Prevention Resource Center, El Paso, TX Videos

Videos by Prevention Resource Center in El Paso. Helping the region understand the many factors associated with the use of drugs and alcohol, and bui

Moderation is 🔑#PRCregion10 #Aliviane #motivationalquotes #mindfullness #motiviation #recovery #recoveryquotes

Other Prevention Resource Center videos

Moderation is 🔑#PRCregion10 #Aliviane #motivationalquotes #mindfullness #motiviation #recovery #recoveryquotes

Though the holiday season can be a magical time, it can also be full of stress and worry. Don’t forget to de-stress after the holidays and relax for the new year! #PRCregion10 #Aliviane #NewYear #Holidays #stress

Tobacco companies spend about $606.6 million marketing to Texans each year. We must all work together to eliminate their influence. Visit for tips. #DrugFreeBestMe #DrugFreeTX

Members of Aliviane get together to WALK LIKE MADD #TeamAliviane

If you notice kids at school are facing peer pressure to try drugs or alcohol, remind them they can always use school performance as an easy excuse to say no. For conversation starters, visit: #DrugFreeBestMe #DrugFreeTX

Si observa que los niños en la escuela están siendo presionados por sus compañeros para probar drogas o alcohol, recuérdeles que siempre pueden usar el rendimiento escolar como una buena excusa para decir que no. Para ver ideas sobre cómo iniciar una conversación, visite: #DrugFreeBestMe #DrugFreeTX

On Behalf of the PPI Program Thank you to all the soon to be Momma's that participated and Congratulations!

Como cuidar su Salud Mental (En Vivo)
Estaremos en vivo en unos momentos con el tema Como cuidar su Salud Mental

PRC/CCP Conversing about National Prevention Week
This is our first time going live from Zoom, but it won't be the last. Aliviane, Inc.