Back To Health Physical Therapy, Fort Lauderdale, FL Videos

Videos by Back To Health Physical Therapy in Fort Lauderdale. Physical therapy for all orthopedic problems, posture analysis, spinal strengthening and YOGA!

Are you suffering from neck pain❓
Try these simple tips‼️

#neckpain #neckpainrelief #neckexercise #neckstretch #backtohealth #healthylifestyle

Other Back To Health Physical Therapy videos

Are you suffering from neck pain❓ Try these simple tips‼️ #neckpain #neckpainrelief #neckexercise #neckstretch #backtohealth #healthylifestyle

Join us for our FREE shoulder workshop next week! Call us to sign up 954-565-0075 November 3rd 5:30pm-6:30pm

🚨Airport posture pandemic again!Sitting at the gate it was amazing to see the number of people walking with their head not only leading them but their head was well forward of their body. 💥This forward head posture puts your head outside the confines of your body. It brings your center of gravity forward and can even cause balance issues. 💥Take a look at each of these individuals and see just how far their head is hanging forward. Our head weighs anywhere from 8-12 ponds. That is a lot of weight ( think of picking up a 5lb bag of sugar). 💥Your poor neck muscles are put under a lot of stress when your head hangs so far forward. 💥The easiest way to improve your posture is to engage your abdominal muscles (tighten your belly) Elongate your spine (think about stretching out a slinky) and just tuck your chin in. Your neck and upper back will thank you! #backpain #neckpain #posture #posturecorrection #poorposture #letsfixit

At Home Body Weight Workout
Try this at home body weight workout! We designed it to be done a total of 3 times with 10-15 reps of each exercise. Don't forget to rest and drink water as needed! Let us know what you think in the comments!

Free Online Yoga with Lola, Chris & Bill
Join us this morning on a gentle exploration of body movement with mindfulness. Breathe, move gently and being in the moment are all that is necessary for a good practice. Watch this class live or at your leisure on this FB page or on my webpage or on my youtube channel Namaste!

Free Online Yoga
Chris is back to the mat!! Our class today is going to step it up a notch. Adding the warrior series. Don't let that scare you, it's the perfect opportunity to celebrate your strength. You are welcomed to follow me as I do it sitting in a chair or with Chris in the traditional style. Watch with us live or at you leisure on this FB page or my Youtube Channel or my webpage Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Lola & Bill
Todays class will be a gentle exploration of spinal mobility! A healthy spine leads to healthy arms, legs, back and neck! Watch along with us live or at your leisure on this FB page or my youtube channel at any time you like. Today we are asking for donations for one of our own, the child of one of our own, the child of one of our friends/coworkers, a very special little child. Sammy is a beautiful little girl who has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia, as you can imagine the family has been thrown into emergency mode, and could use some help. If it's within your means to help Sammy out your can link to this Gofundme page. Thank you and Namaste!

Free OnlineYoga with Lola & Bill
This Mornings class will be very gentle, and focused on Hamstrings hips and shoulders. Join us live every Saturday Morning, or watch at your leisure on this FB page or my Youtube channel. Namaste!

Free Online Yin Yoga Class
Todays Class is designed to gentle deepen our connection to muscle and breath. Yin Yoga is a practice where poses are held for an extended time to allow for the full elongation of all the components of a muscle. No pain in this practice, if it does not feel good..stop!, check in with your breath and wait for a more appropriate pose. Feel free to watch these classes anytime you like on this FB page or on My website We ask for a donation to a weekly charity if that is within your means, if not please accept this class as our gift. Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Lola & Bill
Join us for the this gentle exploration of Shoulder Mobility! Be mindful, breath deeply and find an expression of each pose that supports your shoulder health. No pain. Watch this class live with us or watch at your leisure on this FB page or on my Website On Youtube you can watch all of our classes If you can afford to make a donation to todays charity, that would be greatly appreciated,, if not accept this class as our gift. Namaste!

Yoga with Lola & Bill
Our class today will focus on Hamstring flexibility. These muscles can be the cause of back pain, knee pain or hip pain. Take this time to Gently bring mobility to your body, and mindfulness to your breath. You can re watch these classes on this FB page, or my website If you are able to make a donation to todays charity it would be greatly appreciated, if that is not within your means please accept this class as our gift. Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Bill
Lola is on an well deserved vacation...hopefully will return to us next Saturday! This class will be a gentle exploration of mobility of the Thoracic spine, shoulders and neck. When one part of your spine moves well they all will! Please feel free to watch these classes at anytime you like on this FB page, on my website or my youtube channel. We ask for a donation to the charity of the week if that is within your means, if not please accept this class as our gift! Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Bill
Todays Class is designed to bring gentle mobility to your body, and mindfulness to your day. You can watch with us live, or at your convenience on this FB page, or on my webpage or my youtube channel If it is within your means to make a donation to todays charity it would be greatly appreciated, if that is not within your means please accept this class as my gift. Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Lola & Bill
This Gentle Yoga Class is designed to bring Mindfulness to Your Body and Breathe...Mindfulness and Movement pair perfectly to bring Health and Wellness. Feel Free to Watch along with us every Saturday Morning or at your leisure on the FB page or My Youtube Channel . We ask for a donation to the Charity of The Week if that is within your means, if not please accept this class as our gift. Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Lola & Bill
Lola takes top billing for this class as she perfectly embodies mindfulness, she breathes deeply and moves gently....very gently sometimes...LOL. Watch this class at your leisure on this FB page or on my Webpage or my Youtube Channel Our classes are by donation to a weekly charity if that is within your means, if not please feel free to accept this class as our gift.

Lola Yoga with Bill
Lola has requested a Yin Yoga Practice this morning as she is feeling very stiff (#whatLolawantsLolagets). Yin Yoga is a gentle practice designed to give a deep stretch through sustained Poses, for up to 2 min! You will either get lots of what you like or lots of what you need! Feel free to re-watch or share these classes on this FB Page, or on my webpage . If you subscribe to my youtube channel you will be notified whenever new content is added. Todays Charity for donation is The Sunshine Cathedral food Bank. Namaste!

Free Online Yoga with Bill & Lola
Join us for a gentle Hip Opening Class. All Levels of Practice are Welcome to Gently Move and Breath Deeply. You can Watch this Class Live with us now, or watch/share any of my classes on this FB page, my webpage or on my Youtube Channel . If it is within your means to make a donation to todays charity please do, if not accept this class as our gift.