Tess Johnson Lactation Services

"Mom and Baby's Best Friend, Mother Earth's Best Ally." The Lactation Consultant in Fresno who makes house calls!

See Tess's website at www.tjlactation.com to learn more about the services and products offered to the families of Fresno and Clovis.


Hi, Moms! I just found out about a local support group opportunity and thought I'd share it here. It can be great to make connections with others on a similar journey.

SECURE MY SPOT! – Fresno, CA. Doula Training for Comfort Connection and Care Using the Rebozo – 5614 N Fresno St #110 Fresno CA 10/05/2023

Hello, friends! If any of you are thinking of pursuing a pathway in childbirth support/doula work, or have already embarked on this journey, this course is a fantastic way to learn, grow, and open your heart and mind to the wonders of birth. Gena is an extraordinary instructor and mentor, with a wealth of experience and knowledge. The date is coming up quickly, so please jump on this opportunity right away if you're interested! :)

SECURE MY SPOT! – Fresno, CA. Doula Training for Comfort Connection and Care Using the Rebozo – 5614 N Fresno St #110 Fresno CA Join Gena Garcia Kirby for a full day of instruction, laughs and tears. This workshop is unconventional - fun, silly, surprisin...


Happy World Breastfeeding Week!


Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2023!


You love them with a heart that was awakened in the moment when you first held the notion of being their mom. You have held steady--and always will--side by side with them, through the good, the bad, and all of the in-between, because you want them to know *always* that they're not walking this great earth alone. When they need you, you find an energy that you didn't even know you had five seconds earlier, and if need be, you'll find a little more. When they share their big news with you, find your eyes with theirs, or hug you with the arms of "I Love You, Mom," your heart skips a little beat and grows a bit stronger. You'll always be theirs, and they'll always be yours. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who love with a mother's heart! 💖 Feel free to post your family photos below!


Just wanted to share this beautiful writing about motherhood. Very relatable!

Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night and it’s cold and your diaper feels heavy. And there are so many strange sounds all around you, and it’s dark and scary. And you get a hit in your head and it’s your hand that’s on its own adventure. And you can’t control it at all and it flings itself around and scratches your face and pulls at your hair. And your legs start kicking off the duvet, even though you’re cold as it is and you try to make it stop but they have their own will. And so you’re lying there completely helpless with flailing limbs that want to do everything, but none of the things you want.

And you can’t find mom. And you call for her and you find yourself feeling really scared. What if your beloved mom doesn’t come for you. You can’t imagine anything worse and you start to cry because you miss her so terribly. You have never felt as alone as this very moment.

And then she is suddenly there. Standing right by your bed and looking at you with worry and love. And she is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. And you grin up at her with happiness and relief. You don’t think you’ve ever felt as happy as this very moment.

And she picks you up and holds you close. And she smells like herself, and also a bit like you. Like milk and safety and love. And it’s the best smell in the whole entire world.

And she is warm and safe and soft and her hands caress you and she feeds you and hums your favourite tune. And you love her voice. You’ve known it far longer than you’ve really known her. It has lulled you to sleep and made you laugh and calmed you when you were distressed. It is the most beautiful voice in the whole entire world.

And you get to lie right up against her and you feel your entire body start to warm up again. And your still cold hand starts stroking her and moves up towards her neck and accidentally scratches her. Stupid uncontrollable hand. But mom doesn’t get angry. She takes your stupid hand in hers and it turns all warm again. And this is the best feeling in the world. Right here in mommy’s arms, with your hand in hers. Even the diaper doesn’t feel as horrible anymore.

And you feel your eyes getting heavy and you know that everything is okay now cause mommy is here. Your mom. Your wonderful, incredible mom who always looks after you. Night and day.

You look up at her one last time before you fall asleep. She looks tired and her eyes are closed, and yet she is still the most magnificent thing you know. How amazing that she wants to sit here with you in this moment. How amazing that she will always sit with you for a bit when you need her to.

You smile to yourself. How lucky you were that she became your mom. The most perfect mom anyone could have asked for.
You knew, even before you saw her, that she would be the best thing in the world.

Oh how you love her. Your mom.❤️
Words by: The Mommy Poet


Today, somewhere in the midst of the busy-ness of business, fielding calls and questions, I became aware that it's IBCLC Day, and I couldn't be more pleased. 😊 I'm always so grateful to have found this profession! Yes, I get to "play with babies" all day, but it's so much more than that. It's the moments spent in supportive silence with a mother who is processing the fact that her milk production isn't quite where we need it to be, and helping her view a new version of her feeding relationship with her baby--still beautiful and successful, but different. It's the celebration of milestones met, after weeks of work, with a parent who once thought the goals were out of reach. It's watching the peaceful slumber of a baby well-fed, nestled in their happy place, "living their best life!" The journey of an IBCLC is rich with stories, all of which have a chance to influence the next. Each of your stories fuels my passion to continue on. It may sound cliché to say, but I'm honored-- truly-- to be an IBCLC, knowing that this title brings me into your homes during one of life's most treasured times. Thank you all, and Happy IBCLC Day! Feel free to share your stories below. You never know who you might inspire!


