Colorado Born Images, Fort Collins, CO Videos

Videos by Colorado Born Images in Fort Collins. Rebecca Gutersohn Adams Photographer born in Colorado❤️ I help everyday people bring the wild inside

Holiday Art and Gift Show today 9-5 @ 4848 South College Fort Collins 80525 inside The Body Gym Cafe area

Other Colorado Born Images videos

Holiday Art and Gift Show today 9-5 @ 4848 South College Fort Collins 80525 inside The Body Gym Cafe area

Sweet little cub we called little Grey was such a unique color and the cutest little Brown Bear Cub. The river was narrow and mom was calling so we gave them room. This sweet bear cub was a curious little one

Sweet moments in the back country of Alaska where his Brown Bear family was enjoying the last little bit of snow for a cool play time.

It's gonna be an epic Friday sunrise in Fort Collins

A little Bull Elk bugle song for you from Estes Park Colorado outside of Rocky Mountain National Park taken from a car

Bear of The Day: Still an all time favorite moment in the back country of Alaska we nicknamed her cowgirl

A Little Elk Bugling For Ya: They are such amazing animals and all of this footage taken from the security of a car window. There was a ton of Bull Elk all over the place showing off and looking for a position with these females as the rutting season is on! I got very lucky and had a couple hours from my car with some incredible elk, lots more pics to come but a sweet song for you. #elk #wildlifephotographer #naturephotography #coloradorockies #coloradolife #estespark

Just a beautiful slice of Colorado Fall

Bear of The Day: When you have to merge to river traffic ❤️ in Alaska back country #wildlifephotography #alaskalife #fishingreel #brownbears

Leave Peeping is a beautiful sight #fallcolors #fallvibe #aspen #Colorado

Little but mighty learning to spar early

8300 organic followers 🙏 Thank you all so very much for liking,commenting, sharing and following my page it's how people find my artwork and I appreciate you all so very much.

Fresh Catch for this Alaskan Brown Bear footage in the back country of Alaska

A little Salmon Fishing by Brown Bear in Alaska. Filmed during backcountry photography trip

I thought I would do a "FLASH LABOR DAY SALE" for my online store if you are local and need something happy to apply the same offer. I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all those who support my small business, family and my love for photography <3 PRINTS WALLART <3

A Sweet little Alaskan Sea Otter moment that reminds me of our family in the morning this week, as we start school and have to get back to really early mornings

The National Park Service was created on August 25, 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Park Service Act.

Some moments from my back country bear trip last August ❤️ #naturesbeauty #wildlifephotographer #animallife

A magical word of flowers from earlier this summer #naturesbeauty #wildflowers

Bear of The Day: a sweet moment that I come upon with mama bear and her 2 cubs of year earlier this spring in Yellowstone National Park. It was late, and I was photographing from above them with a long lens on a steep hill. It was late and shortly after this, I got in my car they came up to the road and I was able to give them flashers until they got to a safe place to get off the road <3 and across to another area! #wildlifephotographer #grizzlybear

DASH CAM SHE SAID YES!! Congrats to Brian and Maggie on their engagement! So so happy for these families <3 Blessed to be a part of this one over the lunch hour toda. I had borrowed some strangers for a photo shoot and we stayed close by, so we could make this a surprise!! Maggie thought she was showing her folks Horsetooth on the first trip to Colorado. Happy Engagement you two!!

Bear of The Day: A Little Brown Bear Snorkeling for Salmon for ya on my last Alaska photo trip Ah wish I could beam back to this riverside for a bit <3 #wildlife #natureshots #naturevideo #alaskalife

Bear of The Day Video: Stolen Dinner Still digging through little clips here and there when I can from Alaska and I thought this was a cool moment. I thought we might witness an epic fight but mama backed out as food was plentiful and you will see what she was protecting instead of dinner. #bearfight #fishing #wildlifevideo #animals #nature

Brown Bear Cub Snow Forts: This awesome Brown Bear family took some time to play and cool off on a patch of snow. This snow patch was a busy place to come for a nap or take a snow bath. I loved how the little cubs played and dug holes in the snow almost like building a little fort. Enjoy your Labor Day everyone ❤️ #brownbearcubs #Cubs #wildlifephotographer #animals

A little humor for you... Because we were rolling. The spirit bear as they call them with such a light coat. Getting a good scratch on the open tundra.