Sehat Living

Helping Postpartum moms stay fit and pain free with postpartum-safe corrective exercise programs


Let’s debunk the myth that pregnancy means limitations. Instead, let’s recognize it as an empowering chapter—a time to lean into your bodies’ capabilities and cultivate a deeper connection with yourselves and your growing baby.

DM me CHALLENGE to learn more about how you can transform your pregnancy with 6-week healthy habits challenge!

Fitness during pregnancy isn’t about pushing yourselves to extremes or adhering to unrealistic standards. It’s about honoring your bodies’ evolving needs, embracing gentle movement, and nurturing your physical and emotional well-being.

With each prenatal workout, you’re not just building strength; you’re cultivating resilience, preparing your bodies for the miraculous journey of childbirth, and laying the foundation for a smoother postpartum recovery.

But it’s not just about the physical benefits; it’s about the mental and emotional empowerment that comes with staying active during pregnancy.

So, to all the expecting mamas out there, I invite you to shift your perspective. Embrace pregnancy as an opportunity—a canvas to paint your story of strength, resilience, and self-love.

Join me on this journey of empowerment and self-discovery. DM me CHALLENGE and I will send over details on how we can create magic in next 6 weeks.

Photos from Sehat Living's post 03/22/2024

In a world where juggling motherhood and self-care can feel like an endless balancing act, virtual physical therapy sessions have helped many pregnant and postpartum moms. 💪🤰

Join 6-week healthy habits challenge to transform your pregnancy and postpartum health! DM me’CHALLENGE’ to learn more.

With each virtual session, I’ve witnessed a profound transformation in my clients. From the glowing confidence of expectant mothers to the resilient strength of those navigating postpartum recovery, the impact is truly awe-inspiring. 💖

💫 Faster Recovery, Brighter Futures 💫

The ripple effects of virtual physical therapy extend far beyond the screen. Moms are experiencing faster postpartum recovery, reclaiming their bodies, and embracing motherhood with renewed vigor.

DM me ‘CHALLENGE’ to learn more about the 6-weeks healthy habits challenge for Pregnant and Postpartum moms!

Photos from Sehat Living's post 03/08/2024

Looking for free resources to uplevel your Pregnancy and Postpartum journey?
I know the journey of motherhood can be challenging, but you’re not alone. I’m dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. 💕 That’s why I’m thrilled to share about Next Level Life Summit with 20+ FREE resources to help you thrive in motherhood. From fitness tips to boost your strength and energy 💪, to mental health resources for moments of self-care and reflection 🧠, and everything in between, it has you covered!

DM me SUMMIT for details...


🌟 Setting boundaries isn’t just about creating limits; it’s about fostering a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. ✨ As a mom navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood, setting boundaries isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. 🌸⁣⁣

✨ Picture this: You’re the conductor of your own life’s orchestra, and setting boundaries is the sheet music that guides each note, ensuring harmony in every aspect. 🎶 Whether it’s carving out sacred “me-time” to recharge your spirit or saying no to commitments that don’t light your soul on fire, boundaries are your secret weapon to unlock success. 💫⁣⁣

🌿 Embrace the power of saying “yes” to what truly serves your journey and graciously saying “no” to what doesn’t align with your vision. 🙌 Remember, boundaries aren’t selfish; they’re acts of self-love that pave the way for a more fulfilling life. 💖⁣⁣

👩‍👧‍👦 Let’s set an empowering example for our little ones—showing them that boundaries are the compass guiding us toward a life filled with purpose, balance, and joy. 🌈⁣⁣

🌟 So, dear mama, as you embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth, remember: the key to success with anything in life is to set boundaries—lovingly, confidently, and unapologetically. 🗝️⁣⁣

💖 Tag a fellow mama spreading love and light on her path to success! 🌟

Photos from Sehat Living's post 02/29/2024

Three essential habits that are game-changers for pregnant and postpartum moms:

1️⃣ Nutritious Eating: Fuel your body with a rainbow of fruits and veggies for optimal nutrition. These nutrient-packed foods not only provide essential vitamins and minerals for you and your baby during pregnancy but also support postpartum recovery and overall well-being. From vibrant berries to leafy greens, aim to incorporate a variety of colors into your meals to ensure you’re getting a diverse range of nutrients.

