Vandeventer Middle School Band, Frisco, TX Videos

Videos by Vandeventer Middle School Band in Frisco. We are the Vandeventer Viking Band. This account is not monitored by Frisco ISD or VMS Admin.

Vandeventer Drum Line premieres Groove 4

Other Vandeventer Middle School Band videos

Vandeventer Drum Line premieres Groove 4

Vandeventer drum line performs Norse Code

A little bit of warm up before the judges evaluation.

Vandeventer Viking band earns superior ratings at the pride of Texas music festival. Congratulations beginner band members on a job well done!@friscofinearts; @friscoisd; #elevate; #fisdfineartsleads.

Here is a portion of the Brazilian ensemble performance.

My heart is full.

Middle school night!!

Sometimes it’s not the notes and rhythms that need to be practiced. #danceandhavefuntonorsecode