Paisley Petals Flower Studio

Paisley Petals is a boutique flower studio specializing in creating custom event florals that reflec

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 04/26/2024

There will be a much longer post coming when I’ve had more time to process the incredible experience that was the / Spring Workshop. For now, here are a few gorgeous still life shots by of a centerpiece I got to design on day 2.

Design & Coordination:
Content Creator:
Hand Painted Backdrop:
Hand Crafter Floral Vessel:
Floral Wholesaler:


Yesterday I went to a workshop that is literally called “Social Media Aversion Therapy” with .ellen.anderson. When I read the course description, it felt like someone had been spying on my thoughts! It’s so common for artists to be shy about showing their face. Or to have some complicated feelings about social media in general. Or to get so caught up in overthinking that we neglect to post much at all. (🙋🏻‍♀️guilty on all counts) When I think about what I want for this space, ultimately I want it to be a place for you to connect with the beauty of flowers and the joy they bring, to follow your curiosity about how these big events come together, and to feel welcome and at ease. I’m going to be trying hard to show up here more often in an effort to meet those goals in a way that feels authentic and not subservient to the algorithm. I hope you’ll join me! Also, if you are an artist and have a chance to learn from .ellen.anderson , you should absolutely jump at the chance. She is thoughtful and kind in her approach while challenging the kind of thinking that gets you stuck. Even if you just start by giving her a follow and signing up for emails, you won’t regret it!


We’re getting so close to the return of spring blooms! Eryn’s early April bridal bouquet featured local ranunculus, narcissus, and muscari. Can’t wait to get my hands on spring flowers again!



How about a little color for your feed today? As much as I love my winter hibernation season, I also find myself dreaming about Spring. We can do both, right?! We can appreciate the shapes of the bare trees against the Winter sky AND look forward to the return of ranunculus, tulips and poppies. January is booking season over here, and the proposals I’m sending out have me feeling so excited for wedding season and all the beautiful things we get to create! Photo:


Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I’m thankful for each one of you for being here- for your support and encouragement over the years! Hard to believe we just wrapped up our 24th wedding season! I love what I do, and I wouldn’t be able to do it without all of my wonderful couples continuing to trust me with their weddings. Wishing you all a holiday season full of family, friends and joy!

Planning and Design:


Thinking back on this incredible day as we kick off pride month! I’ll post a link to the blog in my stories if you want to read more about why we put this shoot together and the inspiration behind it all. So grateful to everyone who was part of this magical experience:

Models: .james.8t4
Decor Rentals:
Groom Styling:
Leather Details:


Do you ever think about how different your life would be if you took a different path? I started college as an Ed major. Second semester of freshman year, we had to do a practicum at a local school. I am so grateful for that, because it made me realize how much I actually hated being in a classroom every day. (Shout out to my teacher friends- you guys are actual heroes!) The path that led me to where I am with my business was a little more winding than the path I had mapped out for myself when I was 18. 43 year old me is so grateful to my anxious 18 year old self for choosing to get off of that path, even without a solid plan of what to do instead. The career I have built is not without its challenges, but it’s a much better fit for me. And I’m so grateful to every one of you for being along for the ride! Photo by

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 03/06/2023

After a pause to reconfigure some things, we are re-opening our books for studio pickup orders! Also still booking full service weddings. If you’re ready to get started, head to our website contact form (link in bio) to get the ball rolling!


We are currently booking 2023 and 2024 wedding dates! The link in our profile will take you straight to the contact form to get the process started. Can’t wait to hear all about your wedding plans!


I never think to ask the photographer to capture this moment, but I am always so happy when they do. I have delivered bridal bouquets literally hundreds of times over the last 23 years. I still get butterflies every single time. Getting to take all the trust you’ve given me and put it back into your hands as the bouquet of your dreams… it just never gets old. To all of my clients, past, present and future, thank you. I love being a small part of your big day. 💗 P.S. come see us at tomorrow, 2/5 from 4-7 PM photo by


Oh hey! Here I am. I tend to disappear for awhile after we wrap up wedding season. I am very intentional about taking some time to rest. Weddings are high-demand, high-intensity projects. Showing up season after season to create flower magic is only possible if I find some balance in the off season. For me that looks like reading, walks with friends, baking, meeting other vendor pals for lunch, and soaking up family time. We are also taking inquiries for 2023 and 2024 weddings so don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re ready to get started!

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 01/10/2023

Hello and happy 2023! We had a magical holiday season with the fam, and hope you did too!