2️⃣ Regular Exercise: Incorporating just 10-15 minutes of exercise into your daily routine can have profound benefits for your physical and mental health. Whether it’s a brisk walk, prenatal yoga, or a quick bodyweight workout, moving your body helps to boost energy levels, improve mood, and strengthen muscles needed for labor and delivery. Plus, staying active during pregnancy can help alleviate common discomforts and promote a smoother recovery postpartum.

3️⃣ Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial for supporting the numerous changes your body undergoes during pregnancy and postpartum. Drinking enough water - aim for 8-10 glasses per day - helps regulate body temperature, aids digestion, and promotes healthy skin. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being for both you and your baby.

Ready to prioritize your health and well-being? DM me “Challenge” to join 6-week healthy habit challenge and let’s start making positive changes together! 💪💬


As you navigate the incredible journey of pregnancy or embrace the joys and challenges of postpartum life, it’s easy to get caught up in the end goal – whether it’s a smooth labor, a certain post-baby body shape, or reaching some elusive milestone. But here’s a gentle reminder: the magic lies in the process itself. ✨

Each flutter of your baby bump, each stretch mark earned, each sleepless night, each milestone your little one achieves – they’re all part of a beautiful tapestry weaving together your unique story as a mother. 💫

So, let’s shift our focus from fixating on the outcome to relishing every precious moment along the way. Let’s cherish the small victories, the lessons learned, and the growth we experience – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Because in the end, it’s not just about reaching the finish line; it’s about the strength, resilience, and love that bloom within us as we journey through motherhood. 🌷💕

So, mama, give yourself grace. Celebrate the progress, no matter how small. Trust in your body’s wisdom and your heart’s capacity to love. And remember, it’s not about where you’re going, but how you embrace the path that truly matters. Together, let’s focus on the process, for therein lies the magic of motherhood. 🌟✨

Photos from Sehat Living's post 02/22/2024

Save this post to practic daily!

Mama, as you journey through your third trimester, your body is performing miracles every day. 💪✨ Let’s keep that incredible momentum going with a safe and effective at-home workout routine tailored just for you! Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store:

1️⃣ Hip Abduction Against Ball in Standing: Strengthen those hip muscles with this gentle yet powerful exercise. Stand tall, engage your core, and gently lift one leg to the side against the resistance of a ball. Feel the burn as you build stability and support for your growing belly.

2️⃣ Seated Biceps Curls: Grab those weights (or water bottles!) and settle into a comfortable seated position. Focus on controlled movements as you curl your arms up towards your shoulders, keeping those biceps engaged and your posture impeccable.

3️⃣ Modified Wall Push-Ups: Strengthen your upper body safely with this modified version of a classic exercise. Find a sturdy wall, place your hands shoulder-width apart, and lower yourself towards the wall with control. Feel the activation in your chest and arms as you push back up.

4️⃣ Ball Squeeze Rotation Seated: Sit comfortably and grab a ball or pillow for this gentle core exercise. Engage your abdominal muscles as you squeeze the ball and rotate gently from side to side. Strengthen your obliques and improve stability for a smoother pregnancy journey.

5️⃣ Seated Rows: Sit tall and imagine yourself drawing your shoulder blades together as you pull resistance towards your body. Strengthen your back muscles and improve posture with this seated variation of a classic rowing exercise.

Remember, mama, your health and safety always come first. Before starting any new exercise routine during pregnancy, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and clearance.

