Jason Kruse - Turfgrass Scientist, Gainesville, FL Videos

Videos by Jason Kruse - Turfgrass Scientist in Gainesville. I am an associate professor in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florid

Overseeded bermudagrass

Here’s a quick peek at a couple overseeding trials that we are running right now. Couldn’t have picked a better winter to look at the aesthetic benefits of overseeding bermudagrass!

Other Jason Kruse - Turfgrass Scientist videos

Overseeded bermudagrass
Here’s a quick peek at a couple overseeding trials that we are running right now. Couldn’t have picked a better winter to look at the aesthetic benefits of overseeding bermudagrass!

Overseeded bermudagrass
Here’s a quick peek at a couple overseeding trials that we are running right now. Couldn’t have picked a better winter to look at the aesthetic benefits of overseeding bermudagrass!