Psychic Donielle

Donielle is a gifted Psychic that has been on several Local & National TV and Radio Shows & has numerous newspaper articles depicting her abilities.

God wants you to find your way to happiness and self power.


The moon is caught!. ✨🌙



“West Texas storm chaser Laura Rowe captured the picture of a lifetime, fantastic shot of a mature supercell thunderstorm, illuminated at varying heights from the setting sun.”


The holidays are upon us it’s time to get together with friends and spread good cheer to all it’s just a time where we bring up the good things and the fun things and the funny things that happened throughout the year and be thankful for all that we have. For most of us we have survived the pandemic we have survived not being able to work not having much money price is going up and our paychecks are about the same but through the ups and downs we have each other to get us through the dark times into the good times things will get better over time we should all be thankful for what we have and how strong we are to survive through all that we have we are strong emotionally to have survived so many ups and downs it’ll take time for us to recover but we will recover


The holidays are upon us so many people have no one to celebrate with it would be nice if people could open their hearts and invite people they know to celebrate with them so they won’t be alone being alone on the holidays is very hard on a lot of people there are a lot of suicides around that time people get very depressed because they’re all alone There may be some people that you know that are going to be alone it would be nice to show them some support if you can and invite them to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas that would make all the difference in the world to them showing love to other people it would be such a nice gestureHave a happy holiday season


Have you ever thought about adopting a child all children want to belong to a family people they can count on Will support them through any problems that arise in their lifetime it’s hard for a child to believe they are not wanting we as adults could open our hearts and either foster A child or adopt a child children can bring a lot of fun and a lot of laughs and love into your life and you could get that back to them it would be a win-win did you know that when children become 18 years old they leave the foster system with nothing to help them get through life recently they started to help the 18-year-olds get them prepared for the big world outside somewhere succeed and some won’t but wouldn’t it be wonderful to help raise a child and watch them succeed in life it’s truly Would. 


When a loved one is dying what happens three spirits that have already crossed over well come to where the dying person is and wait in a corner. They are spirits that the person knows and they have come to show The spirit the way home. People who are dying know exactly when they’re going to pass. Sometimes the dying person will call out one of the spirits name. When the spirits lead the body the eyes look empty like there’s nobody there. They travel up to what we call heaven. It’s a beautiful place there is happiness everywhere. We ask that our sins are forgiven. We. See all our family and friends and animals. We can become angels come back to earth and help people. Or we can stay in heaven and come down and bring relatives home. When we pass away we go home where we came from. So there’s nothing to worry about. 


Meditation is important for the mind body and soul. Some people find it hard to meditate while others find it much easier. Some peoples minds are always busy and have a hard time slowing down and relaxing to mind. Those people are going to find it hard to meditate. Because to meditate you should have a clear mind. For meditation to start to learn how to meditate you should lay down close your eyes and take some deep breathing to relax the body the mind and soul. While breathing you’ll feel relaxed if you’re doing it right. Start breathing normal and let your mind go. And you should start feeling your body relaxing more and more until you’re meditating. The more you do it the easier it gets until you can meditate anywhere anytime anyplace. If you have any questions please ask. 


How do you discipline your children? You don’t hit them you don’t yell and scream at them and you don’t call them names. But what you can do when they’re in trouble yes have them run that helps them put things into perspective and when they’re done running they will emotionally feel better. Tell them they’ve done a good job and sit down with them and help them see other alternatives that they could’ve used for a better outcome. You can also have them write why they did what they did go over it with them and help them understand a better way to handle the situation. You kind of have to think out-of-the-box. Hurting children’s feelings having The children here their parents putting them down build low self-esteem. And they will think if my parents hate me everybody must hate me. It’ll make the child angry it’ll make the child act out. It will encourage the child to do drugs. The children won’t be able to handle their anger and could kill someone also can become an alcoholic. We all know that we would not like to be put down Beaten are treated badly by our parents. Why do you think parents get mad when children confront them or talk back? Because that’s the way they were taught by their parents. Saying I love you there’s not enough showing I love you by the way I treat you and care for you is love. Raise your children to be proud accomplished and they will be better citizens get really good job and contribute to society. And listen to your children make time they have good ideas as you have good ideas work together as a team laugh have fun with them be proud to be their parent and they will be proud of you. 


Spirits are real they actually exist some people can’t see them. And some people can see them. 