Don’t forget to save the post📌


🌟 Embracing Motherhood is Finding Balance 🌟

Let’s chat about a powerful lesson in the beautiful journey of motherhood: learning how to say NO is just as important as saying YES. 🌸

Tag a mom who needs this today💕

As we eagerly await the arrival of our little miracles or navigate the whirlwind of early motherhood, it’s natural to want to do it all, be there for everyone, and say YES to every opportunity. But here’s the gentle reminder: prioritizing your well-being is not selfish; it’s self-care, and it’s essential. 💖

Learning to say NO doesn’t mean you’re letting anyone down or falling short. Instead, it’s about setting healthy boundaries to protect your energy, sanity, and precious time with your little one. It’s about honoring your needs, your limits, and your journey as a mom. 🌈

So, mama, it’s okay to say NO to that extra commitment that leaves you feeling drained. It’s okay to say NO to the pressure of doing it all perfectly. It’s okay to say NO to anything that doesn’t align with your values, your goals, and your family’s well-being. Saying NO is a powerful act of self-love and empowerment. 💪

By embracing the art of saying NO, you’re making space for the YES moments that truly matter—the cuddles, the giggles, the quiet moments of connection with your little one. You’re nurturing a healthier, happier version of yourself, which ultimately benefits both you and your family. 🌟
Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, and your well-being matters just as much as anyone else’s.

Tag a mom you respect and love 💕

Photos from Sehat Living's post 01/31/2024

🚫 One common mistake new moms need to watch out for is pushing too hard during exercise. Enthusiasm is fantastic, but overexertion can do more harm than good. Your journey is unique, and it’s crucial to listen to your body, choosing exercises aligned with your stage of pregnancy or postpartum recovery. Safety always comes first, mama! 🤰💪

✨ The solution lies in prioritizing your safety and well-being. Consult with a healthcare professional, like me, to tailor exercises to your health conditions and stage. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection! Together, we create a fitness journey that’s both effective and safe. 🌈💕

🤗 Join our incredible community of empowered moms! Share your fitness journey, connect with other like-minded moms, and let’s uplift each other. Our live exercise classes and 1:1 coaching sessions provide not just fitness guidance but a network of support that goes beyond the physical. 💪👭

Ready to embark on a safe and empowering fitness journey with me? DM me READY and I will share the link to book your free consultation.


Embracing motherhood is a journey filled with countless moments, each of them playing a significant role in the beautiful story you’re crafting. 💖✨ Take a moment today to acknowledge the importance of every little thing you do—because it truly, really counts.

In the whirlwind of motherhood, from those early morning cuddles to the bedtime stories, from the laughter that echoes through your home to the quiet moments of strength, you are weaving a tapestry of love and resilience. Your efforts, no matter how seemingly small, ripple through the lives of your family, creating a warm and nurturing environment.

Mama, your actions are like stars in the night sky, each one contributing to the brilliance of your unique constellation. As a board-certified Physical Therapist, I understand the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy and postpartum life. Your well-being is my priority, and I’m here to remind you that self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.

Sehat Living is more than a brand; it’s a supportive community of moms who celebrate the strength in vulnerability and the beauty in imperfection. We believe that taking care of yourself is not just beneficial for you but essential for creating a harmonious and thriving family. You’re not alone on this journey, surrounded by a tribe of like-minded moms who understand the joys and challenges you face.

Let this be a gentle nudge to prioritize your well-being, knowing that every step you take towards self-care is a powerful declaration of self-love. Together, we uplift, empower, and inspire. Because when you feel your best, you can give your best—to yourself, your family, and the world.

Here’s to you, incredible mama! Share this with a mom you love💕


Busy mom life? Meet your new exercise BFF! 🌈

Let’s embrace the power of small moments with this 5-10-15 routine to nurture your body and soul. 🌈✨

🌬️ 5 Minutes of Breath Work:
Inhale the positivity, exhale the stress. Take 5 minutes to center yourself with deep breaths. Connect with your inner strength and envision a beautiful journey ahead.
💃 10 Minutes of Intentional Body Movement:
Fuel your body with purposeful movement! In just 10 minutes, we’ll dance through intentional exercises. Strengthen your core, embrace flexibility, and let those endorphins flow. It’s not just exercise; it’s a celebration of your incredible body! 💃🏋️‍♀️
🚶‍♀️ 15 Minutes of Outdoor Walking or Cardio:
Step into nature’s embrace! A 15-minute outdoor walk or cardio session is all it takes to rejuvenate. 🌳🏃‍♀️

