St. Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC, Evans, GA Videos

Videos by St. Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC in Evans. St. Michael and All Angels is a confessional, liturgical Lutheran mission in Augusta, GA area. We are an extension of Sts. Peter and Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, Simpsonville, SC and affiliated with The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA).

Trinity 3 2022

Divine Service (parts edited out) for the Third Sunday after Trinity Sunday at St. Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC of Augusta, GA. A Lutheran mission of Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church, Simpsonville, SC. Affiliated with ELDoNA.

Order of Worship: The Lutheran Hymnal, p. 15.
Hymns: TLH 320—“Lord Jesus, Think on Me”
TLH 319—“In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord”
TLH 437—“Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode”
TLH 313—“O Lord, We Praise Thee”
TLH 526—“In God, My Faithful God”
Prelude: “Was mein Gott will” Hermann Grabner
Postlude: “Auf meinen lieben Gott” Friedrich Zachow
Readings: Epistle—1 Peter 5:6-11
Gospel—St. Luke 15:1-10
Sermon Theme: “This Man Receives Sinners”

Other St. Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC videos

Trinity 3 2022
Divine Service (parts edited out) for the Third Sunday after Trinity Sunday at St. Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC of Augusta, GA. A Lutheran mission of Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church, Simpsonville, SC. Affiliated with ELDoNA. Order of Worship: The Lutheran Hymnal, p. 15. Hymns: TLH 320—“Lord Jesus, Think on Me” TLH 319—“In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord” TLH 437—“Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode” TLH 313—“O Lord, We Praise Thee” TLH 526—“In God, My Faithful God” Prelude: “Was mein Gott will” Hermann Grabner Postlude: “Auf meinen lieben Gott” Friedrich Zachow Readings: Epistle—1 Peter 5:6-11 Gospel—St. Luke 15:1-10 Sermon Theme: “This Man Receives Sinners”

Epiphany 4 2022
The Divine Service (parts edited out) the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany of our Lord, January 30, 2022 at Saint Michael and All Angels Evangelical Lutheran Mission, UAC of Augusta, GA. Affiliated with ELDoNA. Order of Worship: The Lutheran Hymnal, p. 15. Hymns: TLH 263—“O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe” INSERT—“Lord, Hear the Voice of My Complaint” (Tune to ELHB 365) TLH 383—“Seek Where Ye May to Find a Way” TLH 82—“Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing” TLH 353—“Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest” Prelude: “Kommt her zu mir” Henry V. Gerike Postlude: “Such’, wer da will” Paul Kickstat Readings: Epistle—Romans 13:8-10 Gospel—St. Matthew 8:23-27 Sermon Theme: “Lord, Save Us!”