Videos by US Wound Care & Hyperbaric Centers in Flower Mound. US Wound Care & Hyperbaric Centers ► The largest multi-place chambers in North Texas & NW Florida
Medical Meet-Up Rewind ► Brewed Fort Worth
Here are a few snaps from the Medical Meet-Up held at Brewed in Fort Worth on September 14, 2023. Enjoy!
Medical Meet-Up Rewind ► Brewed Fort Worth Here are a few snaps from the Medical Meet-Up held at Brewed in Fort Worth on September 14, 2023. Enjoy!
Why do we refer to a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session as a "Dive"? #hyperbaricoxygentherapy #woundcare
How long is the length of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
How long is the length of hyperbaric oxygen therapy? Depending on the physician's diagnosis, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is conducted for 20 to 60 consecutive sessions (Monday - Friday). Each session takes about two hours. #divethriverevive