As we begin to set our footing firmly here in 2023, I find myself looking back at 2022 with gratitude. Thanks to all of you moms who have shown me your strength and grit, your pure devotion to your little ones, and your love for nature's most perfect food: breastmilk! I know the road isn't always smooth. I know the nights can feel endless. I know that we all carry a bit of self-doubt tucked away in our carry-on bag, but we do our best to press on and rise above that doubt for the good of our families. Kudos to ALL of you parents who give your best to your children, not only by feeding them with care, but in countless other ways, too. It matters! It all really matters. If your babies are too young to thank you, well, let me be first in line to remind you that your loving dedication to your families is a gift to everyone. So,...thank you!! I appreciate each one of you!

Photos from Tess Johnson Lactation Services's post 08/02/2022

In honor of , let's tell some stories! Tell me about the most challenging PLACE you've ever nursed, or an awkward circumstance.
I'll start: it was my oldest daughter's baptism, and we're in a church, surrounded by family and friends. The priest is working through the prayers that lead up to the moment when holy water will be poured over her head, but before we even get that far, she starts crying very loudly. Within seconds, it's full-on "purple cry" mode! We try passing her from one pair of arms to another, everyone trying to calm her. Bouncing, rocking, even a pacifier, but the cries just get louder. None of us can hear a word Fr. Dennis is saying, until he finally yells out over her screams: "You can feed her now! We'll wait!" So, I'm scanning the church for any seat that might not feel like we're under a spotlight, but beggars can't be choosers, so I go with the closest spot I can find. Never have I latched a baby on as fast as I did that day. I took a few deep breaths begging my letdown to show up NOW so she wouldn't start up again. And I almost didn't care that everyone was staring at us, (but trying not to stare,) because the magic milk did its trick! She was a much calmer little babe after that feeding, and somehow, we finished the ceremony! (*whew*!) I'm pretty sure Fr. D rushed through a few parts, but eventually the water got poured! Haha

P.S. This adorable, crying daughter of mine turns 29 years old tomorrow! Happy early birthday to my Genevieve!

Okay, your turn. Share your stories here, moms! Surely someone else has had an awkward or challenging feeding or two... And Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2022!


Happy to all of my FB friends, near and far!! This year's theme looks at our need to to protect, promote, and support families who breastfeed across all levels of society. As I drive around the Central Valley🚗, I'm aware that I'm just one link in the of support for breastfeeding moms. Locally, we have some really great pediatricians, doulas, nurses, dentists, and WIC reps who work hard everyday to provide education, empowerment, and breastfeeding-friendly spaces for families in the Valley. Who else has helped you on your breastfeeding journeys, moms? Where have you found support along the way? What can you tell me about your breastfeeding experiences? Please feel free to share below, and let's celebrate all week together!


I'm delighted to share this opportunity with all of my amazing over-producers out there! This is your chance to clear some freezer space and to truly help some babies who are in desperate need.❤️
This milk donation event is sponsored by my friends at St. Agnes, and is a wonderful way to honor World Breastfeeding Month. (August, 2022)


Happy Mother's Day, mommies! I love this quote from Mother Teresa because it really expresses to me the underlying theme of motherhood. Do small things with great love. Okay! I can do that! ♡ MT may not have been a biological mother, but she sure seemed to understand what the role asks of us!

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Free Maternal Mental Health Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 05/06/2022

Happy Mother's Day weekend, everyone! I would like to share with all of you what looks to be a wonderful opportunity for anyone who has an interest in learning more about postpartum mental health. One of the mothers that I've enjoyed working with shared this information with me, and I'm passing it along because it looks like such a great offering. This webinar is free to attend, although evidently, there's a place to offer a donation if you choose. I hope some of you can take advantage of this!♡♡♡ https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctcemorD8pGNd5wu9-0rcT8ZQsBK-yPruv%C2%A0

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Free Maternal Mental Health Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Join this live webinar to learn and ask questions about Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. This is a free webinar, however donations are being accepted via venmo (-In-Process). A portion of donations will go toward Postpartum Support International's Climb Out of the Darkness. https://www.po...

