Splendors of Africa, Inc., Douglasville, GA Videos

Videos by Splendors of Africa, Inc. in Douglasville. Splendors of Africa is a public charity that focuses on education, life skills training and mentorship programs for the youth.

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens welcoming all the Yali fellowship Members, 24 young African Leaders here for six weeks of training from Corporate and NPO executives.

Other Splendors of Africa, Inc. videos

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens welcoming all the Yali fellowship Members, 24 young African Leaders here for six weeks of training from Corporate and NPO executives.

Fundraising efforts in Cleveland, Tennessee for Splendors of Africa Inc #Splendorsofafricainc

Come visit with us today at Atlanta Black expo at Cobb galleria

Splendors of Africa Inc Executives supporting Africa Girls Hope Foundation

Splendors of Africa Inc. 2nd Annual Turkey Giveaway was a Major Success To God the Glory

Splendors of Africa Inc. 2nd Annual Turkey Giveaway was a Major Success To God the Glory

We are gearing up for our 2nd Annual Turkey Drive, please come out and be apart of something bigger than you! Join Splendors of Africa, Inc. & Commissioner Tarenia Carthan and other Non-Profits as we supply Turkeys for Douglas & Paulding County Residences on November 19th, 2022 at the Douglas County Courthouse 8700 Hospital Drive Douglasville, Georgia

Join us as we host our 2nd Annual Turkey Giveaway on Saturday November 19th 2022

Good Monday Morning FB FAMILY make it a great day

Splendors of Africa Inc is hosting it's 2nd Annual Turkey Giveaway on Saturday November 19th 2022