systems allow HOAs to monitor their community’s security in real-time. They also are able to quickly remove access from residents and visitors immediately.

Modern access control systems now even accept mobile credentials, which allows the visitor or resident to use their smartphone instead of a cloneable fob. In general, most systems will allow a wide range of credentials for access: transponders, key fobs, proximity cards, remote controls, and more.

Residential estate access control systems also allow communities to check, monitor, and record the time and date of each access. By integrating this system with other security solutions like visitor management, license plate recognition, and telephone entry, you can get every security solution you need in one place.

Installing residential gate access control systems: Why it matters
Making your community safer, more secure, and more appealing to potential residents through residential access control systems can help maximize the property values within your gated community. After all, the more desirable your community is to potential residents, the more valuable your homes become. For families who value security and privacy, residential access control can be a factor in increasing your community’s desirability and reputation.

Consider this if you are still on the fence about getting a top-of-the-line residential access control system for your gated community. Not only will this system give you unparalleled peace of mind, it has a surprising side benefit of potentially increasing your property value. If you need help in finding the right community access control, contact Proptia today.


HOA Access Control: How to Ensure the Security of Your Gated Community

There are many reasons why people choose to live in gated communities. Aside from the fantastic amenities, HOA communities offer something far more valuable: security. Gated communities come with security solutions, including physical barriers and HOA access control systems, which provide an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

If you are interested in improving the security of your neighborhood but are not entirely sure where to start, here are some questions you need to ask to find out which community gates and security solutions will make everyone safe.

Is a gated community access control enough?
Some people might think that hiring guards and using gates and fences are enough to deter outside threats. However, some point out that these physical barriers only tempt criminals since the community appears to guard their valuables more closely. It’s not that far-fetched to think criminals are always trying to look for access points to successfully break in – even if you’ve already been using an HOA access management system.

When your property has been experiencing a sharp increase in incidents in the past few months, you might want to find ways to further improve your security to make your community safer.

How effective are your community’s cloud-based home security solutions?
While community gates and security solutions give residents better control over their safety, it is perfectly normal to still have doubts if they will work when needed. If you’re worried about access management for your HOA, the best thing to do is test it.

Consider performing a comprehensive security assessment that exposes the vulnerabilities of your current security system. While forming a dedicated in-house committee to check and review your security measures is excellent, you can also consult a security expert to verify that your existing gated community access control system is adequate as well. That way, you get an expert eye on all the areas that you need to improve.

Should you use the most popular gated access control security solution out on the market today?
It doesn’t hurt to look at all the security solutions out there. As a layperson, some of these security solutions may appear similar, but the truth is they are not the same in terms of features, scalability, and integrations. Find a residential access control system that you can customize to suit your community’s needs. Ideally, it should also be user-friendly so that the HOA admin down to the resident can easily use the system without calling support.

If your community is still looking for an effective gated community access control system, consider Proptia. This single sign-on HOA access control solution will help you secure and manage your gated community so you can have the ultimate peace of mind.


Top Must-Follow Tips When Selecting Community Access Control Systems

Choosing a gated community access control software can be a difficult decision. Property managers will need to consider how the system will work with their community’s infrastructure, the company’s service and support, what it means for the residents, and the system’s overall security.

How do you know the gated community access control systems that are best for your property? The following are some tips for property managers looking to purchase a gate access control system:

Consider who and what you are protecting
In general, there are four types of security gate systems that gated communities can choose from: turnstiles and gates, video-intercom systems, access control systems, and electronic locks and keypads. Every gated community will have different needs for public access depending on its building design and the number of entrances. It’s essential to consider the level of access and restrictions you should assign to each space.

Learn the different features of community gate access control systems
There are many types of access controls systems in the market, each with its pros and cons. Depending on how many residents you have, you might want to get a master key system or keyless access control. The master key system is where a computer remembers all the keys, while keyless access control is where ID codes are electronically linked using key cards, fobs, pins, or biometric access.

Master key systems are an excellent option for properties but consider keyless access control if you’re looking for a more modern approach. Ideally, look for a system offering OSDP compliant non-clonable credentials or mobile credentialed access, so the visitor can access locations using their mobile phone via bluetooth. After all, did you know that you can easily clone many traditional proxy cards and fobs within 20 seconds?