✨ Holistic Approach to Exercise:
This routine is more than a workout; it’s a holistic journey. We focus on breath, intentional movement, and the great outdoors. It’s about nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. You’re not just exercising; you’re investing in your well-being. 🌟🤸‍♀️

Tag a fellow mom who deserves a holistic exercise routine and share the love! 🤗✨

Photos from Sehat Living's post 01/22/2024

Are you ready to have a healthy Pregnancy and Postaprtum journey?

DM me READY and I will send over information to work togther!

Here are the magic 3 C’s that will change the game for you:
• Consistency: 🏋️‍♀️✨ Building a healthy lifestyle starts with consistent actions. Small, intentional steps each day create a powerful ripple effect. Whether it’s a 10-minute stretch or a full workout, commit to showing up for yourself regularly. Let’s make movement a non-negotiable part of our days, nurturing our bodies with love and care.

• Customization: 🌈💪 We’re all beautifully unique, and our wellness paths should reflect that. As your guide on this journey, I’m here to help you customize your workouts to align with your body’s needs and your personal goals. It’s not about fitting into a mold; it’s about crafting a fitness routine that celebrates your individuality and supports your well-being.

• Community: 🤝🌟 They say it takes a village, and ours is a tribe of incredible, supportive mamas! Join our Sehat Living community where we share experiences, challenges, and triumphs. The bond we create is a source of strength—lifting each other up, cheering on achievements, and offering encouragement when needed. Together, we’re a force that empowers, inspires, and understands the beauty of this transformative journey.

If this was helpful, send me a DM with READY and I will follow up with a plan to work together.

Photos from Sehat Living's post 01/16/2024

Call me Dr. from now on ‘cause I got your prescription 😉

Postpartum recovery can feel overwhelming and lonely at times but I am here to support you.

Although success is not as simple as 1,2,3 – if you can start by focusing on letting your body rest you’ll definitely see the difference!

The world of postpartum recovery has so many possibilities, and today is the best time for you to go all-in so you can reap the benefits of everything it has to offer!⚡

And that's why committing to healthy eating, gentle movement and being part of supportive community is so important.

If this helped you, DM me READY and I will send over more information for us to work together!


Let's break down the magic of this balanced and wholesome meal for all the amazing expecting and new moms out there. 👶🤰

🥩 Protein Power(25%): Fueling your body with lean protein supports muscle health and repair, crucial during this transformative period. Whether it's grilled chicken, tofu, or lentils, protein helps build the strength needed for the incredible journey of motherhood.

🌾 Whole Grains Glory(20%): Dive into the world of quinoa, brown rice, or whole-grain pasta for a steady release of energy. Packed with essential nutrients and fiber, these grains provide the sustained vitality necessary for the demands of pregnancy and postpartum recovery.

🥑 Healthy Fats Elegance(15%): Embrace the beauty of healthy fats found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These fats support brain health and hormonal balance, essential elements for the well-being of both mom and baby.

🥦 Vibrant Veggies(20%): A colorful medley of dark leafy greens, bell peppers, carrots, and broccoli ensures a diverse range of nutrients. From vitamins to minerals, these veggies are your allies in promoting overall health and vitality.

🧀 Calcium-rich Delights(10%): Strengthen your bones with calcium-rich foods like Greek yogurt or fortified plant-based milk. A crucial component for the expecting and new mom's well-being, ensuring a strong foundation for the journey ahead.

🍓 Fruity Delights(10%): Sweeten the meal with the goodness of fruits like berries and apples. Packed with vitamins and natural sweetness, these fruits are a delightful addition to your plate.

Don't forget to save this post for future reference! 📌✨


Here's a hidden secret for all you incredible moms-to-be and new mothers: You don't need hours in the gym to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy and postpartum! In fact, quick and focused workouts, lasting less than 30 minutes, can be incredibly effective and beneficial for both you and your little one.

