Crystal McKenna Counseling, LLC, Exeter, NH Videos

Videos by Crystal McKenna Counseling, LLC in Exeter. I provide a calm, relaxed, supportive & compassionate environment for clients to feel heard & suppor

Daily check in reminder!

Don't forget the importance of taking a few moments each day to check in with yourself. What are you noticing in your body, where are your thoughts, how are you feeling? What could you use or add to your day to make it better? How can we let go of the things that are holding us back, or interfering with our ability to be our best selves today?

#mentalhealth #dailycheckin #mindfulness #slowdown #noticeyourthoughts

Other Crystal McKenna Counseling, LLC videos

Daily check in reminder! Don't forget the importance of taking a few moments each day to check in with yourself. What are you noticing in your body, where are your thoughts, how are you feeling? What could you use or add to your day to make it better? How can we let go of the things that are holding us back, or interfering with our ability to be our best selves today? #mentalhealth #dailycheckin #mindfulness #slowdown #noticeyourthoughts

Gentle reminder that the Holiday season is right around the corner. For many of us this means joy, celebrations, and embracing chaos. But for others it welcomes a season of stress, feelings of overwhelm, sadness, and anxiety. Complicated family dynamics can place a lot of unspoken expectations and pressures on us. Remember to set and maintain your boundaries, listen to your gut, and say NO when you have to. This doesn't make you a bad person, regardless of the guilt and pressure you may feel from others, it means you are learning to take care of and prioritize YOU. 💜 #setboundaries #mentalhealth #holidaysandmentalhealth #youmatter #toxicshame #breakthecycle

Remember, our healing only begins when we allow ourselves to feel. It may take practice and patience, but let yourself be comfortable being uncomfortable. Our emotions communicate with us through our bodies- through physical and somatic sensations. It is important for us to recognize this and lean into it, instead of avoid and ignore. Recognize the sensation, label it, get curious about where it is or moves to in your body. When we continue to ignore or suppress the emotion it may start to show up in really unhealthy ways- inflammation, tension, headaches, gut issues, body aches and heaviness. Allow the emotion to pass through your body. Intense sensations come from intense emotions. Stop ignoring, and start healing! #somaticexperiencing #mentalhealth #traumahealing #therapy #healing

Although many people associate the holiday season with joy, love and family- we need to keep in mind and normalize the fact that with the season also comes stress, anxiety and depression. Many people struggle with setting boundaries, saying no, taking care of themselves, or with feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression. Whether you've just lost a loved one, or cannot physically be with family this year, remember to allow yourself the space and opportunity to grieve. Just because it is the holidays doesn't mean we have to "force" ourselves to be happy and joyous. Listen to your body, allow yourself to feel loss, or sadness. Axknowledge anxiois feelings and question why- if your doing too much, take a break. Remember it is normal to feel these things. Stay connected, reach out, talk to someone if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or sad. You can reach out to family or friends with a text, a call or video chat to feel a sense of connection. Looking for professional help, or a therapist may also be extremely beneficial for many this time of year. Remember holiday traditions and plans can change, just as families grow and change. It's okay if you can't make it to the family gathering, or if you can't say yes to all the events. Listen to your body, and do what you feel is best for you and your immediate family. It's okay to say no. It's okay to not sign up for all the kids Christmas events, it's okay if your holiday looks different this year. Remember your boundaries. No means no. Sometimes other people won't like to hear it, but we can't please everyone and we can't own their emotions. If you can't avoid saying no, maybe look to other places where you can let something else go. Don't over fill your plate. Set financial boundaries and plans for yourself, keep up with your healthy habits as best you can and set aside differences. When all else fails, take a breather. Step back, go outside, meditate, go for a walk, smell your favorite candle, listen to

On the days you fail to see it, when you don't feel it, or are in doubt- remember, you matter. I see it. Someone sees it. You matter. We can get through this. You've got this. I am rooting for you. Always. #youmatter #youvegotthis #dontgiveup