With so many engagements happening over the holiday season, it seemed like a good time to re-post our best tips for building your wedding vision. Hope this tool is helpful as you start the wedding planning process!


Oh hey! It’s been a minute. We are still here! We wrapped our wedding season in mid-November, did a couple of holiday orders and some wreath making, and we have now entered our floral hibernation season. As you may have guessed, making art out of basically produce for once in a lifetime events that have to be perfect every time is a pretty intense job. Over the years, I have learned that an intentional break from flowers is an important part of the way I balance my year. December is all about making Christmas magical for my family. January is a month more focused on rest. Lunar New Year (February first) is when we are ready to go again, kicking off our design year with ideas and plans for the open house at Kelley Farm at the end of the month. We are still taking consultation appointments and writing proposals for 2023, just taking a break from actual floral design. We are also starting to see professional galleries from our 2022 weddings. I promise to try to share more soon! Photo by

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 05/17/2022

Happy Tuesday everyone! As new inquiries continue to roll in for 2023, it seemed like a good time to post this reminder of our 2 levels of service for wedding florals. If you’re ready to get started, head to the website to fill out our contact form (link in bio).


How does a kid with severe anxiety growing up in the 80s before kids got help with such things manage to become brave enough to make a living by putting themselves out there creatively over and over again? By having this woman for a mom (seen here feeling very pleased with herself for figuring out how to support my bff’s business on the sly so that said bff couldn’t give her a discount). By her example and her encouragement, she made space for me to be the creator I am. Messes were welcome and even encouraged. Phrases like “there is no such thing as a mistake when you’re being creative” still ring in my head in her voice. Never in a million years would I have had the guts to do this without her. For this and all the other ways she has loved me well, I’m so grateful. Love you, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 05/05/2022

Celebrating her anniversary seems like a good excuse to tell you about this amazing human I’ve loved since her very first breath. I remember exactly the road we were driving on when I asked her if she wanted to be my floral assistant. She was 14. Over the next 5 years, she was by my side for nearly every wedding. She had a front row seat to all of the behind-the-scenes, the work, the growth, the never-ending bucket washing. To this day, 15 years later, she is still an integral part of this business. Having her on site for a wedding setup is the best- she still anticipates my every move like a mind-reader, hustles hard and gets the job done. I’ve never put more love (or more flowers!) into a bridal bouquet than I did into hers. Happy anniversary to the world’s greatest niece/GOAT of floral assistants! Photos:

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 05/02/2022

is one of our favorite venues and they are having their annual open house this Saturday! I’m not able to be there in person this time, but I will be teaming up with Shiloh from to provide the florals for her space. The event runs from 11-3. RSVP is required. Head to website for all the info! In the meantime, enjoy these photos by from one of our all-time favorite RFR weddings!

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 04/28/2022

Having a clear vision for your wedding day is key to being able to communicate with your vendors about what you want. But building that vision can be overwhelming. Here are a few of our best tips to help you get started! Be sure to scroll through to read more, and save this post for future reference!


“Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun. Surround yourself only with people who want to see you grow.” -Pavana

I think I have grown and changed more in the last 5 years than in the rest of my life combined. And the people who are still with me in my inner circle (you know who you are) are the ones who embrace and encourage that growth. I’m very lucky to have some very long-term friendships, close relationships with some family members and a husband who has been my partner in everything for 17 years. But those kinds of lifetime relationships require making space for, encouraging and embracing growth. Sometimes making that space is painful for a minute, but it’s always worth it. Here’s to friends & relatives who are like the sun… may we find them, may we be them.



As costs for flowers (and everything else) have soared, we’ve been thinking more about how to help our clients stretch their flower budget. The best way to do that is to prioritize. Think about which pieces/areas will be most heavily photographed. Typically that’s your bouquets, ceremony space and head table. So if you are having to choose where to spend your money, we recommend focusing on these 3 areas and scaling back on centerpieces and floral details. And ask your florist about practical ways to re-use flowers. In this setup, the deconstructed arch works as both a ceremony and sweetheart table backdrop and ground-based arrangements are used down the aisle and then moved in front of the head table. This quick and easy transition is practical enough to pull off during a quick room flip, and creates an incredibly lush look for both ceremony and reception. Consider using bridesmaids bouquets for bar and dessert table accents- we can pre-set clean vases with water to make it super easy. Scroll back a few posts to find the rest of our budget-stretching tips!



