Julie Jabs

Holistic Solutions:
New Answers to Old Problems
Grab your FREE Inner Voice Scan Personal Consultations
Help with Dosing
CBD Education


Are you walking through these full body scanners when you're flying somewhere??

Did you know they can NOT make you walk through these things? You absolutely have the right to opt for a manual pat down instead?

Almost all body scanners around the world emit ionizing radiation which has been linked to and proven to cause DNA damage - increasing risk of cancer.

Just something to think about.... ESPECIALLY if you are a frequent flyer!! Know that you CAN opt out of these scans!

If you want to explore more on this topic of radiation..... I highly suggest you check out the book the "Invisible Rainbow"

Have you ever read that book?



This is one of my favorite features of the AO Scanner - You can create your own homeopathy! Love this story from Baila Sigler on how she created these very personalized remedies for kids and was able to help balance all kinds of moods and emotions without too much effort 😉

"AO scan has literally been a life saver for our family.

I am most grateful during times like this weekend.. when things seem a little volatile.. to be able to get back into balance without any major breakdowns or catastrophes. 🙏

I use to be better about imprinting homeopathics but I made sure to set these up before the sabbath!!

The level of tension Friday afternoon and Saturday were like night and day!! I am beyond grateful that I have such amazing and effective tools available to me.

I also imprinted inner voice tones into the sugar pellets."

Do you use any homeopathic remedies??


What are your thoughts on this???


The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be...

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 08/13/2024


This is such a cool story about how the AO Scanner (specifically SEFI) can help even our plants! 🪴 Great for those of us who don’t have such a green thumb 😆

“Back in May we went on vacation and my gardenia bush, which I LOVE, was neglected and I came home to it very much on its last leg.

I immediately created a SEFI list for it, and started running energy daily.

I was SO excited today when I came our to see that not only is it all green again, BUT it also has its first new flower on it!!

Picture #1 was how my plant looked when we got home.
Picture #2 is today, about 5 weeks later 😀”

How cool is that?!?!

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 07/30/2024


Wanted to share this awesome story from my friend Lesley Weiss Zwick and how she was able to bounce back so quick with this amazing technology!!!!

"I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ my AoTune Transducers! They helped me kick my nasty C*V*D headache last week!

💥Using my Inner-Voice tones 🎶 and MindSync🧠 daily has transformed my life physically and emotionally. Since I've been consistently using them my energy has been ⬆️, my sleep 😴 has been much better, my focus and productivity have been ⬆️, my moods have been stable - AND those are just the things you can easily see....I can also see shifts in my family's blood🩸work. And these are just the testimonials from my family, not even all the ones I receive from clients on a daily basis! 🤩

Las week when I was feeling beyond lousy, I stepped up my AoScan game 😂. I pulled out all my tools and within an hour I was feeling good again, and I never missed a day of work, even with a ➕C Test (fortunately I work from home and wasn't at risk of getting anyone else sick).

Within 48 hours I was back to 💯% and testing ➖! My awesome transducers were one of my go-to tools to kick the ick!

Curious how this AO Scan tech works??? I'm doing a special trial offer TODAY and Tomorrow 7/31

$25 for 6 days of unlimited use of all the programs, scans, etc 🤯
Drop the word "AO SCAN" in comments for more details!

P.S. There's only 5 available!


This is exactly what's been happening to me over the past few years!

I would have never designed my life to be what it is right now if things didn't get completely shaken up for me!

And I am not at all mad about it 😊

Anyone else?? 👇


Hey and people
What are your favorite charities/ causes to donate to??

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 07/23/2024


Absolutely LOVE this story about how the AOS was able to help this man reach his 100th birthday and feel amazing 😍

"Our Grandpa made it to 100 thanks to AO Scan frequencies and a tenacious spirit! 🥰

My sister Hannah and I are celebrating a big milestone in our family today! In November last year, our grandpa fell backwards in his apartment, landing on his hips and hitting his head. He was hospitalized with a laceration on his scalp, and initial x-rays found a hairline fracture in his hip and p***c bone, and a compression fracture in his lumbar vertebrae.

Hannah conducted remote Vitals and Comprehensive Scans through the quantum field and discovered several 9s in his sacrum bone. The doctors were concerned about his pain levels in that area and did additional x-rays, finding multiple fractures in the sacrum...proving yet again just how accurate AO Scan reports can be!

We continued to send and imprint frequencies for his injuries and broken spirit. He wanted to make it to his 100th birthday more than anything!

