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Matt MacIntosh
International Love Machine

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Exactly what my dad wda sed

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The Secret Key to Living Longer
You Can Only Find it in "The Suck"
by Jimmy Mackey

Hey there,
I’m writing to you from Costa Rica.

If you’ve ever been here, you know the culture is far different than it is in the States.
people sleep in and go to bed early
stores open 20-30min later than they say they will
no one works past sunset (they all meet at the beach for cocktails)
the town doctor was missing when I needed someone to look at my ear infection
and the main objective of the day is to enjoy it (not to scratch everything off your to-do list)
Simply put…I’d say the living is comfortable.
It’s slower, more enjoyable, and easier than it is in the States.
I reflected on this as I went for a sunset walk on the beach.
And on that walk, I was listening to a HubermanLab podcast with David Goggins when Dr. Andrew Huberman said something that really jumped out at me:
My biggest fear in life is getting comfortable.

Dr. Andrew Huberman
It stopped me in my tracks…
As I contemplated how much I was enjoying a slower pace of life and comfort…
Huberman, someone I respect immensely, said getting comfortable was his biggest fear in life.
not dying alone
not spiders (like me)
not even losing his wealth or fame
But getting comfortable? Why?
Comfort is the Enemy
If you don’t know David Goggins, Huberman guest on this episode…
He’s become famous for “Doing Hard S**t.”
becoming a Navy seal
losing over 100 pounds
breaking Guinness world record for pull-ups
running ultramarathons with broken bones
and tons of other stuff that borders on insanity…
So naturally, the theme of the episode was Willpower.
But it got much deeper than avoiding desserts around the holidays.
At one point, Goggins said:
What's so funny about it is even the richest of rich, who have everything, they always ask me this question: “I feel like I'm missing something.” I don't feel like I'm missing s**t. I don't have what you all have. But you will never in my life hear me tell you I'm missing something. And everybody is. They're missing this feeling. I found it a long time ago. And I found it right there in that willpower thing.

David Goggins
You’re able to examine yourself through these experiences and tap into the “75% of you is still fu***ng in there, still chained up because you just didn't want to find your willpower, didn't want to find your soul, your will, your heart, your determination, your guts, your courage.”
Huberman backed up Goggins’ philosophy with some hard science and data on the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex brain structure:
Now here's what's especially interesting about this brain area to me. […] The anterior mid-cingulate cortex is smaller in obese people. It gets bigger when they diet. It's larger in athletes. It's especially large or grows larger in people that see themselves as challenged and overcome some challenge. And in people that live a very long time, this area keeps its size. In many ways, scientists are starting to think of the anterior mid-cingulate cortex not just as one of the seats of willpower but perhaps actually the seat of the will to live.

Dr. Andrew Huberman
That hit me hard.
This willpower stuff isn’t just about “doing hard s***” and “becoming a bad mother f*****,” as Goggins would say.
It’s so much more than that.
It’s about finding what you’re really made of and even expanding the time you’ll spend on this planet.
So, how do you build inner strength and strengthen your willpower?
It’s all about increasing the size of your Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex by doing things you don’t want to do.
That’s right.
Doing hard sh*t isn’t enough.
Training to failure is hard for me, but I enjoy it.
That won’t do.
That won’t strengthen my willpower, increase the size of my AMCC, or help me live longer.
I need to do things I don’t want and don’t like to do…
My Plan for Doing Hard S**t
If you’ve gotten this far, I’d imagine you bought into the idea of doing things you don’t want to do.
It’ll not only help you excel in life, but it may even help you live longer.
I challenge you to do one thing you don’t want to do per day.
As for me, here’s what I’ll be doing every week:
daily shamata meditation
dieting to get to ~8% body fat
120min of zone 2 cardio per week (I hate cardio)
full body training split (hitting legs every day, ouch)
ice baths 2-3x a week (I’m a pansy when it comes to cold water)
1x 18-20 hour fast a week (I enjoy 14-16 hours but am not a fan of anything past that)
Now…you by no means need to do ALL of this.
But I’m a bit of an overachiever and want to see where this willpower thing can take me.
Simply use this for ideas of what you could do…and pick 1 thing a day that will challenge you and you don’t like to do.
Thank you for reading!
To your strength and health,
Jimmy Mackey,

P.S. Doing hard s**t is, well, hard.
Most people find they need some external accountability to set goals like this and stick to them.
So if you’re looking for accountability to do hard s**t and maybe even:
lose 20-30 pounds of stubborn fat
build lean muscle or get toned
and reclaim your energy and confidence




Precious moments!!!

Bonvera 01/05/2024

Get in the Best Shape of Your Life in 2024
Eat More. Exercise Less. Enjoy Life.

Have FuN. Make Money. Make a Difference!

