Durham Congregations in Action, Durham, NC Videos

Videos by Durham Congregations in Action in Durham. DCIA has been building bridges across boundaries in the Bull City since 1969.

Other Durham Congregations in Action videos

Alexandra Valladares
In memorium, 6:8 Church, Asbury UMC, and La Semilla

In memorium for victims of gun violence. Pastor Dorrell at 6:8 Church.

2024 Annual Banquet!

Homelessness in Durham Update
Winter Shelter, etc.

Join us on Nov.30 to celebrate CROP Hunger Walk reaching its $200,000 goal for 2023 as well as celebrating all of you who made it possible! 5:30pm in the Oak Room at Duke Memorial UMC (504 W. Chapel Hill St.) Parking is free. Please enter through the door with the green awning on the left side of Memorial Ln.

Nearly a month ago, a group of fifteen people from various faith communities here in Durham, through the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, DCIA, and Imam Abdullah Antepli, traveled to Washington, D.C. together to receive training. We had Christians, Baha’i, Hindu, and Muslim folks all learning together about the Holocaust, antisemitism, anti-Jewish hate, and how our communities can heal from deep wounds together. Please save the date for Nov.14 at 6pm at St. Joseph AME to learn more about our trip and to join us as we learn better how to build beloved community. (Photo credit to all attendees)

What a turnout for our Connecting Clergy Luncheon! We had over fifty people attend, and a lot of fun! More importantly, we connected over youth identified issues, community events, and identifying immigration reform as a need. We shared our strategic plan (DCIA.org), and we invited folks to join in our collective efforts alongside one another. Check out our photos and see if you can find yourself, your pastor, or a friend. Special thanks to Revs. Sandra, Yolanda C., Donna Banks, Ben H., Ben W., Wes, Duke Divinity representative Yolanda S, and of course, our own Gordon W. and Dr. Herndon, who helped set up, serve food, clean up, and host. Thank you to Duke Memorial UMC for graciously donating the space. Thank you, L’arche NC for your help as well. Photo credit to Dr. Herndon, Jo Wall, and Rev. Donna Banks.

World Hunger Day at Durham Central Park! Join us!