Farin Nik

Farin Nik

Hi! My name is Farin! I'm a mom of three boys, actually 4. Forgot my husband. I would love to connect with you.

Besides changing myself by learning, and growing, I am here to inspire others and help them to build a better future.


Learn how many of us found our passion w0rking 🌍nl!ne for side hustle and for Plan B . It’s all started by watching a live free web!nar that change our lives forever. Check it out might change y0urs too!


✨Every Tuesday and Thursday is a WEB!NAR day (no cost). Thousands of people join this webinar each week. If there is anyone who is interested to join with us here is the link and you can watch the replay as well of our w0rkshop later on your convenient time .
🔸️no experience required.
🔸️step by step training provided just need to follow them.
🔸️the system is worked 24*7.
🔸️no timetable -- make your own schedule.
🔸️no selling/stock.
دوستان اگر دوست دارید،
علم تب.لیغا.ت در پل.ت فرم های مختلف رو یاد بگیرید و
از فض.ای مج.ازی به صورت جهانی از خونه و یا هر جایی ک.س.ب در.آ.مد کنید
و بیز.ی.نس آن.لا.ین .خو.دتون رو داشته باشید🧐
📍بدون اینکه تج.ربه و یا حر.فه خاصی لازم داشته باشید
📍بدون اینکه کا.لایی رو بخ.ر.ید و یا بفرو.شید
📍 بدون اینکه انبا.ر داری کا.لایی در کا.ر باشه
✅و با اطمینان کامل بدونید که بیز.ی.نس قان.ونی هست و همچنین زبان انگلیسی رو در حد متوسط میدونید،
👈لطفاً در مرحله اول در لین.ک وبسا.یت من
رجی.ستر کنید و وبینار های مجا.نی روزهای سه‌شنبه و پنجشنبه هر هفته و یا دیدن تکرارشون در هر موقعی که وقت کردید رو انجام بدید.
👈دوم اینکه اگر دوست داشتید و براتون جالب بود که اطلا.عات بیشتری رو ک.س.ب کنید با پر.دا.خت مب.لغی، وارد دو.ره آزمایشی بشید و بدونید که اگر دوست نداشتید مب.لغش تا قبل از ۳۰ روز قابل بر.گشت هست.
👈ودر آخر اگر از مدل این بیز.ی.نس خوشتون آومد،
با سر.ما.یه ای که میزارید برای این مو.قعیت عالی میتونید;
🟣با داشتن آمو.زشهای عالی و مر.حله به مر.حله
🔵و کمک و پشتیبانی من.تور و کو.وچ دلسوز
🟢و از همه مهمتر پشتکار، صبر و انگیزه‌ای که برای ساختن
بیز.ی.نس خودتون دارید،
🤗مطمئن باشید و بدونید که موفق میشید و آینده روشنی برای خودتون و خانواده در پیش رو خواهید داشت.
🤙دوستان با من درتماس باشید تا بتونم بیشتر کمکتون کنم.
با تشکر🙏
فرین See less




Take care of y0ur kids at home while y0u can e.a.r.n !nc0me and add to y0ur home bu.d.get at the same time!?

Let's talk about it.

In this great 0pp0rtunity, y0u are going to;

- learn how to start y0ur 0wn On.line Di.gi.tal Bus.iness
- have a flexible to w0rk any place, any where and any time !
- have Second side !nc0me source!
- have Leg!t and Gl🌍bally pr0ven aut0
mation system!
- have plan for Golden age!
Don't miss a chance. Contact me so I can help you.
Reg!ster to my we.bs!te mentioned in the comment below for free web!nar and see how the system w0rks for y0u.

Photos from Farin Nik's post 14/08/2022

Another fun day with friends🎳


Think Positive and positive things will happen👌


Age doesn't matter; what matters most is how you age and how you spend the time in between.🌺


Want to increase y0ur family’s monthly in.co.me?
Want to start an 🌍nl!ne bus!ness But don’t know HOW??
I will show y0u how ordinary people are growing their 0nl!ne bu.si.ness .
Great 0pp0rtuni!ty is waiting for y0u .
I want to share this to everyone. A few perks of this 0nl!ne bus!ness:
✅ Be y0ur 0wn B0SS
✅ W0rk anytime and anywhere
✅ NO experience Needed
✅ Full training and support provided
✅ It’s international, Gl🌍bal bus!ness that runs 24/7
✅ Full time or part-time basis
✅ Personal Mentor and Coach to guide through the BIZ.
✅ Leg!t and taxable bu.si.ness. Tax slips to be provided at the end of the year.
STOP waiting for the perfect time.
NOW is a chance to live y0ur dream life


"Everyday is a new day and a new 0pp0rtun!ty to make it happen and make it matter."👌✨

Photos from Farin Nik's post 11/08/2022

Fun afternoon with friends before school starts 💙😊


I w0rk in a bus!ness c0mmun!ty of 127.6 thousand members, which is one of the most successful groups in the w🌍rld in the field of d!g!tal mar.ket!ng.👌

In this leg!t!mate bus!ness, y0u will learn how to use the alg0r!thms in the most used pla.tf0rms to e.a.r.n !nc0me.