Research shows that shorter, high-intensity workouts tailored to the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum bodies can boost energy, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. These exercises not only help you maintain your fitness but also prepare your body for the demands of childbirth and aid in faster postpartum recovery.

🌬️ 5 Minutes of Breathwork: Deep, intentional breaths not only calm your mind but also connect you with your body and baby. Focus on the inhale and exhale, allowing your breath to flow naturally.

💃 10 Minutes of Intentional Body Movement: Whether it's gentle yoga stretches, pelvic floor exercises, or resistance band workouts, these movements are your secret weapon to a strong and resilient body. Embrace each movement with love and gratitude for what your body can achieve.

🚶 15 Minutes of Outdoor Walk: Finally, step into the great outdoors for a refreshing 15-minute walk. Feel the sun on your skin, listen to the rustle of leaves, and relish the natural surroundings. Walking not only enhances cardiovascular health but also uplifts your mood. Use this time to reflect, unwind, and appreciate the incredible journey of motherhood.

By dedicating just a fraction of your day to these purposeful exercises, you're not only investing in your health but also setting a positive example for your little bundle of joy. So, let's ditch the misconception that you need endless hours to stay active.
Tell me in the comments which of the three will you start today? 💖🌟

Photos from Sehat Living's post 12/10/2023

Ready to transform your motherhood journey with me?
Being a board-certified Physical Therapist isn’t just a profession; it’s a heartfelt dedication to supporting pregnant moms and postpartum moms through their transformative journey. Witnessing the incredible commitment of these superheroes who prioritize their family’s well-being inspired the creation of Sehat Living—a sanctuary tailored for moms seeking guidance and empowerment during pregnancy and postpartum recovery. With a strong medical background, I offer medically accurate support, ensuring a healthy pregnancy and aiding in a faster postpartum recovery. My approach intertwines Western medicine with Eastern Ayurvedic practices, fostering holistic well-being for both body and spirit. Beyond therapy, Sehat Living nurtures a global community, uniting moms worldwide, as no journey should feel lonely. Here, experiences are shared, support is extended, and victories are celebrated, creating a supportive community of moms. Each mom’s journey is unique, and my personalized approach ensures tailored support, understanding that prioritizing their health contributes to a happier, more fulfilled life.
Ready to embrace a healthier path? DM me READY to take the first step toward a vibrant, thriving you! 💌✨


🌟 The lesson I learned from Embracing Change. 🌟

This year has been a whirlwind of growth and learning. Amidst the chaos, the most profound lesson I've embraced is the power of change. It's incredible how our lives transform when we welcome change with open arms.

Change isn't always easy. In fact, it often pushes us far from our comfort zones. But this year, I've realized that within that discomfort lies a world of opportunities. Whether it's a shift in mindset, a new approach to business, or a personal revelation, this year has shown me that change is the catalyst for progress.

When we resist change, we cling to what's familiar, even if it no longer serves us. But when we open ourselves up to change, we invite growth. It's like a seed planted in fertile soil; it needs the discomfort of breaking through the ground to blossom into something beautiful.

I've learned that embracing change doesn't just alter our circumstances; it molds us into versions of ourselves we never knew existed. It's a journey of self-discovery and evolution, nudging us to confront our fears, question our beliefs, and evolve beyond our limitations.

So, here's to embracing change, stepping into the unknown, and letting it sculpt us into stronger, wiser, and more resilient beings. It's about recognizing that change isn't a disruption; it's an opportunity. An opportunity to rewrite our stories, redefine our goals, and reignite our passions.

Tag a mom who needs your love and support today 💫✨

Photos from Sehat Living's post 11/30/2023

Back pain during pregnancy or postpartum can be a real discomfort, but with a few adjustments, it's manageable. Let's delve into these five tips that can make a world of difference in easing that nagging pain.

1. Avoid Shifting Weight on One Leg When Standing
Constantly leaning or shifting your weight to one leg while standing can strain your back. Distribute your weight evenly on both legs to reduce stress on your lower back and hips.

