GreenHomes America, Farmington, CT Videos

Videos by GreenHomes America in Farmington. We have helped over 10,000 homeowners improve their home's energy efficiency, comfort and safety.

Other GreenHomes America videos

There's never been a better time to make the switch to Solar Energy. Here are 5 reasons to switch to solar and how you can easily get started with an instant estimate using satellites!

Money-Savings Reasons to Schedule a Home Energy Audit!
Are you losing money out the teeny tiny holes and cracks in your home? Here are a few tips to help with your home's energy efficiency, and energy bills: 1. Caulk/weatherstrip around doors and windows. 2. Close fireplace doors and dampers when not in use. 3. Schedule a Home Energy Audit with a qualified contractor. Visit to learn more about what exactly a Home Energy Audit is and what to expect!

Are you prepared?
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. Here are some Hurricane Safety Tips from the American Red Cross : - Check your disaster supplies - Bring in objects that could be lifted strong winds - Close windows, doors, and hurricane shutters - Fill your car's gas tank - Discuss an evacuation plan - Learn about your community's response plan What supplies should you have? - Water - Food - Battery powered radio - Extra batteries - First aid kit - Medications (7 day supply) - Cell phone with charger - Baby / pet supplies - Rain gear - Flashlights / lanterns - Generator with gas (never run indoors) For a complete Hurricane Safety Checklist visit