Sacred Origins, Eugene, OR Videos

Videos by Sacred Origins in Eugene. Reclaiming our Power from the Roots Up ~ Serving Women, Birth, and Mother Earth

Join us in Oregon to celebrate the turn of the Great Wheel πŸ‚πŸ

Samhain ("sow-in") is Gaelic for "summer's end". Our Celtic ancestors would celebrate the end of the harvest with a great bonfire, dancing, & merry-making.

This time is also known as Halloween ("hallowed-evening"), and All Soul's Day. It is time to honor our beloved dead, the ancestors, our family unseen.

We gather in community to celebrate with a Family Feast & Ritual Fire πŸŽƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸ‚

Blessings to you and yours in this time of great change!
#samhain #halloween #wheeloftheyear #pagan #ancestors #seasons

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Join us in Oregon to celebrate the turn of the Great Wheel πŸ‚πŸ Samhain ("sow-in") is Gaelic for "summer's end". Our Celtic ancestors would celebrate the end of the harvest with a great bonfire, dancing, & merry-making. This time is also known as Halloween ("hallowed-evening"), and All Soul's Day. It is time to honor our beloved dead, the ancestors, our family unseen. We gather in community to celebrate with a Family Feast & Ritual Fire πŸŽƒπŸπŸŒΎπŸ‚ Blessings to you and yours in this time of great change! πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ #samhain #halloween #wheeloftheyear #pagan #ancestors #seasons

SOVEREIGN WOMAN, FERAL MOTHER πŸ”₯ A library (over 22 hours) of conversations on all things: πŸ”» Herbal Contraception πŸ”» Hosting Women's Gatherings πŸ”» Nervous System Regulation in Motherhood πŸ”» Navigating boundaries & Sovereign Pleasure πŸ”» Healing the Witch Wound πŸ”» Homesteading & Plant Wisdom πŸ”» Using our Voices to Heal ....and SO much more!! All brought to you by @wildsagemama @iamjulianblue @her.flowering @mamabearth @rachael.alaia @alexandria.kenyon @wildlyrooted @medicinemother @rosemotherhood @threadedred @katrinalillylove @jasminemariposa @rising.rooted @earthrhythmwomb @earthwombheart @primal_woman_ @myceliasgarden @wombandearth πŸ”₯ON SALE through OCTOBER 31st with checkout code: SAMHAIN22 πŸ”₯ #sovereignwoman #feralmother #witchwound #sacredorigins

"The Great Mother in Her many aspects - Maiden, raging Warrior, benevolent mother, death-dealing and all-wise crone, unknowable & ultimate wyrd - is now powerfully re-emergence & rising again in human consciousness... Isis, Mawu-Lisa, Demetrius, Gaia, Shakti, Dakinis, Shekhinah, Astarte, Ishtar, Rhea, Freya, Nerthus, Brigid, Danu - call Her what you may - has been with us since the beginning and awaits us now. She is the beauty of the green Earth, the life-giving waters, the consuming fire, the radiant moon, the fiery sun. She is the Star Goddess & SpiderWoman; She weaves the luminous Web that creates the Universe. As Earth - the Great planetary being - She germinates love within Her dark Womb. After thousands of years of life-denying & anti-revolutionary patriarchal cultures that have raped, ravaged, & polluted the Earth, She returns. The Earth's immune system is breaking down & so is ours. Her soil, atmosphere, plant life, trees, and animal worlds are exhausted beyond endurance. All beings are suffering and can take no more. Based in matricide, the death of all nature, & the utyer exploitation of women, Western culture has run itself into the ground and there is no other way but to return to the Mother who gives us life. If we are to survive we have to attune to the spirits of nature, we must learn to 'hear' the voices of our ancestors..." - The Great Cosmic Mother, Monica SjΓΆΓΆ & Barbara Mor πŸ•Έ πŸ•Έ πŸ•Έ #greatcosmicmother #goddess #greatmother #sacredorigins

🌾Blessed First Harvest to you and all that you are reaping in your lives. Blessings to the land we walk upon, the seeds we sow, the warmth of our hearths, and to our sacred work. Blessings to our ancestors who once lived upon the Earth in right relationship, long ago. As the Great Wheel turns onward, we return to the Center, where all things become, where the fallen fruit is the newborn seed once more. 🌾May we remember the bounty of this blessed life! πŸ‡May we reclaim belonging for ourselves, first in our own bodies, and to the Earth body upon which we dance, turn, and change. 🍞May we prune away that which hinders our growth, and give thanks to all we have received. β˜€οΈMay we take stock of all we have gathered, and decide what to keep and what to give back. Blessings to you and your harvests! 🌾 #lughnasadh #lammas #harvesttime #mother #earthworship #paganwoman