2. Avoid Getting Up Straight from Laying Position
When getting up from lying down, avoid a straight sit-up motion. Instead, roll onto your side and use your arms to push yourself up to reduce strain on your back and hips.

3. Avoid Bending Forwards to Lift Weights
Bending forward to lift weights can strain your back. Instead, squat down, keeping your back straight, and lift with your legs to avoid unnecessary pressure on your back and hips.

4. Avoid Prolonged Standing or Sitting
Balance is crucial. Extended periods of standing or sitting without breaks can strain these sensitive areas. Incorporate short walks or seated stretches throughout the day to alleviate tension. Let's find that sweet spot together to ensure you're comfortable and pain-free. 🚶🏽‍♀️💺

5. Don't Overlook Your Posture
Maintaining good posture is key to reducing strain on your lower back and hips. Avoid slouching by aligning your spine, keeping your shoulders back, and tucking in your pelvis. We'll cover posture-perfecting exercises in our upcoming live session to help you feel more comfortable as you go about your day. Your posture is vital for a pain-free experience!👣

Save this post to help you practice these strategies daily!

Photos from Sehat Living's post 11/18/2023

🌟 Are you tired of shoulder blade pain?
Make sure to save this post to practice the stretches daily...
Shoulder blade pain, a constant companion for many moms, deserves attention and relief. Let's dive into the common causes behind this discomfort and how to ease it for a pain-free journey. 🤍

⚡️Posture: Often, the demands of motherhood lead to compromised posture. Constantly carrying babies or breastfeeding can cause moms to hunch forward, straining the muscles around the shoulder blades.
⚡️Stress: The weight of responsibilities, both physical and emotional, can lead to tense muscles. Stress manifests itself in our bodies, often settling in the shoulders and upper back, causing persistent discomfort.
⚡️Overused Arms: Lifting toddlers, doing household chores, or even babywearing—these everyday tasks engage shoulder muscles repetitively, leading to strain and, consequently, pain around the shoulder blades.
⚡️Sleeping Troubles: The quest for a good night's sleep sometimes results in awkward sleeping positions. Moms might unknowingly twist or strain their shoulders during the night, leading to discomfort in the morning.
⚡️Lack of Self-Care: Amidst caring for little ones, moms might overlook their own self-care. Neglecting exercises or stretches that release tension in the shoulder blades can exacerbate the discomfort

Incorporate simple shoulder stretches and exercises into your routine to release tension and strengthen supporting muscles.
Save this post to practice the stretches daily!

Photos from Sehat Living's post 11/08/2023

Here's a hidden secret for all you incredible moms-to-be and new mothers: You don't need hours in the gym to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy and postpartum! In fact, quick and focused workouts, lasting less than 30 minutes, can be incredibly effective and beneficial for both you and your little one.

Research shows that shorter, high-intensity workouts tailored to the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum bodies can boost energy, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. These exercises not only help you maintain your fitness but also prepare your body for the demands of childbirth and aid in faster postpartum recovery.

🌬️ 5 Minutes of Breathwork: Deep, intentional breaths not only calm your mind but also connect you with your body and baby. Focus on the inhale and exhale, allowing your breath to flow naturally.

💃 10 Minutes of Intentional Body Movement: Whether it's gentle yoga stretches, pelvic floor exercises, or resistance band workouts, these movements are your secret weapon to a strong and resilient body. Embrace each movement with love and gratitude for what your body can achieve.

🚶 15 Minutes of Outdoor Walk: Finally, step into the great outdoors for a refreshing 15-minute walk. Feel the sun on your skin, listen to the rustle of leaves, and relish the natural surroundings. Walking not only enhances cardiovascular health but also uplifts your mood. Use this time to reflect, unwind, and appreciate the incredible journey of motherhood.

By dedicating just a fraction of your day to these purposeful exercises, you're not only investing in your health but also setting a positive example for your little bundle of joy. So, let's ditch the misconception that you need endless hours to stay active.
Tell me in the comments which of the three will you start today? 💖🌟

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