Central Valley CCW, Fresno, CA Videos

Videos by Central Valley CCW in Fresno. I am an active POST fi****ms instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer and were Veteran owned. We provid

Other Central Valley CCW videos

Getting ready for Dove season

Another successful recert class! Always an adventure.

Private classes, yeah we do that. Awesome firearms 101 for Mom and her kids today! No guns, no worries! We have you covered.

Private classes, yeah we do that. Awesome firearms 101 for Mom and her kids today! No guns, no worries! We have you covered.

What a way to beat the heat, or just deal with it, as the military learned me, “embrace the suck!” Got it done! Great class! Thanks for coming out!

Come out and say Hi USCCA/ Law-Enforcement Event out at Fresno Sheriff new building -subdivision 2 Happening 9-3pm today

A solid range day always followed by by a solid cleaning session. Keep ‘em clean and ready!

Not a bad day for class!

Little trigger time on the old 44 mag

Sometimes it’s more than a CCW class!

Police Academy Prep

Police academy Prep classes available on request.