What does love mean to you have you ever sat down and thought about The word love and how do you know when you’re in love? When you have a best friend is that love? If a person treat you really good and you’re dating them is that love? If a person that you’re dating treat you really bad but says they love you is that Love? Love comes in different degrees when you love a friend and you feel really good around them you get really good feelings that’s a form of love. That’s love of another human being a friend. When a person you’re interested in makes you really happy and fine and gives you funny wonderful feelings when that person catches you or smiles at you that’s love that’s the kind of love that you want to say if you want to marry them. A person that hurt you and abuses you and you’re dating them is that love? Absolutely not you do not deserve to be abused in anyway. And the abuser is the one with the problems and you need to get away as fast as you can and don’t look back. Love is one of the most precious gifts that you can give to another person it’s some thing that you don’t give away lightly. So choose carefully and wisely. The last trauma you’re in the better off your mind as for thinking clearly. Do not stay in an abusive relationship. Find a way out get help go to a woman shelter if you’re physically being hurt go to the police. Remember you’re a good person and you deserve the best. 


How do you talk to your children when they do something wrong do you sit there and explain why it was wrong and give them different alternatives to look at to make better choices next time. And let them know that everybody makes mistakes and that’s how we grow by making mistakes and learning how to fix them. And tell them you’re proud of them no matter how old they are. Children no matter how old they are always looking for approval from their parent. It’s important that we never put them down or called them stupid you’ll never learn anything. I’ve told you 1 million times you don’t listen. Some children are Book learners. And others are visual learners. We need to take time with our children so they feel welcome excepted and loved. It can be hard for parents who work but we must learn a way to be able to help them succeed in life. Support your children help their minds grow. Feed them the best food you can for their minds to develop properly. Give them a reason to feel good about themselves. So they have a better chance of staying off of drugs. Teach them to love and respect themselves. 


How do you look at our country at this point? So many of us believe that our country does not look strong like it used to. Most people feel it was wrong to pull out and leave all those people to the mercy of the Taliban. For 20 years we protected them. Show them a new way of life. Gave them a purpose to hope for a better life and for a while they achieved a better life. We gave women power. Let them own their own business.  And that’s all been taken away now. They are being brutally destroyed. They no longer have any say in their life. They are under total control they can’t think for themselves. OK I will be able to help them again? I think not. It’s so sad what happened to those poor people. 


Have you ever noticed how much our pets love us. And they try to please us. Our pets want to please us. The dog forms a strong attachment to its human owner. The dog will try to please the owner. And the owner loves a dog and takes really good care of they are dog they’ll play with the dog feed the dog water the dog walk the dog swim with the dogs have a really good time with the dog. But there are some dogs that aren’t so lucky. They get a Abusive owners. That hit them and kick them and start them and time up and leave them tampon by the side of the road and these poor animals are scared lonely and there left to die. Luckily for a lot of dogs there are humans that help them and try to change the environment in which they came from. Some dogs are going to trust again and be good dogs. And someone’s no matter how hard you try they’ve been hurt too badly emotionally so sadly a lot of put to sleep. There are so many good people trying to help these animals and I say keep up the good work it’s worth it for these dogs they deserve a break they deserve to be happy to. Please take some dog food to a shelter near you. Thank you. 


The Taliban is going to try very hard to take over the United States. They already have people here that are causing problems and starting a little wars here and there. How long will we be able to hold onto our country? Why would the president tell the Taliban when we were pulling out. Are soldiers New If the Afghan people could fight off the Taliban. They knew they could not. So we should’ve took all of our guns out before we left and not leave them there for them. We should’ve pulled out all the Americans before we said we were going to pull out. But we didn’t. Think about the big picture our sons and daughters are going to have to go to war again at some point. I hope our government is prepared to go to war against the Taliban and the other organizations that they recruited. Be careful. Don’t forget we’ve had acts of terrorism often on for quite a while now be safe. 


Where is all the violence coming from ? Have you ever thought about the root of the problem? There are some of us that just want to Live peacefully. And there are others that want to cause chaos. There are organizations that just want to control everyone no matter what it takes. They want to tell you how to think feel and what to do. And it’s up to you how you deal with it. You can go along with them or fight back. Everyone Has to make that choice for them. You have to look deep in your soul to find the answer for you. You may not come up with the same answer as some of your friends. And that’s when you have to stand for yourself are given In. What kind of person are you? 