We’re 5 days into 2024.
And let’s be honest…this isn’t the first year you’ve vowed to get in the best shape of your life.
In the past years, you’ve tried things that ended backfiring on you, like:
Doing extra cardio each week…
Spending hours you don’t have in the gym..
Eating chicken and broccoli out of Tupperware...
Giving up time with loved ones to lose a few pounds…
Cutting out all your favorite foods and using restrictive diets…
And despite your efforts, you didn’t get the results you were after.
Or even worse, you got the results but then yo-yo’d back to your previous state.
At this point, you don’t need to be Einstein to know that to get different results, you need to do different things than what you’ve tried in the past.
But what? What’s the solution?
Why “Eat Less, Move More” Doesn’t Work
Unfortunately, it isn’t the mainstream advice that tells you to just “eat less and move more.”
Chances are you’ve tried that before, and instead of losing fat or building muscle/getting toned…
It just made you feel beat up, hungry, and exhausted all the time.
Let’s be honest: if losing fat and gaining muscle/getting toned was as simple as “eating less and moving more”…
You would already have your dream body.
Yet, we see more men than ever walking around in their prime with “dad bods.”
And more women than ever following restrictive low-calorie diets and doing more exercise than any other generation…
What’s The Real Reason “Eating Less and Moving More” Doesn’t Work?
Because there’s a big piece of this fat loss and muscle-building puzzle that mainstream approaches miss entirely...
Your ability to lose fat and build muscle is controlled by your metabolism.
The role of your metabolism is to control how much body fat you burn and where the nutrients and calories you eat are deposited…
The “flexibility” of your metabolism determines whether the calories and nutrients you eat will become lean muscle or body fat.

If you have an “inflexible metabolism” you can’t burn calories or body fat efficiently because your fat burning engine is running too slow…
As a result, the overflow of calories gets stored as body fat, instead of being used to build muscle/get toned, regulate your hormones, and boost your energy levels.
This metabolic inflexibility is what REALLY stops you from burning body fat as fuel and steals the nutrients your muscles require to grow/get toned.
Because there’s a big piece of this fat loss and muscle-building puzzle that mainstream approaches miss entirely...
Think of this all like the engine of a lawnmower…

If a lawnmower engine is clogged, it can’t burn fuel quickly and efficiently.
When you put more fuel in the clogged engine, it will overflow because it’s not burning fuel as quickly as it should.
The overflowing fuel will end up in parts of the engine it shouldn't be causing dysfunction.
The clogged engine that can’t burn fuel efficiently is like metabolic inflexibility…
And the fuel that overflows because it’s not being burned fast enough is the calories and nutrients you eat that get turned into body fat…
Instead of being used to build muscle/get toned, regulate hormones, and boost energy levels.
This is exactly how your metabolism gets “clogged” and stops burning fat or building muscle/getting toned when you’re metabolically inflexible.
If your body can’t burn calories or absorb nutrients efficiently…
You can’t lose weight or use carbs to make muscle grow.
Instead, the food you eat becomes the fat around your stomach, and your body can’t burn off the body fat you already have.
This is why it’s so hard for busy men and women to get in shape…
So What the Hell Should You Do Instead?
Instead of just trying to eat as little as possible and spend pointless hours in the gym…
Feed your METABOLISM more of the right foods to rev it up so you naturally burn more fat…
While also shuttling MORE carbs and nutrients where they need to go to boost hormone function and build muscle.
This “Metabolic Flexibility” means you can eat more food and spend less time in the gym while building the physique you’ve dreamed of.
Put more simply…eat more, exercise less and enjoy your life:
1) Eat More
Instead of cutting out all the “bad foods” (which aren’t even really that bad), prioritize nutrient-dense foods like:
Raw Honey
Greek Yogurt
Mixed Berries
Grass-Fed Beef
Onions & Garlic
Grass-Fed Butter
Fermented Veggies
Wild-Caught Salmon
Just so you know, there are plenty more nutrient-dense foods than this, so don’t freak out if you don’t like some of these foods.
Once you are in the habit of eating these foods a majority of the time, follow the 80/20/0 rule for enjoyability, flexibility, and sustainability.
2) Exercise Less
Of course, you need to exercise to get the “body of your dreams” (kind of cringe, but I’m going with it)…
But overexercising is actually worse than underexercising.
It raises cortisol and inflammation, inhibiting your body from burning fat and building muscle.
So instead, just:
Lift weights 2-4x a week
Get over 7k steps every day
And do low-intensity activities you enjoy, like: yoga, swimming, playing with your kids, etc.
3) Enjoy Your Life
You will never achieve a sustainable transformation if you don’t enjoy your life.
You don’t need to white-knuckle the process and make yourself suffer.
That backfires 100% of the time.
Prioritize sleep, sunlight, socialization, and sustainability.
This is the #1 secret that no one is talking about.
Making 2024 Your Year
Life can only be lived 1 day at a time, so transformation only occurs 1 small step at a time.
Don't focus on the big outcome of achieving your dream body…
Focus on following these steps and becoming 1% better every day.
And in due time, you'll be amazed at how much you've accomplished.
To your strength and health,
Jimmy Mackey
PS: The Metabolic Reset Method members are starting the new year with tons of momentum.
If you are a busy professional who has 15 or more pounds to lose…you may be surprised to see what can happen !
use PROMO CODE # 39173 wherever prompted

Š 2024 Catalyst Chronicles
228 Park Ave S, #29976, New York, New York 10003, United States
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