Turning Pointe Academy Of Dance, Elgin, IL Videos

Videos by Turning Pointe Academy Of Dance in Elgin. We offer classes for the recreational dancer to the intensive dancer, from preschool to adult. Class

Wishing our dancers and their families a wonderful holiday filled with love, laughter and joy 🎄(and dancing too!)

Other Turning Pointe Academy Of Dance videos

Wishing our dancers and their families a wonderful holiday filled with love, laughter and joy 🎄(and dancing too!)

So much fun at our parents night out! Can't beat having a blast while supporting a a member of our dance family 🩷

We learned a new step today, pas de chat! Great job dancers 🩰

We love to skip on Saturdays 🩰

Feelin Fantastic
This is how we feel after the first day of fall classes...maybe a little sore too!!

A very happy Thanksgiving to our dancers and their families! We are so thankful to share in your lives and love for dance 💙

Lean back and relax as we dance into this Thanksgiving holiday week!

This little ballerina could do tour jete's all day 💙

Summer session's in full swing! 💙 Great dancing ladies!

Silly Girls

Sr. Co.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Celebrate our dancers

Happy Tappin'