Are y0u interested in starting y0ur 0wn 🌍nl!ne b!z ?‼️📱💻

What are y0u waiting for?
Y0u need to take action NOW
✅ Sign up for reg!stration
✅ Make time to watch the Live We.b!nar (replay will be available)
✅ Sign up to unlock your key to the tra!ning as well as get y0ur invite to join our Facebook Group.
✅ Follow the tra!ning and start building y0ur legacy.
💥 It's as simple as that. 💥
🟦 Don't waste any more time.
🟦 Take action now.
🟦 Make that change now.
🟦 Hope on board to join our amazing bus!ness c0mmun!ty.
🔶 Message me for more information.
(Mentioned my website in the below comment )
💖 Farin


✨Choose happiness ✨Don't undervalue yourself ✨Don't be afraid to be amazing ✨Choose your circle wisely ✨Don't compete! You are the competition ✨Love yourself first ✨Write your own story


👉👌Join this WEB!NAR each week. If there is anyone who is interested to join with us here is the link and you can watch the replay as well of our w0rksh0p later on y0ur convenient time .
❎No exper!ence required.
❎No timetable -- make y0ur 0wn schedule.
❎No se.lling/st0ck.
☑️Step by step tra!ning provided just need to follow them.
☑️The system is worked 24*7.

🌺 Farin

Photos from Farin Nik's post 09/08/2022

Trying to be around my kids while I run my 0wn Bus!ness from home💪🥰( I love my office at this time )😉
Do y0u want to know how to make it w0rk⁉️
📌Ask me how by reg!ster to my we.bs!te mentioned in the below comment so I can help y0u and knowledge y0u about this great 0pp0rtun!ty that you can have an !nc0me from the comfort of y0ur home.


Have a Magical Marvelous Magnificent Monday. Happy new week.🥰🙏

Photos from Farin Nik's post 08/08/2022

One of the best thing to spend on your children is your time. 💙💙💙


Sometimes we are so worried about reaching that we forget the most important thing: We have to MOVE to REACH👌


The weekend has arrived🥰


بله!✨هر کسی می تونه یاد بگیره که چگونه تب/لیغات در فضای مجازی انجام بده و علم این هنر رو در پلت فرم های مختلف یاد بگیره،
🌺مهمترین چیزی که ش.ما نیاز دارید یک چرای (why) بزرگ است (بزرگترین چرای(why) من، خانواده من است زیرا آنها لایق زندگی بهتری هستند)🙏
✅به یک کامپیوتر و تلفن برای راه اندازی ک/سب و ک/ار خود! (از هر کجا و هر زمان که بخواهید) و همچنین به انگیزه و پشتکار لازم دارید.
👈نه! مدرک، مجوز، یا تجربه قبلی لازم نیست!

درود؛ من فرین هستم و اینجا هستم تا به مردم کمک کنم تا بیز/ینس قا/نونی خود را شروع کنند و رشد دهند (همۀ سی.ستم خود.کار) که به آنها امکان می دهد کنترل کامل آینده ما/لی خود را در دست بگیرند. 💪
از شما دعوت می کنم یک کارگاه (webinar) رایگان 90 دقیقه ای را تماشا کنید که تیم ما به ش.ما نشان می دهد چگونه فوراً شروع کنید. 🤝
روی لینک و/بسایت من که در کامنت زیر درج شده، کلیک کنید تا بتونم راهنمایی های لازم رو در اختیرتون بذارم. به امید دیدارتون🥰

Yes! ✨Anyone can learn HOW TO A.DVERT!SE in different Soc!al Med!a platf0rms, and
🌺all y0u need is a big WHY (mine is my FAMILY because they deserve a better life) 🙏
✅a computer & phone to start y0ur 0wn bus!ness! ( from anywhere and anytime y0u want)
👉No! A degree, license, or prior exper!ence isn't necessary!

Hi, I'm Farin, and I'm here to help people start and grow their 0wn le.gal bus!ness (all aut0mated sy.stem) that allows them to take complete control of their f!nanc!al future.💪
I invite y0u to watch a free 90-minute C0mpl!mentary w0rksh0p where our team shows y0u how to start immediately.🤝
Space is limited so click the l!nk mentioned in the comment below to watch the training now.
I'll see you there!🥰




"ضرورت و فواید داشتن بیز.ینس آن.لاین در دنیای امروزی"
در این بیز.ینس قا.نونی شما یاد میگیرید که چطور از الگو.ریتم های موجود در پلت فرم های پرک.اربر ک.س.ب در.آمد کنید.
گفتگو دوستانه با آناهیتای عزیز در مورد مدل این بیز.ینس رو از دست ندید.


Life is short. Don't miss 0pp0rtun!ty to spend time with the people that y0u love.🫶

In this great 0pp0rtunity, y0u are going to

- learn how to start your 0wn 0n.line Di.gi.tal Bus.iness
- have more time to spend with y0ur kids
- have a flexible to w0rk any place, any where and any time !
- have Second side !nc0me s0urce!
- have Leg!t and Gl🌍bally pr0ven aut0mation system!
- have plan for Golden age!
💥Don't miss a chance. Contact me so I can help y0u.
💖 Farin


Want to Learn More About the D!g!tal Mar.keting? 🤔Register to my we.bs!te For Our Web!nar to Learn More About What it Means to Be A Bus!ness 0wner.👇

Videos (show all)

Learn how many of us found our passion w0rking   🌍nl!ne for side hustle and for Plan B . It’s all started by watching a ...
Want to increase y0ur family’s monthly in.co.me?Want to start an 🌍nl!ne bus!ness But don’t know HOW??I will show y0u how...
👉👌Join this WEB!NAR each week. If there is anyone who is interested to join with us here is the link and you can watch t...
گفتگو دوستانه با آناهیتای عزیز در مورد مدل این بیزینس
Smart Dad😉✅
✅ Build + Grow Your 0wn Laptop Bus!ness Today!👇 ASK ME HOW 👉By reg!ster to my webs!te & I would more than happy to help ...
Are y0u ready?! As long as y0u have WiFi, you can w0rk from anywhere in the w🌏rld!Creating an !nc0me 0nl!ne is more impo...
𝐀 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐠!𝐭!𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐥🌏𝐛𝐚𝐥 0𝐧𝐥!𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦💪✅𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑤0𝑟𝑘...