Ask the following questions when requesting information about gated community access control systems from your vendor
Access control companies need to be large enough to be stable yet small enough to respond to your needs. It’s essential to ask the following:

Is the access control system OSDP Compliant?
Can these credentials be cloned?
Can your current system be expanded to integrate with video surveillance and or OCR vehicle license plate recognition to add to the reporting data?
Can you manage the opening and closing of your gates remotely?
Can it do automated tasks like capturing the time, date, and photo of those who access the property?
Can you easily upgrade or improve the system if needed? How easy is it to get support if the system fails?
How often do your access control panels go offline?
These are some of the questions you need to ask your vendor when selecting a community access control system.

Don’t forget to consider management, maintenance and support
The installation of your community access control system is only the beginning. Once you’re up and running, you need to consider the daily data management and service of the access control hardware. Clarify with your vendor what staffing requirements would be necessary for onsite management. You’ll also want to make sure that you have easy access to the vendor regarding support and service.
Whether you need a cloud-based security system for your home or business, Proptia is here to help. Ask for a demo of security gate systems for gated communities today.



If you’re a high-end real estate developer, it is only natural that you would want the best security system to protect your property. These days, it’s not enough to have the gate, fence, and 24-hour security team. Most also install community access control systems to guarantee your property’s security and protection.

You’ve got plenty of choices when it comes to community gate access control systems, but these are the essential features to look for when acquiring a security solution.

State-of-the-art visitor management
Gated community access control systems are about more than just alarms. Ensure that the system you choose can automatically pull video footage and visitor logs for a better, more reliable experience. Not only does it protect residents, but it is also a great way to provide valuable evidence to authorities if something does go wrong. Make sure that you also choose gated community access control software that tracks visitor processing at all of your perimeter gates as well as any interior gates with telephone entry or visitor pass scanners.

Smart features that connect with other security solutions
Technology changes quickly, and it’s important to have a future-proofed security system. You don’t want to change your access control software every time a new security technology becomes available. These features may be the ability to call emergency numbers, remote control of cameras, and the use of smart devices as access credentials. Here are some of the features that you should consider having if you are installing it in your high-end residential development:

Automatic move-in, move-out credential management
Facility smart lock capabilities
Smartphone mobile credential compatible
Residents can issue ePasses and access codes
Guest arrival notification for residents
License plate recognition for entry and exit gates
Vendor access management
Visitor PIN codes for service providers
Intuitive, user-friendly gated community access control software
For gated communities without an IT department, it’s critical to choose a provider who can give your team the proper training and support, especially during the first few months of using the system. Consider going for software that is intuitive and user-friendly, so your team utilizes and maximizes the system.

However, if you have an existing security solution, make sure to consider your security system administrator’s opinion when choosing a community access control system. Some high-end properties already have a security system in place that only needs to be improved, upgraded, and integrated with the chosen community access control software.

Trusted community gate access control systems providers, such as Proptia, can help you decide if this type of security solution is for you. Get in touch with them today.


3 Secret Risks Hiding in Plain Sight When Searching for Residential Access Control Systems

Residential security is a 24/7 job that you must update and improve continually to ensure the safety of your community. Think of it as a small price to pay for your team’s peace of mind. If you’re thinking about upgrading your community’s security, then you’ll want to look into residential access control systems.

But did you know that the three biggest risks to watch out for when searching for residential gate access control systems are those that are hidden in plain sight? Keep them in mind when you’re starting your search.

Risk #1: The system only issues physical credentials
Many residential access control systems still rely on physical credentials such as keycards and fobs. While these are reliable, physical passes are vulnerable to theft and duplication.

To keep your community secure, consider access control systems that offer a mobile credentialing system. This allows managers to email residents activation to a secure mobile credential that will be unique to the resident’s smartphone reducing the chance of credentials getting loaned out or cloned.

Your residents will be much less likely to let a friend or family member borrow their iPhone for a day to use the community pool than they would be to let a friend borrow a fob.

Allowing residents to use their mobile phones as a “pass” is much safer since these are personal devices that they don’t just lend to anyone. But don’t forget about your resident’s guests and community vendors, your gate access control system should be able to issue physical and digital passes for visitors and vendors as well.