Within just a few days of being home, he was using a walker with assistance WITHOUT PAIN. Within a couple of weeks, his spirit was so bright and determined, and he was using his walker on his own without any discomfort. Soon, he was back on his scooter wheeling around the retirement home. 😁

Many doctors, nurses, and Hospice caregivers were sure this was the end for him because that's what usually happens to the elderly when they fall. But none of them knew about our device and its powerful frequencies!

Today we are praising God that he made it to his 100th birthday on sheer determination and a little miracle in our pocket called the AO Scan. 🎉💛🙌

(And yes, he has a Facebook account...and an iPhone. He's a sharp as a tack and a very high-tech Centenarian!)"

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 07/09/2024

⚡️Testimonial Tuesday ⚡️

WOW! This is a powerful story my friend Josée Roussy shared about how she was able to help her husband avoid the ER with heart troubles 🙏

"My husband has a condition called atrial fibrillation (Afib), where his heart ❤️ chambers go out of sync.

Couple days ago, he tells me that he's having Afib and it's been going on for about 8 hours.
I immediately put my AO Scan to work.

👉 I did:
- Inner voice
- Vitals scan
- Body Systems (cardiovascular system)
- Comprehensive scan (heart)
I repeated optimization a few times, watching more and more items go from red to green each time.


👉I went over to homeopathic section and search by symptoms with the search term "heart disease."

I started to broadcast the whole list of remedies that came up. I also broadcast a heart ❤️ health playlist and one for stress and anxiety using multicast. I let all of those run on continuous.

An hour later, my husband told me it was still going on, but not as strongly as before. I continued running SEFI and optimizing (in comp) a few more times.

A few hours later, his heart was back in rhythm! In the past these Afib episodes would almost always land him in the hospital.

It is so empowering to be able to help loved ones the moment something is happening! 🙌😊


Have you noticed that your chronic pain is at a higher level when you are experiencing stress and tension?

Breathwork, meditation, plant medicine and self-hypnosis, have been shown to help manage and decrease the level of pain experienced in the body.

Come learn about this and other natural & alternative chronic pain management topics at our virtual health fair this Saturday, June 29th. Starting at 9am (ET) there will be various workshops with different healing modalities and freebies :-)

You can come and go as you'd like and once registered, you have access to replays for 72 hours!

I am doing a h**p wellness workshop at 11am (ET) if you'd like to join us 🌱

Drop the word 'PAIN' in the comments and I will get you the link for a FREE ticket this weekend 😀

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 06/25/2024


Attention DOG owners 🐾
Listen to this amazing story about a customer using our USDA certified organic pet products at her holistic dog training business!

“At Common Sense Dog Training we wanted a natural way to bring down a dog’s emotions to a point where the behavior modification training could be utilized.

Just like with some humans, some dogs anxiety or fear is so high that they legitimately cannot think straight. Therefore, they can’t use the “coping skills” they have been taught when they see a trigger. We are a holistic company because, just like with human medication 💊, dog’s medication can have a ton of side effects.

We started this journey with Sara Jane, one of our trainers dogs, who is terrified of (and therefore aggressive towards) pretty much anything new.

One of her biggest problems was attacking any dog who got near her space when mom was making their food. She would be put in the bedroom, behind a gate and would still bark and growl if her siblings got too close to the food.

After using GC pet CBD oil 🌱 for THREE DAYS that gate was not even closed and she didn’t growl once. We saw such a HUGE improvement in her in such a short amount of time, how could we not spread the word!? 🤩

Since then we have helped dogs with reactivity, aggression, and separation anxiety using the CBD and behavior modification training.

We 1,000% believe in this product and have loved being able to help so many families and their pets, including for our own pets, too!”

This has been a game changer for so many anxious dogs during the upcoming "fireworks season" too! If your pup is terrified of and you haven't found anything to help - Comment below and we can chat more about how this can help 😊


You can go to the gym, drink your 💧, take your 💊BUT if you don't deal with the s**t in your head and ❤️
You'll never be healthy.


What a great story & reminder that it costs nothing to be nice 🥰 Sometimes things, people and/ or situations are put in your life at the exact time you need to learn, experience or work through something.....

To remind us ALL sometimes you just need to roll with it.....

“Tonight, on my flight from Indianapolis to Baltimore I sat next to an unaccompanied minor who was traveling to Baltimore to see her Mother. With Southwest Airlines open seating anyone could have sat next to her, in fact many people avoided her and her boundless energy during boarding. But finally, the couple you see in the photo occupied the two seats to her right.

