The Miller-Dwan Foundation, Duluth, MN Videos

Videos by The Miller-Dwan Foundation in Duluth. We improve the health of the people of our region through the creation of impactful community initiatives.

Community-based organizations

Community-based organizations give us the opportunity to deliver our PM+ program in a way that aligns with the cultural backgrounds of our participants, ensuring the program is relevant and effective. Learn more

Other The Miller-Dwan Foundation videos

Community-based organizations
Community-based organizations give us the opportunity to deliver our PM+ program in a way that aligns with the cultural backgrounds of our participants, ensuring the program is relevant and effective. Learn more

Eric Kaiser PM+ Helper
We caught up with Eric Kaiser, a PM+ helper, at a recent meeting. He told us he is passionate about the need for timely mental health interventions and excited to make a difference in our community. Curious about the PM+ program and helpers like Eric? Find out more.

Celebrate independence.
This 4th of July, celebrate our country's independence and your own personal freedom. It's a day for both national pride and personal empowerment.

Community Partners
In January, we collaborated with seven community-based organizations to train Problem Management Plus (PM+) helpers—aiming to expand our region’s mental health workforce. This June, a new group joined us in training. Our partners were selected for their deep community connections and commitment to providing culturally relevant support. As PM+ advances, we're excited to bring more regional partners on board!

Find your calm
Have you ever tried grounding exercises to reduce stress? Here’s an easy one. Kick off your shoes and walk barefoot on grass or sand—it improves sleep, boosts mood and energy. Try 20–30 minutes a few times a week. Enjoy some quiet time with nature.

Lessons from PM+
Feeling hesitant to open up or ask for help? You're not alone. PM+ teaches us that sharing with others can lead to mutual support, easing difficulties and distress for us and for others.

PM+ training is for:
PM+ equips non-professional helpers with skills to support people in stress, boosting community resilience. It’s vital where mental health services are scarce. Learn more about the first to be trained in our community!

Lessons from PM+
When life gets tough, it's normal to feel down and tired. This can lead to a cycle where we do less, feel even lower, and get stuck in a cycle of inactivity. PM+ teaches us to break that cycle by starting to do things even if we don't feel like it. Getting active often leads to feeling better. It's tough at first, but it gets easier once we start.

Lessons from PM+
Feeling overwhelmed by problems can lead to anxiety, stress, fatigue, and helplessness. PM+ teaches problem-solving techniques like defining the problem, brainstorming solutions, breaking it into manageable steps, and scheduling time for each step. Remember, you've got this—one step at a time!

Think big. Act Boldly. Meet Victoria.
Think big. Act boldly. Meet Victoria A congenital limb difference in Victoria’s right leg shaped her self-perception and outlook on life. From her teenage years to the present, her story is one of triumph, marked by the discovery of her true capabilities. Through engagement in activities like biking, hiking and kayaking with Northland Adaptive Recreation, Victoria embodies resilience, determination and a relentless pursuit of opportunities. Read her full story here:

Importance of Mental Health
During mental health month, we celebrate resilience, courage, and the power of community in supporting each other through life's challenges. Learn more about the Problem Management Plus (PM+) program taking place in our community.

Invest in mental health
According to the World Health Organization: for every $1 we invest in boosting treatment for common mental health issues, we see $4 come back to us in better health and productivity. That’s pretty impactful! Learn more about our role in creating a healthy, resilient region free from mental health crisis.

Who is PM+ For?
Problem Management Plus (PM+) is for common mental health issues and stressful situations, emphasizing problem-solving, emotion management, and well-being. It's tailored, accessible, and delivered by trained non-specialist helpers in our community. Right now trained PM+ helpers can be found at Duluth YMCA, indiGO Wisconsin, Trans Northland, PAVSA , Duluth Human Rights Commission, St. Louis County Health and Human Services, and Polinsky Medical Rehabilitation Center. Learn more at

Thirteen-year-old Sylva had the courage to seek the help she needed. Learn more about Sylva and her time at Amberwing: Center for Youth and Family Well-Being. #ThinkBigActBoldly #mentalhealth

PM+ Helpers
On January 18, 2024, 14 PM+ helpers from 7 community-based organizations participated in the initial training. These partners were chosen for their close work with diverse communities and understanding of cultural support's importance. Duluth YMCA Duluth Human Rights Commission indiGO Wisconsin St. Louis County Health and Human Services Trans Northland Polinsky Medical Rehabilitation Center Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault PAVSA Next up: More organizations in June, and we're eager to involve even more from the wider region as PM+ progresses!

What is PM+
Problem Management Plus (PM+) is an innovative mental health program delivered by trained non-clinical helpers. It’s aimed at rapidly impacting the mental health crisis in our region by growing the mental health workforce. Learn more. #MentalWellness #ProactiveCare #PM+ #MillerDwanFoundation

Imagine multiplying hope
Imagine multiplying hope by creating a collective force that can overcome challenges, uplift spirits and pave the way to a more resilient world. It’s what HopeX is all about.

Episode 3 of The Force for Good podcast is live! Zak Williams, mental health advocate and founder of PYM (Prepare Your Mind), shares his personal journey and the importance of mental health awareness and support. He discusses his own struggles with anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive thoughts, as well as the impact of his father, Robin Williams’ suicide. Williams emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to mental health, including programming, awareness, research, advocacy, and policy. He also highlights the importance of nutrition and self-care in maintaining mental well-being. Williams praises the passion and compassion of the people of Duluth and their role in driving systems change. Click the link in our bio to listen or watch the entire episode! #podcast #TheForceforGood #mentalhealth

The Force for Good: Episode 3 is live! Episode 3 features Zak Williams, mental health advocate and founder of PYM (Prepare Your Mind), as he shares his personal journey and the importance of mental health awareness and support. He discusses his own struggles with anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive thoughts, as well as the impact of his father, Robin Williams' suicide. Watch or listen here: