The Law office of Julian M. Hall, Durham, NC Videos

Videos by The Law office of Julian M. Hall in Durham. The Law office of Julian M. Hall focuses on Criminal, Traffic, and Personal Injury law. Dedicated, t

Conoce nuestra gerente de oficina, Carolina.

Llámale para agendar tu consulta hoy!

Su número directo es 919-890-8369.

Other The Law office of Julian M. Hall videos

Conoce nuestra gerente de oficina, Carolina. Llámale para agendar tu consulta hoy! Su número directo es 919-890-8369.

Can you afford to chill.... how much is that weed actually costing you?

When you work with Attorney Hall just know your getting a cool attorney. CALLHALL

Happy Monday everyone! I know Monday’s can be rough but please CALLHALL!

Happy Friday everyone as we enjoy this weekend don’t forget to call hall(on Monday we are closed on weekends) 🥳

#callhall for real estate closings and criminal matters. We are always here! ⚖️👨🏽‍⚖️

Throw back to #tietalk with a Attorney hall know it may sound crazy coming from a lawyer but….Save your money for those attorney fees then #CALLHALL

CALL ATTORNEY HALL BEFORE YOU FALL. Welcome to The official Law Office of Julian Hall page.