Integrity School of Dance, Elgin, IL Videos

Videos by Integrity School of Dance in Elgin. Integrity School of dance offers a wide variety of dance styles for all ages. Contact us at [email protected] or is

Other Integrity School of Dance videos

Congratulations to two of our Integrity instructors, Ms. Margaret & Ms. Kelli, and the cast and crew from “A New Day” at Larkin High School’s “ Bring A Book to life” production. Your creative interpretation of this adorable book had everyone dancing in their seats! Such a joy to witness the young students of U46 loving the arts. Bravo!

Dance For Me
Presenting, "Dance For Me," choreographed by our Company Director, Amy VanWagenen, and featuring our Senior Company dancers. Please enjoy a view through the eyes of the judges at LA DanceMagic as they critique and appreciate this piece. After a competitive weekend of about 15 studios and 500 dances, this piece won HIGH SCORE for the entire weekend! This was our state championship and these girls brought it home! Congratulations! Don't miss them live at our Company Showcase, along with our Junior and Performance Companies, on June 19th at 3:00 PM at Hemmens Cultural Centre. $5.00 (CASH ONLY) at the door. 1.5 hours show! We appreciate your support! "Stunning," "I feel like I'm watching the notes happening," "WOW," "It's hard, and they've got it," "Lovely."

Introducing YWCA’s, 2021 recipient of the Margaret Hillis Award for the Arts. Ms. Courtney Garcia!!! 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!

Final award of the night. 💜
Thank you, Rainbow Dance and Association of Dance Conventions & Competitions! We are thankful, humbled and so proud of our company dancers.

This will be...
Jr. Co. preparing to compete!

Resilient 2021- Tumbling 5-6

Spanning 2 generations from Mother & Dad to Daughter & Dad, the Paretti family takes 1st place for our “Recreate the Pose” contest! CONGRATULATIONS!

Freeze Dance!
As Ms. Courtney says, “A dance party a day keeps the blues away.” Enjoy some freeze dance. 💜

The Dad challenge has begun... send us your best! #integritydance

Intensive day #3 was amazing with Wilfredo Rivera and Sherry Zunker! 💜 Thank you!

Integrity intensive day #2 with Brandon Coleman and Hanna Brictson! 💜❤️💜