As much as we had all hoped 2022 would be back to “normal,” we aren’t quite there yet. For those of you who are planning weddings, please know how much your vendors still want you to have the very best wedding day possible. We will do absolutely everything we can for you. We are creative problem solvers who are ridiculously committed to our jobs. But some problems (like the supply chain) are out of our hands. If we work together within that understanding, there is no reason you can’t have an incredible wedding day! Here’s to all of our 2022 couples- let’s make it a great year!


Spring is spoiling us with the most beautiful blooms right now! Every trip to and feels like a flower wonderland. Special shoutout to for the beautiful anemones! Also, to my sweet friend Amanda of for always capturing my designs so beautifully!


“If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” St. Thérèse of Lisieux …

My absolute favorite thing about spring at the flower market is the way the abundant variety of the season bursts onto the scene. After a few months of slim pickings, we are faced with the happy problem of having to chose from Mother Nature’s prolific spring repertoire. Tulips, daffodils, butterfly ranunculus, hyacinth, anemone, ranunculus, muscari, blooming branches, hellebore, jasmine… we are swimming in beautiful blooms! My design style leans heavily on incorporating a large variety of different flowers and foliages. While we love our show-stopping queens (looking at you, garden roses & peonies), they are made all the more beautiful by the company of a variety of blooms and textures. I’m so thankful that every flower is not a rose.

The same can be said about all of us. I spent too many years of my early career worried about how I was measuring up to other florists. When I started more than 2 decades ago, no one was working as a home studio based florist. It was rare to be treated with any respect as a person who didn’t own a brick and mortar flower shop. But I kept showing up. Kept learning- about flowers, about myself. Somewhere along the line, I learned that there is enough room for all of us. I love my ever-growing community of flower friends. And while there is a lot of overlap in our experiences that make it easy for us to connect with each other, no two florists are running exactly the same business. Our industry is best served by an abundance of talented, diverse, creative people crafting a business that works for their life, strengths and challenges. I think that’s true of every person, and every industry. We are more beautiful because of our differences.

I hope you’re inspired by the beautiful variety of Spring to show up today exactly the way you are, with the confidence that what you have to offer is exactly what the world needs. 💗


Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 03/30/2022

Wedding flowers have always been expensive, and more so now than ever. If beautiful florals are a priority for you, we’ve put together a few tips to help your flower budget stretch as far as it can.


Just a couple of dates left for 2022, and booking for 2023! Quick reminder: we require all inquiries to fill out the contact form on our website as a first step. You can find the link in our bio!


Happy first day of Spring, friends! We’re off to a pretty soggy start, so just a little reminder for you… “no rain, no flowers.” Looking forward to all the amazing local blooms that we get to work with over the next several months!

Planning & Design:


“Tá tú mo chroí, mo anam, my ghrá agus mo shaol. I gcónaí agus go deo.”

Translation from Irish Gaelic: “You are my heart, my soul, my love and my life. Always and forever.”

Happy St. Patrick’s day, friends! If you’re working on your plan for your ceremony, definitely check out some Irish wedding blessings. There are so many great ones! 🍀



3 cheers for the return of the light! I love my cozy winter hibernation season. But I also love the rhythm of the seasons, and I am so ready for spring! Just 1 week to go… bring on the warmer days and more gorgeous, sunny weddings like this one!

Planning & Design:

Photos from Paisley Petals Flower Studio's post 03/12/2022

Trying to help take a little bit of the mystery out of flower pricing today! I know it might seem like a few thousand dollars should be enough to get you whatever floral fantasy you’ve seen on Pinterest. Especially since, for most people, their experience with flower pricing is what they see at the grocery store. But custom wedding floral design is a whole different world. Click through for some ballpark examples of what might fit in each of these budget ranges. Keep in mind that these are not presented as “wedding packages,” but rather as a tool to help you get some idea of costs on the front end and save you from that sticker shock feeling when you get your proposal. Hope this is helpful!


As we head into another wedding season with supply chain issues, flexibility is key. Rather than latching on too tightly to a particular type of flower, choose a color palette and general vibe, and trust your florist with the rest. About half of the ingredients in this bouquet were substitutions for my original plan. I made the best decisions I could to stay within the palette, and it still came together beautifully. Kristen was thrilled with everything we did, and didn’t spend the week of her wedding stressing about flowers, because she trusted me and knew I would handle it. Trusting the pros you’ve hired will lead to the best possible results all around.


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Buds & Blooms Enumclaw Buds & Blooms Enumclaw
1409 Griffin Avenue
Enumclaw, 98022

Let us take care of all your floral needs. We specialize in custom flower arrangements and plants!