LOOM Coworking, Gallery and Event Space, Fort Mill, SC Videos

Videos by LOOM Coworking, Gallery and Event Space in Fort Mill. Coworking community that encourages professional growth, networking, balance. Multifunctional meetin

Other LOOM Coworking, Gallery and Event Space videos

Last week we introduced you to Melissa Herriot, the artist in the main Gallery@LOOM. Here is a sneak peek at the amazing work of Jessica Calloway in our Studio building. Join us at her reception on June 20th! http://loomcoworking.com/artists-and-students/

Always something new at LOOM!
Reworking workspaces to make them work for you!

Are you open? What is going on at LOOM?
With the changing situation, we are just reaching out to let you all know services we are continuing to offer to our members and the greater Fort Mill community!

Educational and cultural deal of the century ... right here at the Fort Mill History Museum!
Educational and cultural deal of the century ... right here at the Fort Mill History Museum! #LOOMloveslocal https://fmhm.org/ https://narmassociation.org/members/ @Fort Mill History Museum @Fort Mill Economic Partners @Fort Mill Now @Fort Mill MOMs in Business @Fort Mill Downtown Merchants @What's Happening in York County, SC @What's Happening in Fort Mill, SC

Hobo's to the rescue! - #LOOMloveslocal
Hobo's is here to support our tummies!!! Find out how :) (OK ... don't be a hater and make fun of my lack of arm control!) #LOOMloveslocal Fort Mill Economic Partners Fort Mill Now Fort Mill MOMs in Business Fort Mill Downtown Merchants What's Happening in York County, SC What's Happening in Fort Mill, SC

Inside scoop on Fort Mill!
Want to find out how you can learn all the cool, interesting things about the history of Fort Mill? Want to do it in your pajamas? .... We'll introduce you to it, in our pajamas! #LOOMloveslocal Fort Mill Now LeAnne Burnett Morse Fort Mill History Museum The Peach Stand The Market Crossings On Main