Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center at St. Michael, Frostburg, MD Videos

Videos by Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center at St. Michael in Frostburg. JDJECC provides an opportunity for your child to develop spiritually, intellectually, and socially.

The children singing Jingle Bells at their recent Christmas concert. Merry Christmas Eve! #GoWalsh #a#AOBCatholicSchools Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

Other Jennifer Dunn Jones Early Childhood Center at St. Michael videos

The children singing Jingle Bells at their recent Christmas concert. Merry Christmas Eve! #GoWalsh #a#AOBCatholicSchools Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

Great job everyone! #jdjecc #AOBCatholicSchools #GoWalsh Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

The Spartans released their last Monarch Butterfly. So exciting! #jdjecc #AOBCatholicSchools #GoWalsh Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools

Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless you and keep you safe over the holiday.

Stop drop and roll!

Making a rainbow with skittles

Getting ready for heart healthy week