Katherine L. Albiani Middle School, Elk Grove, CA Videos

Videos by Katherine L. Albiani Middle School in Elk Grove. Katherine L. Albiani Middle School A Community of Lifelong Learners!

Happy Adjudication Day to the Albiani JTF West troupe who are performing at the Sacramento convention center this morning. #JTF #JTF24 #juniortheaterfestival

Other Katherine L. Albiani Middle School videos

Happy Adjudication Day to the Albiani JTF West troupe who are performing at the Sacramento convention center this morning. #JTF #JTF24 #juniortheaterfestival

Such a great way to end this week! Thanks Latinos in Action club for your amazing dance and sharing your culture with KAMS today #dayofthedead #eldíadelosmuertos💀🌹 #FalconPride💙♥️

PBIS Kick Off is First Day of School. Great First Day planned for our Falcons! See you Thursday! #spreadyourwingsandsoar❤️💙 #falconpride❤️💙

Happy Constitution Day! Take a look at this video created by our Falcons! #ConstitutionDay #FalconPride #BeTheOne


Day 2 Falcons! Here’s a great video to help all our new Falcons make sure that they have StudentVUE for synergy on their cellular device and how to login on a computer. Also, it shows you the proper way how to communicate with your teachers through synergy. #techtips #falconpride #pbis #pbiskickoff #Day2 #distancelearning #egusd #elkgrove #kams #albiani #kindnessrevolution #bekindtoyourself #kindnessismysuperpower

#WintheweekChallenge Week 3 Cooking with your Fam! #wintheweekchallenge @iamkevinbracy @reach_one_alliance @albianims

Happy Mother’s Day, Falcon!
Happy Mother’s Day to all our Falcon Moms! May you know how awesome your are!!!!Students- shout out your mom here and why they are so awesome! #momsrock #falconpride #greatnessclap #wintheweekchallenge #appreciate ICANHELP IamKevinBracy

KAMS Win the Week Challenge (Week #1) Falcon Families take the challenge! tag @albianims @iamkevinbracy @reach_one_alliance #kamswintheweekchallenge #falconpride💙♥️ #kams #eachonereachone

Keep Reading and Stay Safe!! L@@k at our Library Reading Challenge!! 📚📖 Click here for the Library Challenge: https://wke.lt/w/s/umQU-y #FalconPride #librarychallenge #kindnessrevolution🧡

Today is Thankful Thursday! 💙❤️ We are so thankful for our Falcon Families and Staff! We celebrate our Performing Arts Program. Our Falcons and Performing Arts Teachers are so GIFTED!!! We hope this video brings you happiness today! #FalconPride #PerformingArts #KindenessRevolution🧡#coronakindness💜

Day 15- TPS TUESDAY FALCONS! Text, Post, Say something nice on Social media or in a personal postcard or text message. Let’s Spread Positivity KAMS. ♥️💙 Tag a friend and challenge them to TPS TOO! @reach_one_alliance @iamkevinbracy @icanhelpofficial @sac_fnl_cl #28daychallenge #FalconPride #KindnessRevolution

Day 13- Today is Runway Sunday! Show of your bitmoji! Tag a friend and challenge them to show off their bitmoji! Tag @albianims and @icanhelp. #28challenge #FalconPride #KindnessRevolution