Renew DFUMC, Douglasville, GA Videos

Videos by Renew DFUMC in Douglasville. Douglasville First UMC Youth

Praise God for Laila and McKenzie being Confirmed this past Easter Sunday! We are so Happy for them!

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Praise God for Laila and McKenzie being Confirmed this past Easter Sunday! We are so Happy for them!

The Big Questions, our new series, begins tonight at 6:30pm. See you all there!

Even If- Week 2
For better or worse change shows up in our lives and tests what we’re made of. There’s good change like getting the date or making the team, bad change like divorce or medical diagnosis, and complicated change like switching schools or choosing a healthy break-up. Change brings so many emotions which makes us ask all kinds of questions. Am I strong enough to face this? Is it even worth it to go through this? Can I/should I handle this alone? In this series, we will be challenged to rethink how they view change and we’ll explore how God’s commitment to us doesn’t change, even if everything else does. This week we discover and put to heart that God is with us, even if....

Even If- Week 1
For better or worse change shows up in our lives and tests what we’re made of. There’s good change like getting the date or making the team, bad change like divorce or medical diagnosis, and complicated change like switching schools or choosing a healthy break-up. Change brings so many emotions which makes us ask all kinds of questions. Am I strong enough to face this? Is it even worth it to go through this? Can I/should I handle this alone? In this series, we will be challenged to rethink how they view change and we’ll explore how God’s commitment to us doesn’t change, even if everything else does. This week we took a look at the fundamental truth that God does change, even if....

Afterlife- Week 2
It can be easy to forget who God really is sometimes. And it can be even easier for your students to forget who they really are, too! But every year at Easter, we get the chance to point them back to what God did thousands of years ago to remind us not only who He really is, but who we really are because of Him. Loved, important, forgiven—Jesus’ death and resurrection shows us we’re all that and more to Him. In this series, we’ll remind students what they can know to be true about themselves because of the gift we celebrate at Easter—Jesus’ resurrection and after life! This past week we were reminded that because of the resurrection, we know we matter.

Afterlife- Week 1
It can be easy to forget who God really is sometimes. And it can be even easier for your students to forget who they really are, too! But every year at Easter, we get the chance to point them back to what God did thousands of years ago to remind us not only who He really is, but who we really are because of Him. Loved, important, forgiven—Jesus’ death and resurrection shows us we’re all that and more to Him. In this series, we’ll remind students what they can know to be true about themselves because of the gift we celebrate at Easter—Jesus’ resurrection and after life! This week, because of the resurrection, we know God is love.

It's Personal- Week 4
Your students all have one thing in common: They want to be seen, known, and valued for who they are. They don’t want fake relationships; they want personal ones. In this series, you’re going to look at five specific questions they can ask to make the relationships in their lives more real and more personal. How do we know it can happen? Because we’re taking a tip from the way Jesus did it to give them an idea of just how to make everything—including their relationship with Him—a little more personal. This week, It's Personal because Jesus loves you no matter what.

Vibes- Week 4
Nobody has more vibes—more moods they experience or things they feel in a deep and real way—than you, our students. And while there’s nothing wrong with feeling all the feels, the problem comes when we let these passing vibes become the motivators of our moods and actions. This week, we take a look at a vibe that can haunt us and slowly destroy us if we aren’t careful: guilt. Join us tonight, February 10 at 6:30pm via Zoom for the final week of this awesome series: Vibes!

Vibes- Week 3
Nobody has more vibes—more moods they experience or things they feel in a deep and real way—than you, our students. And while there’s nothing wrong with feeling all the feels, the problem comes when we let these passing vibes become the motivators of our moods and actions. This week, we take a look at a vibe that keeps us from being all we can be for God and His Kingdom: fear. Join us tonight, February 3 at 6:30pm via Zoom for week three of this awesome series: Vibes!

Vibes- Week 2
Nobody has more vibes—more moods they experience or things they feel in a deep and real way—than you, our students. And while there’s nothing wrong with feeling all the feels, the problem comes when we let these passing vibes become the motivators of our moods and actions. This week, we take a look at a vibe that can control us all at times: anger and the ways we can own why we are angry so our anger doesn’t own us. Join us tonight, January 27 at 6:30pm via Zoom for week two of this awesome series: Vibes!

Vibes- Week 1
Nobody has more vibes—more moods they experience or things they feel in a deep and real way—than you, our students. And while there’s nothing wrong with feeling all the feels, the problem comes when we let these passing vibes become the motivators of our moods and actions. This week, we recognize that our vibes can control us, but because of Christ, we don’t have to let them boss us around any more. Join us tonight, January 20 at 6:30pm via Zoom for week one of this awesome series: Vibes! If you catch this after small groups, check the comments for discussion questions to helpl you dive deeper!

All I Want for Christmas- Week 2
For some people, Christmas is all about one thing: presents! While there may be a sense that the holiday is about more than what’s under the tree, the truth is, it’s easy for all of us to lose sight of what the holiday is really about. That’s why, in this Christmas series, we want to help shift the focus to what’s most important: the gift of Jesus and how generous God is toward us—and how because of that, we can be generous toward others, too. This week, we discuss Christmas lights and being light in a world that desperately needs it. Below are some questions to help you and those watching with you to dive a little deeper. 1. What are some traditions your family has leading up to Christmas? (Driving around to see Christmas lights, visiting Grandma’s, wearing matching pajamas, watching Elf, etc.) 2. Why is it easier to be generous leading up to Christmas? 3. Why is generosity hard to keep up beyond the Christmas season? 4. Who are some of the most generous people you know? What makes them generous? (It could be someone you know personally or just someone you know about.) 5. Read Matthew 5:14-16. What do you think it means to be a light to the world around us? 6. If you were to be generous without holding back and had no limits on time or money, what would that look like for you? Are there any parts of what you just shared that you can realistically do? 7. We don’t have all the money in the world, but we can show small acts of kindness each and every day. What’s one small way you can work on being a light to the world around you right now in the Christmas season? What about after Christmas and during the rest of the year?

Explained- Week 2
Check out week two of the Renew Youth series Explained. We discussed how context creates clarity especially when it comes to studying the Bible. Join us on Wednesday for week three of this series and another awesome discussion!