Risk #2: The system is not cloud-based
Residential gate access control systems that are not cloud-based can be costly and inefficient. These may require you to install onsite servers and software to connect ro all of the hardware installed throughout the community..

The best residential access control systems are cloud-based and can control all facets of your security operation e.g. access control, visitor management, and licence plate recognition from a single sign-on.

Risk #3: The system is not built by a reputable company
The way you buy a residential access control system is just as important as the system you buy. Look for companies that have reliable products, good customer service, and a proven track record in the industry. Be proactive and make sure you’re not gambling with your residents’ safety. Get one with 24/7 support–from updating your software constantly all the way to on-site emergency services should your system suddenly goes offline.

Finding the Right Residential Estate Access Control Systems
Finding the appropriate residential gate access control systems for your community can be taxing and daunting. One wrong decision will put your residents’ security at risk and your job on the line. However, you can avoid these by considering the following:

Community Type
The size of your community is one of the most important factors to consider when buying residential gate access control. If you have a smaller community, you may not need some of the features found in more complex systems.

Community Threats
The security threats you’ve faced in the past and continue to encounter today are the weakest link in your current security systems. You need to take these security threats (and the potential weaknesses) seriously and use this information to figure out the best access control system.

Community Voice
Your community is in your hands – use that to your advantage and have a two-way conversation with your community and HOA board. After all, their security is on the line here. Give them the opportunity to provide input on your security, and you’ll find the perfect residential gate access control system.

Searching for residential access control systems can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. A trusted provider like Proptia can help you navigate this journey and the right cloud-based system for your community.


5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Searching for an HOA Access Control Solution

Security is a huge concern for residents and potential homeowners, which is why many choose gated communities with an HOA that works to minimize security threats and unauthorized access. If you’re a property manager or on the HOA board, the best access control system will help you reduce manpower while giving you peace of mind. Here are five questions you should ask yourself when searching for an HOA access control solution.

Is the HOA access control system dynamic and flexible?
As security risks grow faster than ever before, you need dynamic and flexible access management for your HOA. Right now, the most sophisticated systems are cloud-based security solutions with real-time identification of threats and customizable access control. In addition, they allow you to customize the level of access per user type–whether it’s access to your community or your software. If you’re managing a gated community with high-profile residents, you will find this helpful because you as the property manager can assure that your resident’s private information will not be viewable by unauthorized property management staff or security guards.

Is the gated community access control efficient and reliable?
Community gates and security solutions are a great way to make your community members feel safe and secure. But to provide a deterrent for thieves and vandals, they must be efficient and reliable. Look for a system that offers real-time monitoring, reporting, move-in move-out credential management, smart lock capabilities, and ability to control access to fitness facilities, pools, clubhouses and other amenities. In addition, find one that offers mobile credentials to reduce the problem of people losing, loaning, or cloning fobs and key-cards.

Is the community gates and security solution responsive?
The best systems are cloud-based security solutions that send out real-time alerts to the security teams. If a system is suddenly offline without warning, particularly during an emergency, the community may lose confidence in their HOA board and property manager. If you want your security system to be responsive and reliable, you may want to look for a cloud-based, network-accessible system that will provide real-time alerts if equipment goes offline.

Furthermore you can configure these systems to send notifications of emergencies and other incidents to appropriate staff as well as residents.

Does your HOA access control solution have a reporting feature?
Reports are beneficial in keeping your community safe. These reports usually include historical lists of invalid access attempts, door activity, and third-party account permissions, which you can release to the authorities if needed. You can also use reports to learn more about the traffic throughout your community and potential security threats. If you go for a cloud-based system, you can access this information anytime, anywhere. Even better, they are also designed to be more resilient and scalable.


Do You Recognize the 4 Warning Signs of Problematic Residential Access Control Systems?

Residential access control systems are a must for communities and neighborhoods. They regulate who goes in and out of the premises and help your residents sleep soundly at night.

Residential access control systems are like any other system: they need to be maintained to be up-to-date and tip-top shape. If you see these three warning signs, it might be time to replace your residential access control system.


Here’s Why Modern HOA Access Control Solutions Help Property Managers Protect Their Residents

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