Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville (UUFG), Gainesville, FL Videos

Videos by Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville (UUFG) in Gainesville. We are a diverse religious community committed to lifelong spiritual growth and compassionate service to each other, our communities, and the earth.

We have been closely monitoring the weather with respect to tonight's live music by Larry Newcomb Trio featuring Decyo McDuffie, and it is looking increasingly like we will need to move it indoors to avoid the rain.

But the show will begin at 6pm as planned!

Please be prepared to mask and physically distance within our indoor spaces per the current UUFG safety guidelines, and there are many covered areas on our patio and around our courtyard in case you wish to remain outdoors (if you do remain outdoors, please bring a camp chair and bundle up!). Hope to see you tonight!

Other Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville (UUFG) videos

We have been closely monitoring the weather with respect to tonight's live music by Larry Newcomb Trio featuring Decyo McDuffie, and it is looking increasingly like we will need to move it indoors to avoid the rain. But the show will begin at 6pm as planned! Please be prepared to mask and physically distance within our indoor spaces per the current UUFG safety guidelines, and there are many covered areas on our patio and around our courtyard in case you wish to remain outdoors (if you do remain outdoors, please bring a camp chair and bundle up!). Hope to see you tonight!

Here is a message from UUFG's RELATE team member Samara Powers about our transition to "in person" activities at UUFG. Also, don't forget that on Friday evening, October 22, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, you're invited to a Courtyard Café, featuring music by Cathey DeWitt! Please bring your own snack and beverage of choice as well as your own folding chair if you wish for this outdoor event!

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
UUFG member Erin Parish is in our Fellowship’s virtual pulpit this Sunday, as she explores this month’s Touchstone theme of “reverence.” Jeff Stevens serves as worship associate. Heather Arata provides our story for all ages, and prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at around 10:50am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday Oct 3, 2021
Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship's virtual pulpit as they explore this month’s Touchstone theme of “reverence” and our relationship with animals. Liz Stewart serves as worship associate. Heather Arata provides our story for all ages, and prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at around 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday Sept 26, 2021
Social Justice and Spiritual Practice Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship's virtual pulpit as they and our Worship Team explore how our commitment to Social Justice informs our spiritual practice. Erin Parish serves as worship associate. Heather Arata provides our story for all ages, and prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at around 10:50 am. Special musical guests: Amanda M. Thomas, Unfolding & Sarah Jebian. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Jeff Stevens reads "The Way Things Should"
Jeff Stevens reads "The Way Things Should" - a poem by Daniel Ledinsky inspired by the work of MeMewlana Jalaluddin Rumi.

Test Broadcast
Live from UUFG, it's Rev. Christe Lunsford!

Sunday Sept 19, 2021
This Sunday, our service features a celebration of Mabon, a pagan festival to give thanks to nature or Mother Earth for a good harvest. Jeff Stevens serves as worship associate. Heather Arata provides our story for all ages, and prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at around 10:50 am. This Sunday we also "Share the Plate" with Bread of the Mighty Food Bank. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday Sept 12, 2021
This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship’s virtual pulpit — their sermon title is “Happy New Year!” Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Special musical guest Wendel Werner and the UUFG choir. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday Sept 5, 2021
This Sunday, our Fellowship’s Social Justice Council presents a service exploring Affordable Housing in Alachua County. We welcome Gainesville City Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker to our Fellowship’s virtual pulpit and interview Geneva Webb, Pineridge Community Center Director. Erin Parish serves as worship associate with assistance from Kirsten Flamand. Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday August 29, 2021
This Sunday, UUFG’s Worship Team facilitates our online service. Alder MoonOak provides the sermon as we conclude our exploration of “Communion,” this month’s Touchstone theme. Mary Anthony serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday August 22, 2021
This Sunday, Samara Powers is in our virtual pulpit as we continue exploring this month's Touchstone theme of Communion. Her sermon is An Open Letter to my Unmasked Beloveds. Liz Stewart serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday August 15, 2021
This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our virtual pulpit as we continue exploring this month's Touchstone theme of Communion. We also “Share the Plate” this Sunday with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Erin Parish serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Sunday August 8, 2021
This Sunday, our service is provided by our Religious Education program as we incorporate video from our Saturday's Backpack and Briefcase ritual. Mary Anthony serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892​​

Sunday August 1, 2021
This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in the Fellowship's virtual pulpit as we begin our exploration of this month's Touchstone theme of Communion. This morning we will be celebrating Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, the ancient Pagan harvest festival giving thanks for the earth’s bounty. Jeff Stevens serves as worship associate and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins around 10:50 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892​​

Sunday July 25,2021
This Sunday, Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson is in our Fellowship's virtual pulpit as we continue our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of "Journey.” Erin Parish serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Fall 2021 Religious Education at our Fellowship
This fall, we're excited to offer religious education for all age groups - from preschool to elders. In this video, Rev. Christe Lunsford and Heather Ararta, our Director of LIfespan Faith Development, take you on a tour of these offerings. We hope you find a class that interests you! For more more information, please contact our office at [email protected].

Sunday July 18, 2021
This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship’s virtual pulpit, as we continue our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of “Journey.” Samara Powers serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892​​

Sunday July 11, 2021
This Sunday, Rev. Christe Lunsford is in our Fellowship's virtual pulpit as we begin our exploration of this month’s Touchstone theme of "Journey.” Liz Stewart serves as worship associate, and Heather Arata provides our story for all ages. Prelude music by Dr. Thomas Royal begins at 10:50 am. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE #A​​​-700000 CCS PROFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast #10892

Soul Care - Liz Stewart
Our theme this month is "Care of the Soul." But, wait. What is this "Soul" we're talking about? A meditation by Liz Stewart...