Within minutes the young girl began chatting and the couple likely realized this wouldn’t be a relaxing flight...and they just rolled with it.

As drinks were being served the couple didn’t even get a chance to voice their requests because they were cut off by the young girl stating, ‘I’ll take water with a straw and so will they so we can paint!’.

And they just rolled with it.
Within minutes the young girl had brought out her Hello Kitty paint sheets and the couple spent the next hour following her instructions- as you can see.

As I type this the man next to her is being covered with Marvel stickers. They are on his ears, in his beard, arms, everywhere. And he is just rolling with it.

Moral of the story: There is good in this world. In fact, there is more good than bad in this world if we just open our eyes to it. There isn’t a script or instruction manual for love. You just have to roll with it.”

Credit: Josh Haltom


Ever feel like chronic pain is running your life? 🤔

Whether it’s persistent back pain, the daily struggle with fibromyalgia, the challenges of arthritis, or lingering pain from old injuries, many of us know the relentless toll of chronic pain.

But what if you could find new ways to manage and even reduce that pain? 🌿

Join us for an eye-opening "Chronic Pain Roundtable Discussion".
Our panel of seasoned experts will unravel the mysteries of chronic pain, sharing innovative insights, practical strategies, and compelling personal stories to help you reclaim your life from the clutches of constant discomfort. 💪

This is a conversation you won't want to miss!

Will be LIVE streamed on my Instagram if you want to join us or catch the replay! https://www.instagram.com/juliejabs_/


Part of becoming an adult is unlearning a lot of the s**t you were taught... By people who didn't know what they were doing either



NO that's not Matthew McConaughey!!😂

Thank you Amanda for sharing your friend Malcolm's testimony about how much he loves the full spectrum nano jellies! He takes his in the morning...

What I think it’s so interesting about Malcolm‘s testimony is that he takes his nano jellies in the morning and it really helps greatly with focus! A lot of people take it before bed and it helps tremendously with sleep, but it’s not necessarily a “sleep product”!

That’s one of the reasons why I was so thankful that Malcolm shared this testimony to show that everyone is different and that the jelly can’t help with soooo many different things! It’s definitely an individual journey!

“I’ve been incorporating the Full Spectrum Nano Jellies into my daily routine, and the results are impressive. Not only do they taste delicious, but the boosted and sustained focus and mental clarity have been a game-changer for me. Green Compass Nano Jellies have become an essential part of my wellness journey!”



I saw this post and really think it's powerful for BOTH us stay at home moms as well as spouses.... and while we're at it - anyone else who thinks it's a "luxury or easy" thing we get to do.

This was a conversation someone else had 👇 but let me add in a few other things because I can tell ya I've never "sat down for breakfast" while getting kids ready for school 😆

Along with all these things, some of us are trying to run a business, side gig or add some type of additional income while at home fitting ALL these things in when and how we can.....

💬 Conversation between a Husband (H) and a Psychologist (P):

P: What do you do for a living Mr. Rogers?
H: I work as an accountant in a bank.
P: Your wife ?
H: Not working She is a housewife.
P: Who makes breakfast for their family?
H: My wife since she doesn't work
P: What time does your wife usually wake up?

H: She wakes up early because she has to get organized before she can sit down for breakfast: She sets the table, organizes lunch for the children at school, makes sure they are well dressed and combed, if they had breakfast, if they brushed their teeth and if they carry all their supplies for school.
P: How do your kids go to school?
H: My wife takes them to school since she doesn't work.
P: After taking her kids to school, what does she do?
H: It usually takes a while to sort out something on the street, like paying bills or stopping at the grocery store. Once back home, lunch must be on time. Serves the table, tidy up the kitchen and then takes care of the laundry and cleaning of the house. You know how that is.

P: At night, after returning home from office, what do you do?
H: Rest, of course! Well I'm tired after working all day at the bank.
P: What does your wife do at night?
H: She cooks dinner, serves me and my kids, does the dishes, puts the house together once again. Then he helps the kids get ready for bed, and makes sure they brush their teeth...

👉This is the daily routine of many women around the world, it starts in the morning and continues into late hours at night...

This is called "not working"?!
Being a housewife or stay at home mom doesn't have diplomas, fancy job titles or even a paycheck!!! BUT they play a key role in family life. So appreciate this person in your life... Understand that NO one can continue to fill from an empty cup

Don't forget to make time for YOU 🫶

The laundry can wait, the dishes will still be there, nobody is going to starve.... take a few minutes and take care of you 🥰


This right here is the simplest explanation of how the Reticular Activating System works in our brains!

