AMAA Muslim Cemetery, Fredericksburg, VA Videos

Videos by AMAA Muslim Cemetery in Fredericksburg. For burial service, please contact our Operations Manager: Muhammad Khan @ (703) 822-3372.

After years of legal challenges, we finally had our groundbreaking ceremony at our new Muslim cemetery in Stafford, VA. Please help us spread the word and don't forget to support us:

Other AMAA Muslim Cemetery videos

After years of legal challenges, we finally had our groundbreaking ceremony at our new Muslim cemetery in Stafford, VA. Please help us spread the word and don't forget to support us:

Our current cemetery is almost out of space. We've just purchased new land to expand the cemetery for decades to come. Can you help us develop it? Please donate generously. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: من حفر لميت قبرًا فأجنَّه فيه أجرى اللهُ له من الأجرِ كأجرِ مَسكنٍ أسكنَه إلى يومِ القيامةِ “Whoever digs a grave for a deceased person and buries him, will receive the reward of giving him a place to reside in until the Day of Judgment.” (Saheeh al-Targheeb 3492 – Graded Saheeh by Al-Albaani)