Bruno & Schoenthal, Fort Lauderdale, FL Videos

Videos by Bruno & Schoenthal in Fort Lauderdale. As experienced trial lawyers, we provide legal defense services for a wide variety of charges, including white collar offenses, homicide offenses, drug-related offenses, DUIs, and more.

The education never stops!! Happy Friday!!!

Other Bruno & Schoenthal videos

The education never stops!! Happy Friday!!!

Fun Fact of the Day:

On the way to see a client. Can anyone guess where Anthony James Bruno II and Peter Schoenthal are headed?

Bruno & Schoenthal Present: Cutting Loose (Gods Plan Remake)
*******Lawyer Music Video Alert******* (PLEASE SHARE) You can’t make a difference without giving back, which is exactly why we decided to visit the Broward Outreach Center to plan an exciting day of giving back to the community we love so much. However, we wanted this day to be unlike any other community outreach project. We wanted to show that you can give back while also having fun and being unique. Our motto was BE DIFFERENT! So instead of just giving out food we decided to throw a party with not only food, but haircuts and a live DJ. While we were out having fun, we quickly realized that the best kind of party is a MUSIC VIDEO PARTY. So we filmed it. Check it out now and let us know how YOU give back to the world around you. (FULL LINK: ) Our efforts would not have been possible without the talented stylists of One 11 Hair Studio Bru's Room Sports Grill for the food they donated, and Dj Journey for keeping the party going. Our other sponsors were also a critical part of our day - thank you to BLUE Missions Maht Broward and the amazing staff at the Broward Outreach Center. Thank you to all of the volunteers who came out and danced and partied with us. We are also sending so much gratitude to Julian from Joule Studios for creating this incredible video, capturing our vision, and helping us prove that there is nothing better than to #BeDifferent to set yourself apart. Last but not least, we want to thank Drake. Without your video we wouldn't have had the blueprint to carry out this amazing project. Your video and vision inspired so many including us. Without your inspiration this video wouldn't have been possible. THANK YOU!!!.

Bruno & Schoenthal: White Collar Offenses
White collar crime is defined as non-violent criminal acts designed to achieve financial gain through some form of illegal means. These crimes are often associated with business persons and government actors. These crimes are real, the punishment can be excessive, and they usually draw special attention from the media, government, and law enforcement agencies. Therefore, if you, or someone you know is charged with a White Collar Crime, it is extremely important to get help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Theft Offenses
Theft crimes involve those offenses which relate to the taking of another’s property with the intent to permanently deprive that person of their property. Theft is often referred to as stealing. When facing a theft crime in Florida, one can be facing legal consequences such as incarceration, heavy fines, and driver’s license suspension. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a Theft Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Sex Offenses
Sex crimes cover a broad category of offenses that involve unwanted or nonconsensual sexual contact. These crimes range from unwanted sexual touching on the outside of one’s clothing to forced sexual penetration. Sex offenses are among the most terrible and prejudicial crimes known to the law. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Sex Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Resisting Arrest Offenses
Many times, when one is arrested, an additional charge involving resisting arrest is added on top of the underlying case. Even if the underlying charge does not hold merit or it is dismissed by the Court, prosecutors will often still go forward and seek punishment for resisting arrest. It does not take much for an officer to accuse one of resisting arrest Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Resisting Arrest, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Motor Vehicle Offenses
A Motor Vehicle Offense may be characterized as a traffic violation, misdemeanor or felony offense. Motor Vehicle Offenses, depending on type and severity, may have consequences ranging from license restrictions, fines and even jail. Such offenses may also impact your privilege of operating a vehicle or possess a driver’s license. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a motor vehicle offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Misc. Offenses
If you, or someone you know, is charged with a crime, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Kidnapping Offenses
In Florida, Kidnapping is defined as the confinement, abduction, or imprisonment of another against his or her will. The kidnapping must be “forcibly secretly, or by threat” and without legal authority to do so. Kidnapping is also often referred to as abduction. False Imprisonment is committed when a person deprives another of personal liberty or the freedom of movement for any length of time. False imprisonment is a third degree felony and is punishable by up to five (5) years in jail. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a Kidnapping Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Firearms & Weapons Offenses
The Second Amendment right to bear arms is not without restrictions. State and federal laws exist regulating the possession and use of firearms. Certain laws restrict the type of firearms that one may possess, while others place limitations on the time and place where one can carry a weapon. These laws often vary from state-to-state. However, federal laws apply uniformly throughout the country. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Weapons or Firearm Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: DUI Offenses
Florida law prohibits drivers from operating vehicles if their normal faculties are impaired by drugs and/or alcohol. An individual will be charged with driving under the influence if they are pulled over and the officer determines through field sobriety exercises and blood, breath, or urine testing, that the individual is impaired. Florida law follows the implied consent law. This means that by driving a vehicle, you have automatically consented to the submission of a chemical test when pulled over. Conviction for driving under the influence will result in severe penalties. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Driving Under the Influence, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Drug Offenses
To this day, the government continues to make drugs and narcotics a priority as its “War on Drugs” continues. Drug offenses are prosecuted by both the state and federal government. Criminal charges and related sentences for drug offenses are dependent upon the type of drugs involved and its quantity. Being charged with a Drug Offense may have serious collateral consequences including denial of public housing, financial aid to attend school, the ability to serve in the military or armed forces, various employment opportunities and in some states, a license to operate a motor vehicle. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a Drug Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Domestic Violence Offenses
Domestic Violence involves instances where there is an accusation of violence against a family member or certain individuals who happen to live together. In Florida, the legislature has created special treatment and penalties for individuals charged with domestic violence crimes. Domestic violence offenses often have collateral consequences associated with them such as a no contact order or a restraining order between the accused and accuser. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Domestic Violence, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Assault and Battery Offenses
Assault and Battery offenses are crimes that involve the unwanted or offensive contact between persons or the imminent threat thereof. In Florida, the legislature has made a distinction between assault and battery. Battery is generally defined as a harmful or offensive touching. An assault may occur in the absence of physical contact. An assault has taken place where an aggressor causes his intended victim to suffer imminent or immediate fear or apprehension of unwanted contact. Furthermore, one can be charged with a felony battery or aggravated battery if the accused knew or should have known they were causing great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement, or knew the accuser was pregnant. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with Assault or Battery, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: RICO Offenses
Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to eliminate organized crime. This act allows prosecution and civil penalties for racketeering activity performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. In order to convict a defendant under the RICO statute, the government must prove that a person or organization has committed two or more particular criminal acts within a 10-year period. Additionally, any individuals harmed by RICO violations may sue the defendant for three times the damages they sustained. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with RICO violation, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Homicide Offenses
Murder is often thought of as the most serious allegation one can be accused of. If you are facing Murder or Manslaughter charges in Florida it is extremely important to find the right legal counsel. Time can be of the essence. Given the severity of the penalties, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a Homicide Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced and dedicated attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Bruno & Schoenthal: Let us be your voice.
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, you need an attorney who understands what’s at stake especially when your freedom is on the line. Let us be your voice. Learn about our values by watching this short video.