Pulling out of Afghan was not done properly. We never should of told the Taliban when we were pulling out of the country we defended for 20 years. We made a very public withdrawal from the country. It gave the Taliban a window to get ready and take over. As they did take over. The poor people are so scared for their families and them selves. They were afraid to fight the Taliban because in their hearts they knew they wouldn’t win. So they did what they did to try for some kind of peace. But the Taliban will turn on them it’s just a matter of time. The Taliban already has people here starting some problems. It is only going to get worse and not better. Worse and may never be better as we know it. Pray for the trapped people


Why are there so many murder why is there so much unrest in this society what is going on have you ever thought about it and now children are getting hurt and killed by since lunch violence drive-by shootings why? Just because somebody upset somebody gave somebody the finger while they were driving or yelled at someone our tempers are so short that we have to kill someone to get even. Think about why what’s your opinion ? Let me hear from you. Can you answer the question why


It’s really hard to be a homeless person. Sleeping behind a bush in a doorway anywhere you can fine to lay down to sleep. Some homeless people have pets. To give them comfort most homeless people find it hard to find food and water to drink. The weather can be really bad sleeping outside living outside the rain the intense heat the cold and the rain and the wind can make it difficult to live outside. Most homeless people have lost their homes and their jobs. They don’t wanna be homeless but they feel helpless. They don’t wash very often and they don’t wash their clothes very often because it’s hard to find money to do those things. Which makes finding a job difficult. They need help so many people walk by them like they’re invisible. But they’re human beings just like the rest of us. We could be in their position but thank God we’re not. We should all get a kind helping hand. Think of the children that are homeless they do their homework in the street they don’t have a room and a desk or a kitchen table to do their homework from they have street lights and sidewalks to do their homework on. We’re all human beings we need to help each other. These kids go to school sometimes and dirty clothes not having any soap to wash their body or their hair. Other kids laugh at them and bully them. Is this the kind of world we want to live in? I hope the answer is no. This is one of the reasons why there’s so much trouble in our country. Please help make this place a better place to live. Women and get r***d please stop that from happening. 


Did you know that being gay is not a choice. It’s the way you’re born. We should never put down a person who is gay. Or try to change them. You won’t be able to succeed. They are who they are. People who are gay are just as good as everybody else. We should open our hearts and our minds and let them in. Times are changing and being gay is more acceptable than it ever has before. When you open your heart to gay people you will find them intelligent friendly funny loving caring and nurturing. I have an adopted son who is gay and I am very proud of him he’s not afraid to love and he is able to be loved. 


Do you know what energy is for people energy is the feeling you get energy makes you feel happy and excited and and lack of energy can make you feel down depressed tired and sometimes cranky. So it’s important to keep your energy levels as high as you can. I have a good thoughts by taking care of yourself by looking the best you can. You can test where your energy level is think about somebody that you haven’t heard from in a long time. See how long it takes for them to pick up your energy and get a hold of you. And you would think I was just thinking about you the other day. That is your energy reaching another persons energy and the end result would be they would get a hold of you. Try it out for yourself. Energy makes us feel thank move from one place to another. So keep your energy level high and create good things around you. People with real high energy are the ones that are succeeding in life because they’re connecting their energy with other people and the people are responding because it’s good energy. People with medium energy can still make it but it’s a little harder because the energy level is not up to hi energy. So try it out see what happens remember energy is power. 


It is so hard to be a single parent and raise children on your own. You have to be a mother and a father for the child. It’s not easy being a woman and trying to teach your sons to be men. It’s not easy being a father and teaching your daughter how to grow up to be women. You should teach them love respect and understanding. There are a lot of men that do that. But there are a lot of men that don’t know how. Boys that were raised with mothers only can be more compassionate and willing to listen and understand their wife. And their children. Children who were raised with just their fathers some of The children will find it a little hard to show love and affection. Because boys and men are supposed to be strong and protect their sisters and their families. Which means boys process things differently than girls. The best way for kids is to have both parents so they can hopefully see a balance of give-and-take and what role the mother has and what role the father Has.  A lot of single parents do great jobs and have great kids. We need to thank the parents for doing a great job. And parents didn’t find it too hard find role models of the opposite s*x to help your child understand what being a woman or being a man means. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help that’s what smart people do it means success. 


Did you know that no one dies before their time. It’s a hard concept to understand. We don’t like to see our loved ones and friends die. We feel a loss and a helpless feeling of never seeing them again. A life without them turns into a struggle missing the feelings and emotions that you had with them. And when it’s not time to die you won’t. Example a lot of people have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s a real long way down to the water. I was told when you hit the water it’s like hitting glass. A lot of people die jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. But there are also a lot of people that live and that’s because it’s not their time to die. People getting car accident and people say I don’t know how that person walked away they should’ve been killed look at how the car looks. And other people will die from the same kind of accident because it was their time. Think about what I said


Sometimes people fall off the path of life. And find themselves not where they want to be. Problems with drugs alcohol and even abusing other people. These kind of things happen to a lot of people. But that does not mean that their life will be full of drugs alcohol and abuse. A lot of people will find themselves and get the strength it takes to change their lives.  and become productive human beings. The path may be long in recovery but it’s worth it. There are a lot of people that will change on their own because of their beliefs. And because they really want to make a change in their lives. We should all support these people and their changes and be proud of them for having the courage to change. A lot of people that change become counselors to those who have not changed yet. 


