East Providence Yacht Club, East Providence, RI Videos

Videos by East Providence Yacht Club in East Providence. Located on the waterfront at 9 Pier Rd East Providence RI, The Yacht Club boasts beautiful sunsets a

Other East Providence Yacht Club videos

It’s Sunday fun. Come on down we have Tanya and The Professors 3-7 Grill open 21+ Proper ID Required Cash only ATM onsite HAPPY FATHERS DAY

Its Sunday Funday and we are wrapping up the holiday weekend with DETROIT BREAKDOWN 3-7 Grill open 21+ Proper ID Required Cash Only

The weather looks great to welcome back Mojo under the tent starting at 8 PM $5.00 cover Grill open 21+ proper ID required Cash only ATM on site

Come on down today and catch the NASCAR race. Our kitchen is open 21+, Cash only ATM onsite