Photos from Tess Johnson Lactation Services's post 08/07/2021

Come on out to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week with us! First raffle prize was just given away, but there's more to come and plenty of time to get here!


You are invited to attend the Breastfeeding Awareness Health Fair/Drive-Thru event held tomorrow on Saturday, 8/7/21 at West Fresno Regional Center (142 E. California Ave., Fresno, CA 93706) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The Breastfeeding Awareness Health Fair/Drive-Thru event is to celebrate and support breastfeeding moms and families during World Breastfeeding Week. The event is free to the public. Come and visit to learn more about community resources, light refreshments provided, and prize giveaways. Food bags will be given out one per car or one per family (while supplies last).


High five! 🖐 It's World Breastfeeding Week!


Better check with the boss before you start talking about weaning! Right, Moms?😂 Happy World Breastfeeding Week!


Hey, Mom, need any help? 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂😂
Happy WBW!


Good morning, dear ones! Today is August 1st, and as such, WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK is officially upon us! I thought we might take this time to revisit a few gems from the past that help us celebrate the magical power otherwise known as breastfeeding. I hope you enjoy!


Hello to all of my Central Valley families. This coming week, August 1-7, is World Breastfeeding Week, and you're invited to this year's drive thru celebration!! 🚗🎊🚕🎊🚓🎊🚗🎊🚚🎊🚙🎊🚜🎊Please check it out and join in if you can. This year's worldwide theme is "Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility." When we all support one another, breastfeeding can work its magic in the world. (Fabulous immunity, immeasurable family bonding, optimal growth and development, etc. etc. etc.) All I can add to that is: "Hooray for breastfeeding!"


Happy Father's Day to all of you diaper-changing, baby-cuddling, mama-loving DADS! You know your families need you in a million different ways, but did you ever realize how much your breastfed babies need you? I've seen first hand the many ways you support those little ones: sometimes you're the one to make the call for lactation help in the first place. Often you're there to burp, snuggle, and change while Mom and I review some latch details. And sometimes you're the extra pair of eyes and ears during the consult so that Mom doesn't have to worry about remembering everything. You'll dash to the store for last minute supplies, sneak a glass of cold water into her hands, or keep her calm when things feel overwhelming. Thank you for all you do, dads! Today's your day!!

Volleyball coach barred from tournament due to breastfeeding infant 05/17/2021

This is the sort of thing that makes my blood boil, and I'm not a person who's easily angered. What's especially frustrating is the way, in this case, a set of "private" rules set by a "private event" director, appear to supersede the public laws that were enacted to protect breastfeeding moms and babes in public spaces. I sincerely hope the Volleyball community can either talk some reason into this tournament director, or that teams will take their business elsewhere. I'm trying not to see this as a huge step backwards into archaic times, but it's hard to feel that progress has been made when this kind of exclusion can take place.

Volleyball coach barred from tournament due to breastfeeding infant The coach said she couldn't believe it when the tournament director told her she could not attend the tournament with her breastfeeding infant.


Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommies who have given so much of yourselves to your babies! May your roots be strong to hold your family firmly in place during the windy seasons of life. May your branches outstretch far and wide, as shelter and shade for them, but also as a grand display of the beauty that is uniquely yours. May your voice be as soft and comforting to your children as leaves rustling in a soft breeze. And may your babies, as they grow, grace and color the world around you in the way that blossoms and leaves do when they part from the stem. Have a beautiful day, Moms!


Hey Mommies, Raise your hand if you're feeling a tad isolated these days and could really benefit from a little Mom to Mom Support Group meeting soon! How about this coming Friday afternoon around 1 o'clock? Are you free to hop online and join this wonderful, encouraging WARM CIRCLE of FRIENDSHIP? If so, message me and I'll send you the link to our meeting. I'm pumped to see how everyone's doing, and just to see if we might all be able to help each other feel a little more connected.

Central Valley Lactation Conference 2021 03/25/2021

There's a great lactation event coming up in April--I just registered!

Central Valley Lactation Conference 2021 At Zoom Friday, April 16, 2021 at 8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time


Raise your hand if you're feeling ready for some encouraging mom-to-mom support! 🙋🏼‍♀️Our BF Moms Warm Circle of Friendship will be meeting(virtually) this coming Saturday, March 20th, at NOON, so message me if you'd like the link. 🌸
You're welcome in this sweet little group whether you've nursed 1 day or 500, and whether you're breastfeeding, pumping, or expecting a babe and just want to learn. Talking things over with other moms can be a game changer, so join us!💖


Today is a special day!! I'm sure you all had this circled in GOLD on your calendars, but just in case you didn't, it's IBCLC Day! Thanks to all of you wonderful families, my workdays are happy days!

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