Prime your mind with statements about what you DO want more of in your life 🙂


🥛Synthetic GMO Milk 🍦
Coming to a store near you! 🤢

This is just so gross and wrong!!

As if GMO's weren't bad enough - now they're introducing synthetic biology to the mix..... Not sure what that means? Here's the short version 👇

"This is a radical form of genetic engineering. Unlike traditional GMOs, where genes are modified or transferred between organisms, synthetic biology involves creating entirely new genetic sequences." A study also found 92 unknown compounds in synthetic milk 😳

AND they have no idea how it affects people, long term complications, nothin! But hey.... let's throw it in American grocery stores and see how it does! (It's banned in many other countries btw) 😠

Here's some of the brands with this already in their products but of course doesn't have clear labeling so people don't realize what they're getting.

1. Brave Robot Ice Cream
2. Nick’s Ice Cream and Cool Haus
3. Strive and Bored Cow
4. Cowabunga and Whey FWRD
5. JuiceLand Smoothies and Apollo
6. Modern Kitchen and Nurishh
7. Renewal Mill and CO2COA

Sooooo, How do you feel about synthetic GMO milk?? Let me know

The story and links to studies are in the comments....


🌱 Testimonial Tuesday🌱

Here is an amazing (and inspiring) story for those of you who suffer with an autoimmune disease or have a loved one that does...

"I’m Rachel...

In 2017 a life changing event happened to me, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune issue.

Since my autoimmune issue started in my head with around 30 lesions I have suffered more on a mental level then a pain level with sleepless nights, extreme exhaustion, extreme anxiousness, memory issues, brain fog, depressive thoughts and other mood issues. I know super fun stuff 😒

With all of this I fought through so it didn’t affect my children too much. Truth be told I felt like I was going crazy some days, which is scary on so many levels. My husband, my mom and a couple close friends are the only ones that truly opened up to and knew the struggle I was going through everyday.

When I was diagnosed a very close friend saw the struggle I was going through and being the amazing person he was he stepped in to help me - bringing me care packages with all different CBD brands. That is when I started doing all my research and trying to find the right one for me.

A big thank you to my friend Amanda for introducing me to GC!

I will never stop focusing on the natural way of keeping me going.

I have an amazing chiropractor who has helped me with the supplements I should be taking, neurologist and nutritionist at Stanford and now Green Compass in my life.

Since I started using these products my anxiousness, sleeping issues, energy level is amazing and moods have been so much better it’s crazy!!!

I feel like myself again, which I never thought would happen. That was in the first couple weeks of using the CBD too.

I use 750mg full spectrum tincture, immune and metabolism boosts."


🌱 Testimonial Tuesday 🌱

I love sharing these stories every week. Even if it helps one person it’s totally worth the post!! This little plant has helped so many who have anxious thoughts, depressive moods, sleep and more.

Thank you for sharing your story Meaghan about how GC CBD has helped you son who was struggling. 🌱

"My name is Meaghan and I am from Detroit, Michigan. I’m also an elementary teacher and mother of three amazing kids. My husband’s pretty good too 😉

I’ve always had some level of anxious thoughts as long as I can remember. Over time, I’ve been learning natural ways to manage it with exercise, intermittent fasting, eating whole foods more often, and getting good sleep with the help of CBD. I feel more balanced and focused than I ever have before. I also haven’t had any heart-racing moments (I would get occasionally) since taking CBD.
I personally tried many different brands but what lead me to contact Katrina about CBD was seeing our son struggling with depressive, anxious thoughts.

It was so hard for us to see him like this. At the start of the pandemic he would hear the constant negative noise on the radio and television commercials. He was scared. Then, going back to school with masks seemed to worsen it. It affected his mood and his ability to relax in the evening and go to sleep. As a mom, I’m always “trying” my best (not always successful) to give them more natural foods and medicines.

Once I learned GC🌱CBD is USDA organic, comes from only the flower of the h**p plant, and has zero psychoactive properties, I knew I needed to see if it could help him too. CBD has been a miracle for him. My happy guy was back, and he is so settled at night and sleeping great.

To quote him he says he feels, “Calmed down and I don’t have any more anxious thoughts.”

I love that we didn’t have to resort to a prescription drug, but instead, did a little therapy and continue with the CBD. 🙏🏼💙


We don't see things as THEY are. We see them as WE are...


Alright... I have to share this cause it's still blowing my mind a lil bit!