It is time for all the good people in the world to have some fun. Take a break enjoy your family and all your friends. Life is too short not to have any fun. Plan a fun trip with just family our family and friends. Talk about the fun times from the past. Talk about fun things that everybody wants to do in the future. Make new friends along the way. Try new things don’t be afraid it could be a fun adventure. Treat yourself to some fun. 


The nicest gift one person can give to another as friendship love and respect. Love is more than just a spoken word love without action doesn’t mean much. By action I mean showing love showing respect showing understanding. Friendship and love are very important. Without friendship with your love the relationship will not last. Two people in love support each other and the things that they do. They also take time to understand the other persons point of view. And if they don’t understand they’re allowed to ask questions. Remember and love friendship and respect or extremely important. So remember when you say I love you make sure you have love respect and understanding from The one you love. Do you want your relationship to last forever. 


Have you ever just taken time to sit down and look at your life? Are you truly satisfied with the direction your life is going? If the answer is no now’s the time to look within yourself and start putting your dreams to work. Such as wanting to be a therapist now is the time to put your thoughts in action make your dream come true it’s up to you to step forward and put actions to your thoughts. Don’t let anyone stop you from getting your dream. If you need help call me I’m here for you. Life is what you make it the choice is yours. Let me know what you think


Have you ever looked at the animals on Facebook? If you had watch the animals you would see unconditional love. You would say such things as decks feeding fish different types of animals taking care of each other. It didn’t matter what kind of animal it is. They just knew they needed help. So they jumped in and helped. A cat feeding baby rabbits. A horse hugging another horse at the neck. Why can’t we all get along and help each other because they need it. We need to get on track and help each other out. Let me know what you think. Let’s stop hurting each other. Let love rule. Our hearts. We all need compassion and love. 


Have you ever looked inside yourself and said why don’t people like me what am I doing wrong? Is it me that’s doing something wrong? Aren’t I picking the wrong kind of people to be my friend?  people are nice to me to my face. That behind my back it seems to be people talk about me. This kind of situation happens a lot to a lot of people. Some people figure it out and it stops happening. And they get lifelong friends. And there are other people that don’t figure it out. And they stagger through life trying to figure it out. Remember we are all here to do the best that we can do in life and when things hold us back we need to figure out the answer and sometimes we need help. So give me a call and we can figure it out each person is an individual each person has their own path. Let me know what you think. 


There are so many children both male and female that are being mo**sted. They’re not telling anybody because they’re afraid. A pe*****le that’s a person who mo**st children. Will be friend a child get them to trust them(pe*****le). And start mo**sting them. It can happen anywhere anytime you could be in the house with the pe*****le and he or she could be mo**sting your child without your knowledge. One way you can tell if your child’s been hurt and that way the way they act they can become withdrawn angry moody depressed develop eating disorder cutting themselves. Now that does not mean that everybody with these problems have been mo**sted. There are other things to look forward to children being afraid to be around the same s*x as the perpetrator. Don’t want to be touched. Are get close. If you look in their eyes they look distant if these things should happen and you feel your child’s been mo**sted you need to contact the police. Let them investigate it. And find a therapist for you and your child. It’s a very delicate balance to get the children back on the right track. Let me know your opinion on this very delicate subject. Peace love and happiness to everyone. 


Would you know if someone was following you to kidnap you or rob you of your money are jewelry?…. Most people wouldn’t pay attention and they could become a victim of a crime. When you walk out your front door you should pause for a moment and look around you always have to be aware of your surroundings you look for anything that seems out of place. You could walk down the street and someone would jump out of a car and rob you. And these kind of cases one thing to do is to not walk close to the curb walk closer towards the building look for doors that you could talk into and close. If you’re going to be attacked you yell a lot of times that makes the perpetrator run the other way. If they try to take your belongings don’t fight because you could get very badly hurt. Let the possessions go. Remember you’re more important than the things that the robber wants. When you’re in a store and you see that someone is watching you a lot that’s a warning sign. Go to the store manager and let them know so they can keep a watch on that person. They all do you are the more vulnerable you are so you should try to have a younger person go with you when you’re out. Remember try to go on a group. Remember you want to stay alive and you want to come out of it unharmed.  remember you are very important and you want to be as healthy and safe as you can be. 

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