Soooo I’ve been using this incredible program called MindSync, it’s part of the AO Scan subscription I’m always talking about 😄

You record yourself saying affirmations, then the technology offsets the hertz in each ear so when you listen with headphones, it bypasses the conscious barrier and goes right to your subconscious to start showing proof of whatever you said 😁

Well long story short - I said something about my YouTube channel growing and reaching more people, etc. I had posted this video 5 or so days prior to recoding this affirmation, BUT as soon as I listened to it….

This video started blowing up! It was also AFTER being posted for however many days it was 🥰🤯

This is just one of the many great things that have happened after recording myself saying what will happen! The first time I used this - the last statement I said was

"random checks in the mail & surprise deposits are standard for me" Literally within 24 hours I had a "random check" in the mail (on a Saturday no less) from the IRS owing ME from my 2022 tax return 🤷‍♀️🤯

I tell ya this MindSync portion is worth the entire subscription price for me!

Have you had much luck just saying any type of affirmations to yourself? Let me know 👇

If you want to know more about MindSync and/ or AO Scan - Drop the word "Affirmation" in the comments


⚡️ Testimonial Tuesday⚡️

I was so excited to share this win from someone using the AO Infinity Wand - which uses terahertz tech, red and blue light therapy and a lot more for cell function support 😁

"My Aunt has pretty chaotic varicose veins and has bothered her for years. She was visiting this evening and I said, "Let me do a little session on you with my wand."

I initially did 30 seconds each on a few accu/ lymphatic points: front and back of hands, feet, knees, top of head, back of neck, and neck under each ear.

Then, I focused on her inner right ankle.

(She's given me permission to share. 🥰 And ABSOLUTELY NO filters were used with these photos.) "

Pretty amazing what it can do to varicose veins in less than 30 min 🤯

Have you used (or do you) use any type of terahertz technology? Let me know 👇

OR if you have no clue what it is and want to know more about.... leave that too 😉


Anyone else been there?!?! 😆

Even when we KNOW it's the right / best thing to do..... Doesn't mean it's going to be easy and/ or fun!!

Just as long as you keep on keeping on! 🙌😆


Here's great Monday message for ya!

Baby steps, small shifts in thinking and what you're paying attention to / telling yourself can make your world and personal reality a VERY different place 🤩

I dare ya to catch yourself talking negative to yourself and immediately swap out that statement for something positive and see how your day starts to change 😁

Let me know how that goes!!!
Have a great week


⚡️Attention Teachers & Parents ⚡️

You have to be a special type of person to be a teacher... especially for the little ones! 🫶

This year in particular I have seen how other kids anxieties, triggers, behaviors, etc can absolutely influence how another child starts to act and how it can affect them on many levels.

As a parent, using this AO Scanner has been amazing and I often think about how great it would be if I can send this frequency playlist of calming, self-confidence, mood support, etc to the whole class instead of just my kiddo.

Well..... this former teacher and occupational therapist who've been using this technology in their practice for a few years want to share their perspective!

If you're a teacher or parent (or you're just curious) - I would love to have to join us tomorrow April 18 at 7:00pm (ET) to learn about how this works and how it can help bring the best out of every child (and adult) 🥰

If you would like to join us and hear more about frequency healing and the AO Scanner...

Comment "Zoom" and I will get you the details 😁

FYI - This is NOT at all medical / invasive / or anything that a teacher would not be able to do.

Photos from Julie Jabs's post 04/16/2024

🌱 Testimonial Tuesday 🌱

This is such a great success story of a kiddo who has sensory and socialization challenges!! I never get sick of hearing about these wins 🥰

"My oldest son (now 6) has struggled with sensory processing and social skills issues since age 2. We did all the normal things - speech therapy, OT, behavior therapy, etc and they helped, though meltdowns were still a common part of our life and I was never sure if an outing was going to go smoothly or end in disaster.

Our behavior therapist started talking about a referral to a developmental pediatrician for medication management and I knew we needed a different option...then I was introduced to GC Nano Jellies....

👉Three days into 1.25 mg of the nano gummies and he was more calm and collected than I had seen him in months.

👉 Within the month both his kindergarten teacher and occupational therapist pulled me aside to ask what we had changed because he was doing so great!

👉 Things that were once a struggle he breezed through and the anger and frustration that were so common melted away.

I am sure that life will always bring some new challenges for us but I am so grateful that these jellies have helped my sweet and sensitive son be the best version of himself."

Forever grateful!


Just sayin 😊

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